Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 120 Find evidence, He Jincheng finally decides

Chapter 120 Find evidence, He Jincheng finally decides

The two drank two small cups and had some snacks in the office.

Half an hour later, He Jincheng proposed a quick-acting method that would allow Zhang Junwu to recover faster.

"Hahaha, Brother Wang, your proposal must be good. If it really makes me recover faster, of course I am willing!"

Zhang Junwu laughed out loud.

"My method is also very simple, that is, you need to use acupuncture to relax your whole body. At most half an hour, Director Zhang will be back to normal!"

He Jincheng nodded and said.

"Okay, okay, then follow your method, brother Wang, let's start now?"

Zhang Junwu was very cooperative. He had absolute trust in He Jincheng's medical skills.

"Okay, let's ask Director Zhang to lie on the sofa!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

According to what He Jincheng said, Zhang Junwu took off his shirt and patted it on the sofa.

He Jincheng took out the silver needle and started acupuncture.

Once the injection was given, Zhang Junwu felt that half of his body was relaxed, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

After the second injection, Zhang Junwu relaxed, and even felt sleepy.

After six consecutive injections, Zhang Junwu fell asleep on the sofa in a daze.

"Director Zhang, how do you feel?"

He Jincheng yelled twice, seeing that Zhang Junwu didn't respond at all, so he started his real action.

Look for evidence.

It can be confirmed with [-]% certainty that Zhang Junwu's hands and feet are definitely not clean. If he didn't accept any bribes, it would be impossible to afford such a good thing.

The safe is very simple. Compared with what He Jincheng has seen in the future, it is as simple as an anti-theft door is like an ordinary wooden door.

After a few simple attempts, He Jincheng opened the safe.

The one-meter-high safe was filled with bundles of Great Unity. Looking at the quantity, there must be at least tens of thousands!

In addition, He Jincheng also found a car key, keys to two rooms, and most importantly, a ledger.

He Jincheng didn't touch anything else, but carefully took out the ledger.

After briefly flipping through it, He Jincheng was taken aback by the content inside.

According to the records in this ledger alone, the amount of bribes Zhang Junwu accepted and granted was as high as 10 yuan, as well as two sets of real estate in the county town, and a latest model Santana.

The factory manager with a monthly salary of 600 yuan can have so much wealth. It seems that there is no need to think about why. Apart from accepting bribes, there seems to be no other possibility.

"You really know how to be a big moth, Zhang Junwu, don't blame me for tricking you, it's really not a son of man!"

He Jincheng shook his head with a wry smile, and roughly read the contents inside. Most of the transactions were recorded by He Jincheng.

After restoring everything to the original state, He Jincheng continued to sit on the sofa and drink tea, waiting for Zhang Junwu to wake up.

After about half an hour, Zhang Junwu slowly woke up!
"Ah, it's comfortable. It's been a long time since I had such a hearty rest. Brother Wang, you are truly a miracle doctor!"

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just passing by Huizhi, it's not a big deal."

He Jincheng waved his hands quickly and said modestly.

"Brother Wang, you are too modest. I can guarantee that, at least in our county, your medical skills are definitely the best!"

Zhang Junwu had to admire He Jincheng's medical skills.

After these two treatments, each time my condition improved significantly.

If He Jincheng is not the most powerful doctor of Chinese medicine in the county, who else is a doctor of Chinese medicine?
Facing Zhang Junwu's flattering He Jincheng, he just smiled and didn't say much.

People like Zhang Junwu who have one thing on the surface but another thing behind their backs should only believe half of what they say.

Maybe he calls you brothers and sisters today, and treats you with respect.

Wait until the day when you are no longer useful to him, or you are a threat to him.

Zhang Junwu will definitely turn his face and deny anyone immediately.

Originally, He Jincheng just wanted to punish Zhang Junwu.

I want him to know that Pingyao Distillery is not letting Zhang Junwu bully him.

But when He Jincheng saw the bribery materials in the safe, He Jincheng changed his mind.

If this kind of person continues to operate the Daqu Distillery.

Let alone whether he can lead the winery to continue, this person will definitely end up in prison.

Moreover, the winery is a national asset, so He Jincheng can't stand it if Zhang Junwu is allowed to act recklessly.

So he decided to hand over these materials to the relevant departments, and someone will naturally deal with Zhang Junwu at that time.

"Brother Wang, you have helped me a lot this time. I really don't know how to thank you. It just so happens that I have two movie tickets here. If you don't mind, Brother Wang, please accept them."

Zhang Junwu smiled and took out two tickets from the drawer, and pushed them in front of He Jincheng.

This surprised He Jincheng a little.

Watching movies is a very fashionable thing in this day and age.

There is only one movie theater in the county seat.

There are many people who want to watch it, but there are really few people who can actually go to the cinema to watch the movie. It is really because the movie tickets are hard to find.

Some people even resell the movie tickets, which cost 50 yuan a piece, which can be said to be a real sky-high price.

Even if this is the case, some people have tried various methods to get two movie tickets, but they have not succeeded.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Junwu had two here.

After a little thought, He Jincheng accepted the two movie tickets frankly.

I didn't bring any romantic things to my wife on weekdays, so it's better to take him to watch a movie together, which can be regarded as a small compensation.

"Director Zhang is so polite, if I don't accept it, I will be offended."

He Jincheng smiled and put away the two movie tickets.

"Brother Wang, what are you talking about? Without you, no matter how many movie tickets I have, I wouldn't feel comfortable watching it."

Zhang Junwu waved his hand with a smile: "I don't know if you are married, brother Wang. If you are not married, I can introduce you."

"You don't have to worry about it, Director Zhang. I'm married and have a child. I'll go see it with my wife when the time comes."

He Jincheng didn't lie to Zhang Junwu on this point, but he seemed very honest.

"Okay, then I won't worry about it. Shall we have dinner together tonight?"

Zhang Junwu invited with a smile.

"Director Zhang, you are just recovering from a serious illness. You should eat some light food. I won't bother you, Director Zhang. After you fully recover, let's drink and eat together."

He Jincheng smiled and declined Zhang Junwu's invitation.

(End of this chapter)

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