Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 116 Preliminary trust, He Jincheng encountered a strange disease

Chapter 116 Preliminary trust, He Jincheng encountered a strange disease
After waiting for more than ten seconds, seeing that Zhang Junwu's face was flushed, He Jincheng took out the silver needle, and rubbed the acupuncture points on his back a few times.


Zhang Junwu breathed out a long breath, and he felt extremely relaxed and comfortable.

"Doctor Wang, this technique of yours is really amazing, it just made me feel so comfortable in just 2 minutes!"

At first Zhang Junwu really felt very uncomfortable, but after He Jincheng took off the silver needle, he immediately relaxed.

"It's okay, it's okay, this is just a preliminary treatment, and a period of drug treatment will be needed next, so it's better for Director Zhang to be patient!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Hahaha, no problem, Doctor Wang, I can definitely trust your medical skills. I have never seen such a miraculous Chinese medicine practitioner like you!"

Zhang Junwu laughed loudly.

After he stood up and moved his body, he felt extremely comfortable. His previous fatigue and fatigue were gone, as if he had become several years younger.

"As long as Director Zhang feels better, this is the next prescription, so I don't need to help Director Zhang get the medicine!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, no problem, I'll let someone arrest me, doctor Wang has such advanced medical skills, where can I get better?"

Zhang Junwu accepted the prescription with a smile, and then invited He Jincheng to sit down and chat.

"I travel all over the world, and the diseases I see are all due to fate!"

Of course, He Jincheng would not reveal his true identity, so he made a fool of himself.

"It turned out to be a reclusive expert. The ancients said that the great hermit lives in the city, and it is true. Isn't Doctor Wang just a miracle doctor hidden in the folk!"

Zhang Junwu said with a smile, and couldn't help but praise He Jincheng again.

He Jincheng has long been immune to these flattery words.

In my previous life, as a top doctor in the world, I heard more flattering words than Zhang Junwu said.

"By the way, Doctor Wang, you cured my illness. I have to thank you! Here is 2000 yuan, which is considered as the consultation fee for this time. I hope Doctor Wang will not think too little!"

Zhang Junwu suddenly thought of something, then got up and took out a handful of Da Tuan from the safe in the corner of the office, and put it on the coffee table.

"Director Zhang, what are you doing? I, Wang San, can't afford to pay so much for my medical practice!"

He Jincheng immediately stood up, waved his hand and said.

"Where's the word, I, Zhang Junwu, am not the kind of person who is ungrateful. Please accept this little thing. As a genius doctor, how can I not have a little trouble?"

Zhang Junwu said very grandly.


"Okay, Doctor Wang, don't refuse. I hope that we will be good brothers in the future. I should be a few years older than you, so I will call myself a big brother. Brother, I have been exhausted recently, and I may still need Brother Wang." You just need to take care of it!"

Zhang Junwu waved his hand and interrupted He Jincheng.

He Jincheng thought to himself, you are exhausted physically and mentally, you are thinking about how to deal with our Pingyao winery!
However, even though he guessed what Zhang Junwu was thinking, He Jincheng couldn't see through it.

Getting close to Zhang Junwu is only the first step. What needs to be done next is to collect evidence of Zhang Junwu's violations of law and discipline, and then hand it over to Chen Fasheng. By then, the Daqu Distillery will be doomed.

If you are not benevolent, don't expect others to show loyalty to you!

If Zhang Junwu just made a small move, He Jincheng would not bother at all.

Two employees were injured, one of them was seriously injured, which touched He Jincheng's bottom line.

"Okay, I won't be impolite, brother. I'll come back for a follow-up visit after Brother Zhang takes your medicine for a few days!"

He Jincheng accepted the 2000 yuan with a smile, and put it directly into the medical kit.

Next, I need money very much, and the 2000 yuan is better than nothing.

In the evening Zhang Junwu wanted to stay with He Jincheng for dinner. He Jincheng wanted to refuse, but he was afraid that Zhang Junwu would be suspicious, so he agreed.

On the wine table, Zhang Junwu opened his mouth to drink, as if he wanted to see He Jincheng's drinking capacity.

He Jincheng's medical skills can completely keep him from drinking a thousand cups, but in order to get closer to Zhang Junwu, after drinking a whole bottle of liquor, He Jincheng also pretended to be drunk. Let it go and ask someone to send He Jincheng to the guest house.

Early the next morning, He Jincheng left quietly without notifying Zhang Junwu, just like a reclusive expert, quietly.

When Zhang Junwu learned that He Jincheng was missing, his first thought was that the doctor who claimed to be Wang San was a liar.

After trying to use it once, Zhang Junwu gave up the idea.

For no other reason, He Jincheng's prescription worked so well.

Back in Lianhua Village, He Jincheng was going to wait for three to five days. The key point was to get enough evidence when he went to Zhang Junwu for the second time.

Therefore, there is no point in being so anxious, it will only make Zhang Junwu's guard more stringent.

In the past few days, He Jincheng has been sitting in the medical clinic to see a doctor. When he is free, he goes to the medicinal material factory.

For the two injured workers, He Jincheng just took the 2000 yuan as a subsidy to them, and it should be Zhang Junwu's interest.

One day, He Jincheng was sitting in the medical hall arranging medicinal materials, when suddenly several people came carrying a patient.

"Doctor, come and take a look, this man is dying!"

The leader, a middle-aged man with glasses, said loudly as soon as he entered.

He Jincheng was slightly taken aback, and then went to look at the old woman who was carried in. She was sitting on it well, and there was nothing wrong with it. Why didn't she believe it?

But soon, He Jincheng knew what the other party was here for.

This middle-aged man wearing glasses is also a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. His name is Zhang Shunlai. He is a fairly well-known doctor in the next town.

He brought a patient all the way to show him, it was obvious that Zhang Shunlai was worried and kind!
"Okay, put the person down, let me check! What's your problem, ma'am?"

He Jincheng didn't tell the truth either, he happened to be bored, and it would be nice to have some fun.

"Ma'am, I think you look pretty good, and there's nothing wrong with you. What's wrong with you recently?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile.

"I, recently got a strange disease. I can't lie down and sleep. As soon as I lie down, I feel chest tightness and can't breathe, but when I sit up, nothing happens!"

The aunt said very distressed.

At this time, many onlookers came, and they were all surprised when they heard it.

Can't lie down and sleep?This is really the first time I heard it.

But this strange disease is really tormenting. If you can't lie down when you sleep, who can bear it!

You can't sit and sleep all the time, it won't take a few days, I'm afraid you'll be tired and broke your waist!
"Can't lie down and sleep? This...have you eaten badly recently?"

He Jincheng frowned slightly, this kind of illness is very rare.

(End of this chapter)

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