Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 128 The mastermind behind the scenes, Wang Tianlong harbors hatred

Chapter 128 The mastermind behind the scenes, Wang Tianlong harbors hatred
"Doctor He, we were also instigated by others to set up your clinic. We don't have any hatred, and we haven't done anything yet. Please have a lot of doctors and benevolent doctors to save our lives. !"

The flat-headed man begged bitterly, and knelt down and kowtowed to beg for mercy.

The younger brothers followed suit and kowtowed to beg for mercy.

He Jincheng was very surprised, I really didn't expect it, this flat-headed man was quite decisive, after knowing that he was sick, he admitted cowardly without hesitation.

"Then tell me, who is going to trouble me?"

He Jincheng asked lightly.

The flat-headed man knew everything and said everything in one go.

It turned out that after Wang Tianlong was cleaned up by He Jincheng last time, he left Lianhua Village.

The ancestral house lost to Qin Ze, and Wang Tianlong had no place to stay.

Finally, Wang Tianlong came to the town all the way, and met a flat-headed man by chance.

The flat-headed man is a well-known gangster in the town.

Even if the laws are stricter now, they can still find ways to scrape some oil and water from some shops.

For example, if someone opened their business, they would run to congratulate them together, regardless of whether they knew each other or not, they would just ask for red envelopes.

It's okay not to give red envelopes, and then come here every now and then to find fault and make trouble, release some rumors that are not good for those shops, and so on.

Generally, merchants are too disturbed, and they can only use money to eliminate disasters.

As for the flat-headed men, they also know the importance, and each family does not collect much money. As long as there are enough businesses, their income will be very considerable.

In this way, the flat-headed man became a well-known rascal in the town.

Wang Tianlong saw that the flat-headed men were cruel and ruthless, and they were very skilled in tactics, so he used his ancestral house as a condition to find them, that is, he wanted to make trouble in He Jincheng's medical clinic, and make He Jincheng very annoying, and then they made further progress, and finally He Jincheng's medical clinic was shut down.

As long as He Jincheng's medical clinic is closed, Wang Tianlong is willing to donate his ancestral house as a gift.

Together, the crew cut men, although this ancestral house is not worth much, it is still a source of income.

In addition, at that time, He Jincheng can be blackmailed for a fortune, and he can make a lot of money by doing this.

Lianhua Village is not a town, and the legal control is relatively loose, so they are more presumptuous.

It's just that he didn't expect that when He Jincheng gave them their pulse, they immediately found out that they were terminally ill.

What they like most is to enjoy.

Having this disease now makes them more painful than killing them.

"Sure enough, it's Wang Tianlong, who really remembers eating but not beating!"

A cold light flashed in He Jincheng's eyes.

I am a good person, and I never took the initiative to provoke Wang Tianlong.

The last time Wang Tianlong lost the ancestral house in the bet, it was he who provoked He Jincheng on his own initiative, and he deserved it.

He Jincheng used some tricks to make the kid have a long memory.

Unexpectedly, this Wang Tianlong was so ignorant that he dared to provoke him.

Now he even directly finds someone to clean him up.

If it were someone else, there would be no way to meet people like flat-headed men.

It seems that Wang Tianlong still didn't remember the lesson from last time!

"Now, do you know that you are wrong?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile.

"Got it, got it, we really know we were wrong, Doctor He, please do me a favor and save us!"

The flat-headed man quickly kowtowed and said.

"It's not impossible to save you, but I need you to do one thing for me, are you willing?"

He Jincheng said lightly.

Several people froze for a moment, then agreed without hesitation.

"Yes, of course, we will be your younger brothers from now on. If you let us go backwards, we will never go forward. You are just..."

"Okay, stop flattering, the first thing I want you to do is to settle accounts with Hu Youde."

He Jincheng waved his hand, interrupting the flat-headed man's loyalty.

"Okay, we'll do it right away. I don't know what will happen to you, Doctor He, if you want that kid Wang Tianlong?"

The flat-headed man nodded quickly and said like pounding garlic.

"You can figure it out, just don't kill me, the best thing is to let that kid stop thinking about fighting against me!"

He Jincheng said lightly.

After all, Wang Tianlong is also from Lianhua Village. Although he is a bit of a jerk, He Jincheng still doesn't want to kill them all.

Let him remember the pain thoroughly this time, and just stop messing with himself.

"Okay, we're going to do it right now. That Wang Tianlong is waiting for news from us in the town right now. I promise we won't run away from him. However, Dr. He, our illness..."

The flat-headed man said quickly, and then asked cautiously.

"Don't worry, as long as this matter is done, I will treat you. What I can guarantee is that although your illness is difficult to treat, it is not impossible to completely cure it."

He Jincheng waved his hand and said.

"Okay Doctor He, let's go now!"

Without the slightest hesitation, the flat-headed man hurriedly led the people back to town.

The flat-headed men and their eyes are burning, and today they must take care of Wang Tianlong, a bastard.

If He Jincheng could not be satisfied, there would be no way to cure their illness.

Wang Tianlong in the town is having a bad time.

Since he came out of Lianhua Village, he hasn't eaten once a day.

In Lianhua Village, you can sneak around and get some extra money with a few brothers. Although you don’t have much money, it’s okay to have a full stomach.

But it's different in the town. The last time he stole someone's wallet, he was surrounded and beaten by several people, almost breaking his hand.

After meeting the flat-headed man and reaching an agreement with him, it was a little better.

Now Wang Tianlong is temporarily living in the home of the flat-headed man. Besides him, there is also a younger brother of the flat-headed man who looks after him specially. After all, he has to get his ancestral house here in the future, and he can't let it go now. let him go.

"Brother, look at this point, Brother Pingtou and the others should have already dealt with that kid He Jincheng, why don't we go to Lianhua Village too?"

Wang Tianlong really couldn't sit still, he couldn't wait to see He Jincheng's tragic end.

"What's the rush, brother Pingtou told us to wait, let's just wait!"

That buddy gave Wang Tianlong a blank look, and still looked down on people like Wang Tianlong in his heart.

After being cleaned up by others, he ran out, and now he traded his ancestral house for a chance of revenge, what a villain.

"Okay then, brother, do you have anything to eat? I just had a mouthful of porridge this morning, why don't you give me a steamed bun!"

Wang Tianlong rubbed his stomach. Originally, he was going to wait for the flat-headed man to come back to eat together, but it turned out that it was already one or two o'clock in the afternoon, and he hadn't come back yet. Is it so slow to clean up He Jincheng?
"Made, I'm still hungry, where can I get food, just wait for me!"

The brother stared, frightened Wang Tianlong and hurriedly squatted in the corner, shrank there and did not speak.

(End of this chapter)

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