Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 129 Solve the trouble, Wang Tianlong ended up tragically

Chapter 129 Solve the trouble, Wang Tianlong ended up tragically
Bitter, my life is really hard!

All of this is thanks to that bastard He Jincheng, and he must pay the price this time.

Wang Tianlong said viciously in his heart.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside.

Wang Tianlong was overjoyed immediately.

Brother Pingtou must be back, he quickly stood up and greeted the door.

"Brother Pingtou, you are back. How is it? Did that bastard He Jincheng kneel down and beg for mercy?"

Wang Tianlong asked eagerly with a look of anticipation.

"Begging for mercy? I beg you, sir!"

Brother Pingtou stared, and slapped Wang Tianlong on the face.

Wang Tianlong was a little caught off guard by such a slap, and fell to the ground after a stagger.

"Brother Pingtou, what are you doing? Why did you hit me?"

Wang Tianlong covered his face in disbelief.

Didn't I make an agreement with Pingtou, why did he beat himself?

"Ma De, you are the one who hit, Wang Tianlong, I must be killed today!"

The flat-headed man cursed angrily, and kicked Wang Tianlong in the face.

Wang Tianlong staggered and fell to the ground, his nose was directly knocked crooked, nosebleeds flowed, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

"Pingtou, why are you so crazy, I asked you to deal with He Jincheng, why are you beating me?"

Wang Tianlong looked at the nosebleed on his hand, and was also angry for a while.

"I rubbed your uncle's Wang Tianlong, you let me provoke a doctor like Dr. He, I must abolish you today!"

The flat-headed man's eyes were red, he gritted his teeth and cursed angrily, and kicked over with both feet again, Wang Tianlong scrambled and scrambled to escape, but was controlled by the short-haired man's younger brothers.

The younger brothers also had unfriendly expressions, they clenched their fists and greeted them with one punch after another.

Wang Tianlong was beaten dizzy and had nosebleeds. More importantly, he didn't know what was going on?
"Don't hit me, don't hit me, even if you hit me, let me find out why?"

Wang Tianlong shouted desperately.


The flat-headed man waved his hand, and the younger brothers stopped immediately.

"Wang Tianlong, I'll make you understand today! Why didn't you tell us that He Jincheng is a genius doctor with excellent medical skills? We went to Dr. He with our illnesses to trouble him, and he saw it right away. Our brothers are suffering from serious diseases, and they want to treat us regardless of past suspicions, what the hell are you, you want to seek revenge from Dr. He?"

The flat-headed man said with a sneer.

"Now that Dr. He has said that I want you to remember well, do you think I should beat you?"

"Impossible. He Jincheng is a quack doctor who can only play tricks. You have all been deceived by him. My ancestral home was deceived by him. He said that I had a piercing wart on my body. Later, I asked the doctor. I haven't heard of it at all, that kid is a liar, don't be fooled by him!"

When Wang Tianlong heard the words, he immediately shouted loudly.

"I lied to you, uncle! I went to the hospital for an examination, and the doctor said it was very difficult to cure. Do you really think I am stupid? Well, now you know why you have to be punished. Don't blame me for not giving you a chance. Tell me, Which leg do you want to keep?"

The flat-headed man twitched his mouth, and then waved to the younger brother at the side. The younger brother understood, and immediately took a hammer and sent it over.

"No, no, brother Pingtou, He Jincheng is really a liar, you have to trust me, don't break my leg, I can give you money, it's the compensation for this time, you let me go, I will leave immediately Pingyao Town!"

Wang Tianlong looked at the hammer, his body went limp.

He has seen the ruthlessness of flat-headed men before, and knows that these guys are really good at it.

"Money? You are so poor that you can't even afford a bird, and you still give me money. Where are you going to get money?"

The flat-headed man snorted coldly, and looked at Wang Tianlong playfully.

"I... In fact, I still have 50 yuan in my shoes. It's all my property. I'll give it all to you, Brother Pingtou, please forgive me this time!"

Wang Tianlong took off his shoes in a hurry, and then took out ten cards of Great Unity from under the dirty insole.

"Damn, you really disgust me, don't you? It stinks, hit me, hit me hard!"

The flat-headed man was almost fainted by Xun, and kicked Wang Tianlong to the ground with one kick.

Several younger brothers rushed forward and beat Wang Tianlong wildly.

After playing for a full 5 minutes, the younger brothers were all tired, so they let Wang Tianlong go.

"Get out of the way!"

The flat-headed man snorted coldly, and walked over with a hammer in his hand.


Wang Tianlong screamed, and the hammer hit his knee directly.

"From today onwards, don't let me see you in Pingyao Town, otherwise, I will break your other leg!"

The flat-headed man dropped the hammer, "Throw this kid out of Pingyao Town!"

Several younger brothers hurriedly lifted Wang Tianlong up, threw him onto the No. [-] bus, and pulled him out.

After dealing with Wang Tianlong, the flat-headed men hurriedly returned to Lianhua Village.

"nailed it?"

He Jincheng looked at the men with flat hair and asked calmly.

"Doctor He, Wang Tianlong's leg was broken by us, and he was thrown out of Pingyao Town. He will never appear again. Please help us to heal his illness!"

The flat-headed man said respectfully.

He Jincheng beckoned to the flat-headed man, and the flat-headed man trotted up to He Jincheng immediately.

"These are the pills I prepared for you. Take it once a day for a month, and your illness will be cured!"

"Thank you Doctor He, thank you Doctor He!"

The flat-headed man was very excited and quickly bowed to thank him.

"Okay, don't let me see you again if it's okay, and be a good person in the future, otherwise, there will be retribution sooner or later!"

He Jincheng said lightly.

"Okay, we will disappear immediately, what are you doing in a daze, hurry up, don't dirty Dr. He's eyes!"

The flat-headed man took the medicine and left with his younger brother.

After leaving the village, the younger brothers looked at the flat-headed man with worried faces.

"Brother, what if the medicine doesn't work?"

"It doesn't work? How could it not work? What reason does Dr. He have to lie to us? If it really doesn't work, what's the point of us being alive? At that time, the big deal is to fight him to the death, which is of no benefit to Dr. He!"

The flat-headed man is relatively clear-headed, and he thinks clearly about the key points of the matter.

The younger brothers nodded one after another, flattering the flat-headed man, saying that he was wise and mighty.

After He Jincheng dismissed the crew of flat-headed men, nothing happened. He returned home and prepared to spend a good New Year with his family.

(End of this chapter)

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