Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 119 The whole village eats meat, He Jincheng gets a clue

Chapter 119 The whole village eats meat, He Jincheng gets a clue
The aunt was left behind and looked at the crowd in a daze.

He Jincheng shook his head with a wry smile, and invited a villager to help him to the station by giving him one dollar.

"Thank you everyone for today. For the 200 yuan, I'm going to buy a pig. Please eat meat!"

He Jincheng smiled and cupped his hands towards the crowd.

The villagers were very happy. Although they said that following He Jincheng to grow medicinal materials and go to work in the factory, the living conditions were better, but such things as eating meat were still rare.

So a villager took the initiative to take on the heavy responsibility of buying pigs, and He Jincheng gave the money to that person without hesitation.

In the evening, the villagers brought a live pig, and then the whole village worked together to slaughter the pig and divide it equally.

The villager who was in charge of slaughtering the pigs also left He Jincheng with the best piece of pork leg, which weighed ten catties.

After all, this pork was bought by He Jincheng, so of course He Jincheng should give priority to it.

Fortunately, Lianhua Village is not very big, there are only forty or fifty households, and pigs of two to three hundred catties are enough for each household to share three or four catties.

On this day, the air in the entire Lianhua Village was filled with the smell of pork.

He Jincheng personally cooks today and made a whole pig feast, braised pork, stewed pork vermicelli, stir-fried pork tenderloin with chili, etc. The whole family ate very happily.

The next day, He Jincheng rode a motorcycle and took Ye Qingmeng to Pingyao Middle School. As soon as he got home, he was called by the village head, saying that he had a phone call.

As He Jincheng walked, he thought, calling himself at this time, it seems that Zhang Junwu should have made progress.

After answering the phone, it was Liu Hao who called, and he said it was Zhang Junwu's business.

Because He Jincheng had concealed his real identity and name before, he told Liu Hao and left his office phone number, so as to avoid exposure.

"Okay Brother Liu, thank you, I will buy you a drink another day!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Okay, you kid hasn't had a drink with me for a long time, are you looking to get rich? It's just right, I also call Shang Qiu Lin, let's have a drink together!"

Liu Hao was very happy.

During this time, not only did He Jincheng's medicinal materials not be delivered to him, but he received a batch of medicinal materials from him, saying that they were going to be processed.

Not only did Liu Hao not refuse this kind of thing, but he was very willing to cooperate.

Because many of the medicinal materials collected by him are unprocessed, the quality will definitely be affected.

He Jincheng only charges some processing fees for helping him process, but the profit can be directly increased by at least half. The benefits generated in these ten days alone are already equivalent to nearly a month's profit of his business.

If you say that you wanted to make friends with He Jincheng before, it was entirely because He Jincheng cured the old man of the He family, thinking that he could gain attention and promotion from the old man.

But now it seems that He Jincheng is worth making friends with.

Regardless of his ability, he also likes to help his friends very much. Once he has the opportunity, he will always think of taking care of his friends first.

Not only did he make some money on his side, but even Qiu Lin from the seed station made a lot of money.

There are more and more medicinal materials being planted in Lianhua Village. Originally, Qiu Lin didn't care much about the income from this area, but this time He Jincheng directly placed an order worth more than 5000 yuan for him.

This immediately made Qiu Lin's seed station rich.

Such a person is not worth making friends with, who is worth it?
After the two agreed, He Jincheng hung up the phone.

After returning home and packing up, I rode a motorcycle to the Daqu Distillery.

When the security guard saw He Jincheng this time, he seemed very enthusiastic.

"Doctor Wang, you are here, Director Zhang is waiting for you in the office!"

He Jincheng nodded with a smile. Last time, the security guard stopped him outside.

It seems that Zhang Junwu's condition has improved, and he has gained some trust in himself, so he specifically told the security guards to let him go when they see him!

When I came to Zhang Junwu's office, he was making tea at the moment.

"Come on, brother Wang, come and taste the tea art I just learned, I feel pretty good about myself!"

Zhang Junwu warmly invited He Jincheng to sit down and poured him a cup of tea for him to taste.

He Jincheng took a sip, nodded slightly, and even said the tea was good.

However, his eyes fell on the tea table that was not there last time.

This is a good thing. It is very valuable at first glance. Huanghuali wood is finely carved and exquisitely crafted.

According to He Jincheng's understanding, the salary of the factory manager Zhang is only more than 500 yuan a month, plus various benefits and the like, I am afraid that it can be counted as 600 yuan at most.

And this tea case, if it is really made of huanghuali, according to the current market price, at least it is worth more than 1 yuan.

Calculated according to the future price, it is equivalent to millions!
Good guy, how can someone with a salary of [-] a month afford such a thing?
He Jincheng immediately thought of a word, bribery!
It seems that Director Zhang does this kind of thing a lot on weekdays.

"Hahaha, I'm just learning this craft, and I'm not yet proficient. Brother Wang, wait a few more days to come over, and I promise to make you come back with a full belly!"

Of course Zhang Junwu didn't know what He Jincheng was thinking, he laughed and said beating.

"Not bad, brother Zhang's disease also requires drinking more tea, but green tea is best, don't drink strong tea!"

He Jincheng nodded with a smile.

Strong tea means strong tea, which is still called by many people in this era.

Strong tea has the effect of refreshing and relieving fatigue, but for people suffering from cardiovascular disease, insomnia and dreaminess, it is a counterproductive effect!

"Hahaha, you know, I know what I'm drinking is green tea! By the way, Brother Wang, you still have to feel my pulse again to see how my recovery is going. There will be a big shot at our factory soon. I came over to inspect, and I will definitely have a drink with me when the time comes, I don't know if I can drink with my situation!"

Zhang Junwu said with a smile.

He Jincheng finally got a piece of useful information.

Since even Zhang Junwu is such a serious leader, he must be a great leader, probably even higher than Chen Fasheng.

However, in this matter, the higher-ranking officials who know the situation, the better, so the winery must always be shut down!

Thinking of this, He Jincheng not only smiled.

After giving Zhang Junwu a pulse, he was indeed more than half healed, so He Jincheng nodded slightly.

"Congratulations, brother Zhang. You can recover after taking at most three more doses of medicine! As for drinking tomorrow, you can also drink, but it's better to drink as little as possible! A little wine is good for you, but a big drink is bad for you!"

He Jincheng instructed, with a very serious and concerned look.

"That's good, I will listen to you, Brother Wang!"

Zhang Junwu looked very happy, nodded and said.

(End of this chapter)

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