Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 127 Really sick, the flat-headed man begged for mercy on his knees

Chapter 127 Really sick, the flat-headed man begged for mercy on his knees
Several people left Lianhua Village and went straight to the hospital.

After arriving at the hospital, I explained the reason to the doctor, and the doctor immediately put on full gear and prepared several people for examination.

Big and small, after more than a dozen inspections were completed, the men with short hair waited anxiously in the rest area.

They secretly prayed in their hearts that they must not get STDs.

If this really wins the lottery, my future happy life will be gone!
After staring for a full hour, a doctor came to them with a strange expression on his face.

"Come in with me!"

After the doctor said something, he turned and left.

The flat-headed men thumped their hearts and followed nervously.

When they got to the doctor's office, they saw the doctor pointing to the sofa far away from him and asked them to sit down.

"Doctor, this... how are we doing here? Are you all right?"

The crew-haired man was so nervous that his palms were sweating.

"This is just a preliminary examination. Judging from the existing examination results, you are indeed suffering from sexually transmitted diseases..."


In a word, it directly made the men with flat hair jump up.

Really got an STD?Isn't this killing people!

"Why are you so excited? As I said, this is only a preliminary examination. If you want to confirm the diagnosis, you need further in-depth examination!"

The doctor was also taken aback by the reactions of several people, but it was understandable. Who could sit there calmly when they heard that they had this disease?

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, our brothers are all in good health, how could they have AIDS?"

The flat-headed man only felt that his world was about to collapse.

Sexually transmitted diseases, how can I play happily in the future?
Not only will it kill people, but it will still make you suffer for a period of time before dying slowly.

"How is it impossible? Don't you know what you do on a daily basis? Sexually transmitted diseases mainly include bodily fluid transmission, mother-to-child transmission, and sexual intercourse transmission. If your parents don't have this disease, Then it can only be that your own life is indiscreet!"

The doctor said very displeased.

The faces of the crew-haired men were ashen.

Made, who likes to play exciting games on weekdays, is really exciting now.

I don't know which prostitute it is, but she has a venereal disease and sells it out. Isn't this a scam?
"Doctor, is our current situation serious? Can it still be treated?"

The flat-headed man asked quickly.

"Now medically, there is no complete cure for your condition, but you are only in the early stages, and it is better to discover it earlier, otherwise, it may be very dangerous! I suggest that you should be hospitalized immediately for observation and treatment, maybe It can still have some effect!"

The doctor said without a doubt.

The hearts of the men with flat hair became even colder.

They don't know how to describe their current mood.

Originally, I was looking for trouble with others, but after a casual look, they saw that all of them had STDs.

The doctor also said that if it is discovered early, it will be more troublesome.

I really don't know whether to be happy or sad.

"Oh, brother, since that He Jincheng can see our illness at a glance, maybe he can cure us!"

At this time, a younger brother suddenly jumped up and exclaimed.

"Yes! Let's go and find He Jincheng!"

The flat-headed man seemed to see a glimmer of light in the darkness, his eyes lit up immediately, and he led the people away in a hurry, leaving only the doctor with a bewildered expression.

"What's the situation? Is there anyone who can cure AIDS these days? Hehe, it's really funny. I don't know where these guys met some kind of miracle doctor!"

The doctor's face was full of sneers. He didn't believe that anyone could cure this disease.

He thought in his heart, you go, when your noses are covered with ashes, don't you have to run back obediently for treatment?
This disease is terminally ill at all, and it can only prolong life as much as possible.

Of course, as a doctor, he was no stranger to this kind of rush to the doctor.

Whoever is at the last moment of his life, if he hears that someone can heal him, he will go up to him, so let's run to seek medical treatment regardless!

After leaving the hospital, the crew members jumped into the car, stepped on the accelerator, and headed straight for Lianhua Village.

Along the way, several people felt uneasy, and some even burst into tears.

The flat-headed men returned to Lianhua Village, the car didn't stop, and they came directly to the door of He Jincheng's medical center.

After getting out of the car, several people looked at each other.

The last time I came here, a few people were aggressive, but they came here with the idea of ​​smashing the hospital.

Unexpectedly, when he came again this time, he asked He Jincheng to see a doctor for him.

It's really a turn of wind and water, come to someone's house today!
"Brother, what is our strategy? Is it intimidation or begging for mercy!"

A younger brother asked with a bitter face.

With a slap, the flat-headed man slapped the boy directly on the head.

"You are so stupid, we have a terminal illness, do you know what a terminal illness is? You are still frightening, if the intimidation is effective, we have cured it a long time ago!"

The flat-headed man said angrily.

He Jincheng is obviously a guy who eats soft but not hard. If he goes in and threatens He Jincheng, he will definitely not be punished.

If the doctor is not willing to treat such a thing, the patient will not be at ease.

During the treatment, if other doctors do some tricks for you casually, it will be unlucky!
You can't play tricks with anyone, and you can't play tricks with doctors.

A few people walked into the medical hall, and saw He Jincheng sitting there drinking tea with a relaxed look. He Jincheng was not surprised when he saw the flat-headed man and the others come in.

It was as if they had expected them to come back.

"Hehe, what's up, the inspection is over, what's the result?"

He Jincheng smiled lightly, looking confident.

With a plop, the flat-headed man knelt down in front of He Jincheng without saying a word, his face full of pleading.

"Doctor He, we are blind and come to trouble you, please help us!"

The reaction of the flat-headed man made his little brothers startled, but after thinking about it, they all knelt down.

At this time, if you don't rush to ask He Jincheng for help, you may have no chance in the future.

Since He Jincheng said so, he must be able to save them.

"Why should I save you?"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

The flat-headed man's eyes lit up.

He Jincheng didn't say that I can't save you, but instead asked why I saved you, which means that he can really save you.

(End of this chapter)

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