Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 126 The dandy seeks medical treatment

Chapter 126 The dandy seeks medical treatment

The others sat down without hesitation, and also stretched out their hands to let He Jincheng feel the pulse.

After a while, He Jincheng sighed, withdrew his hand, and looked at these people with pity.

"Several, I'm really sorry, you should hurry home and prepare for the funeral!"

The flat-headed man slapped the table with his hand, with an angry look on his face.

Several other people also showed anger and stared at He Jincheng.

"Boy, you are looking for death, are you cursing us to die?"

The flat-headed man scolded angrily.

"Damn, boy, are you fucking tired of living? I'm sure you're doing well, but you're a fucking quack!"

Several other people were also very angry, and they seemed to be about to do something.

He Jincheng was very calm, not at all nervous.

"Everyone, I am a doctor, and I only speak according to my condition. If you are really not sick, why would you come to my clinic? Could it be that you are here to trouble me, He Jincheng?"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

"Hmph, you don't look down on our illness, but say we are dying, what are you a quack doctor?"

"Today we are here to crack down on counterfeits. We thought you were some kind of miracle doctor, but we didn't expect you to be a quack doctor!"

"I'm warning you, we've videotaped the whole process just now, if you don't want to be ruined, just obediently lose money!"

Several people threatened each other sentence by sentence. The skill of speaking is obviously practiced many times.

"Hehe, did you record the part about asking for money?"

He Jincheng chuckled.

It turned out that I met professional counterfeiters, no wonder they are so skilled in business.

Interesting, I have seen people cracking down on counterfeit products and brands, this is the first time I saw a doctor cracking down on fakes, and it hit me on the head.

"You don't care so much, just because you asked us to prepare for the funeral just now, it is enough to ruin your reputation, honestly lose money, everything is easy to say, otherwise, believe it or not, we will expose it to you now?"

The flat-headed man sneered.

He knew that He Jincheng's medical clinic was doing a good business now, and he must have made a lot of money.

If the things he photographed are published, He Jincheng's reputation will definitely plummet. At that time, it will not only be a financial loss, but also a reputational loss.

He Jincheng secretly laughed in his heart.

These professional counterfeiters are really interesting.

If you don't believe the diagnosis made by the doctor, is it fake?
If this is the case, then there really is no one in the world who can treat you.

"Everyone, don't be impulsive, how much do you need?"

He Jincheng smiled, without any trace of nervousness.

Several people looked at each other, as if they were communicating with each other.

After a few seconds, the crew cut man spoke.

"Boy, it seems that you are quite sensible, we don't want you too much, just give me a dollar for mental damage!"

The flat-headed man stretched out a finger and said lightly.

"Okay, a dollar is not too much, and you guys are quite professional, and you didn't let me go bankrupt!"

Unexpectedly, He Jincheng agreed directly.

The flat-headed men were very surprised.

Why is this kid so talkative?

Hu Youde told them before that this He Jincheng has a bad temper and good skills, and he will beat people if he disagrees with him.

But now it seems that this kid is not only good-tempered, but also very cooperative.

What they like most about counterfeiters in their profession is to meet such people.

Just by talking and scaring, you can get [-] yuan, which is more profitable than doing anything else!
"Boy, don't play tricks, we want it now, a dollar in cash!"

He hasn't got the money yet, and the flat-headed man won't let his guard down.

Even seeing He Jincheng agreeing so readily, he felt a little regretful.

"This may not be easy to handle. I only have a few hundred dollars with me. If I want cash, I can only go to the bank to get it!"

He Jincheng spread his hands, smiled and said.

"Drafting, are you kidding us?"

The flat-headed man was furious.

"Damn, He Jincheng, you'd better take the money honestly, otherwise, we'll smash your clinic today!"

Several other people were even more angry. They touched their waists and took out knives and daggers.

They are all professionals, and such situations have also been encountered before.

If they met someone like He Jincheng, they would be violent.

Ordinary people, seeing their posture like this, must be terrified immediately.

He Jincheng glanced contemptuously at the crew cut man, and shook his head slightly.

"Am I right, you all know it in your heart, there is no need to explain to me, but I don't think you are here for treatment, so please go back, don't waste your last bit of time! "

He Jincheng said lightly.

The crew-haired men looked at each other, somewhat panicked.

Because what He Jincheng said was right, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt right.

These people, usually idle, like to wander among the flowers, and often play together.

If you really have that disease, there is a very high possibility.

It's just that they came to trouble He Jincheng today. If they were so cowardly, what would they do with the money they received?
" are a quack doctor, He Jincheng, don't scare me, since you can't cure us, then pay us money!"

The flat-headed man gritted his teeth and stopped being unreasonable.

Anyway, I came here to find fault, no matter whether there is a reasonable reason or not, I just completely shameless.

"I didn't even collect your money, why do you make me lose money?"

He Jincheng spread his hands and said very puzzled.

"First of all, I didn't lie to you, and second, I didn't cheat you. I helped you see a doctor for free and didn't charge you money. If you don't believe me, it's fine. Instead, I want to make me lose money. I'm sorry. For this reason, even if I go to the government, I will I can also speak!"

"Or, if you don't believe it, you can go to the hospital for an examination. Now that the medical level is very high, you can check it out soon!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Several people looked at each other, and their hearts became even more panicked.

This kid He Jincheng doesn't take hard things.

Moreover, it still occupies the rationale, so it is not an option to waste it like this.

What's more, people still talk about their illnesses clearly and logically, it doesn't seem like they are lying to them!
"Brother, I think it's better for us to go for a checkup. If we really get sick, it will be a disaster! At that time, we might have to beg this kid to see a doctor for us! After the checkup, if If we don't get sick, we don't have any worries, we can just smash this kid's clinic!"

A younger brother leaned over to the side of the flat-headed man and whispered.

He was really a little scared.

If you really get sick, your life will be over.

He is still young, and he still wants to enjoy it, and he doesn't want to save him from being lost.

The flat-headed man nodded slightly.

In the current situation, cleaning up He Jincheng is not the most important thing.

The key is to determine whether you are sick or not.

If He Jincheng dared to lie to them, they would definitely not let He Jincheng go.

"Okay, let's go to the hospital for an examination. He Jincheng, if you dare to lie to us, you won't be so polite when we come back! Let's go!"

The flat-headed man snorted coldly, and then led the people away.

(End of this chapter)

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