Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 130 Before the Chinese New Year, He Jincheng wrote Spring Festival couplets

Chapter 130 Before the Chinese New Year, He Jincheng wrote Spring Festival couplets
The 28th of the twelfth lunar month.

Early in the morning, the father-in-law and mother-in-law got up to steam steamed buns.

Chinese New Year is a big day, and we have to eat and drink well every day, so the consumption of steamed buns is very large.

Generally speaking, everyone will steam it in advance and store it in a cool place.

The winter in the north is very cold, so there is no need to worry about the steamed buns going bad.

In the past, steamed buns were made from corn flour, or wild vegetable nests made from wild vegetables, but now that the family conditions are better, the old couple make white flour steamed buns, which taste delicious without vegetables.

Tingting was holding a steamed bun with sugar in her arms, and was sitting in the yard gnawing on it by herself.

As the girl grew up, she gradually became more obedient.

"Father, you were so noisy yesterday, Tingting couldn't sleep because of it!"

Seeing He Jincheng come out, Tingting suddenly said aggrieved.

He Jincheng was startled, and then quickly covered the little girl's mouth.

"You girl, what are you talking about, are you dreaming again?"

Rao He Jincheng was thick-skinned enough, and his daughter blushed when he said that.

Guo Lan and Ye Shanhe obviously heard it, and they looked at each other and smiled without saying anything, which made He Jincheng slightly relieved.

"Ahem, Jincheng, bring me the bacon, let's eat fried bacon today!"

Guo Lan pretended to cough twice.

He Jincheng hurried to get the bacon.

Ye Qingmeng also heard Tingting's words and thought of it, but she blushed so much that she didn't come out.

It seems that Tingting has also started to understand, should this little girl be allowed to sleep alone?
Ye Qingmeng had such an idea in her heart.

In the past, this would have been impossible.

After everyone had a lively meal, He Jincheng took out a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and prepared to write Spring Festival couplets.

"Have you been studying for a few days, kid, and can you still write Spring Festival couplets?"

Ye Shanhe walked over and said with contempt.

He Jincheng smiled wryly. When he was fine in his previous life, he hid in the room alone to practice calligraphy, which could calm him down.

Only when he is writing every day can he get the long-lost relaxation.

Therefore, He Jincheng's handwriting is very good, not even worse than the contemporary masters.

It's just that every time He Jincheng finished writing, he would burn it directly, and never wrote a copy of his own words.

"Dad, I've practiced for several days, and it's still possible to write Spring Festival couplets!"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

"Okay, then you can write it for me to see, I want to see if you are bragging!"

Ye Shanhe didn't believe He Jincheng's words at all.

He originally planned to write it by himself. Although his handwriting is not very beautiful, it is horizontal and vertical, vigorous and powerful, and it can barely stick on the door.

The whole family gathered around, and Guo Lan and Ye Qingmeng helped cut the red paper.

He Jincheng was thinking about writing some Spring Festival couplets.

"Just write a New Year's update with spring red willows and firecrackers lighting up!"

As He Jincheng said, he picked up the brush and started brushing.

I wrote fourteen characters in one breath.

A few people looked at it with their heads together, and they all showed surprise on their faces.

"Good guy, this handwriting is really beautiful, how did you practice handwriting?"

Ye Shanhe said in shock.

He knew a little bit of calligraphy, and he practiced it often, but he thought he couldn't compare with He Jincheng's calligraphy at all.

Compared with He Jincheng's handwriting, my handwriting is like a child in kindergarten.

"Although I don't know calligraphy, Jincheng, your calligraphy is really beautiful, it feels like a painting! You are indeed my good son-in-law!"

Guo Lan also praised her.

Ye Qingmeng looked at He Jincheng with surprise and deep happiness.

Of course it is a happy thing that my husband is so powerful.

"It's okay, I'm just writing casually!"

He Jincheng laughed.

"Hmph, look, if I give you what I can, then all the Spring Festival couplets and blessing characters will be handed over to you, and I will just have a leisurely time!"

Ye Shanhe snorted, obviously feeling shocked by He Jincheng's calligraphy, and went out for a walk with his hands behind his back.

He Jincheng smiled, and then continued writing Spring Festival couplets.

In his previous life, he had to write a hundred big characters every day. After his rebirth, this was the first time he wrote it, and it made him regain some of the feelings he had before.

The more I write, the more focused I become. In less than 10 minutes, I finished writing all the Spring Festival couplets, enough for home use.

Just when He Jincheng still had some ideas, Ye Shanhe came back with a group of people.

"Come, come, everyone, don't worry, prepare the Spring Festival couplets and red paper you want to write. Today, my son-in-law will write for you, it is definitely better than asking someone else to write it!"

While walking, Ye Shanhe directed the crowd to come in.

He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng were all stunned.

But soon He Jincheng reacted.

Well, this is treating yourself as a free coolie!

Forget it, it happened to be written on Xingtou, so I might as well help the villagers write it all.

So He Jincheng did nothing that day and kept writing Spring Festival couplets.

He thought over all kinds of couplets, wrote hundreds of copies, and almost emptied all the couplets in his mind.

On this day, He Jincheng felt that he had finished writing all the Spring Festival couplets in his life.

"Okay, the last one, welcome the spring, welcome the happiness, welcome the wealth, receive the wealth, receive the blessing, and receive the peace!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, took the last couplet and handed it to Aunt Liu who was at the opposite door.

"Hey, Jincheng, your calligraphy is so beautiful, I don't even want to stick it on the door. It's just like the calligrapher on TV!"

Aunt Liu was amazed with the Spring Festival couplets.

"Hahaha, Aunt Liu, if you like it, I'll write you a few more words when I have time!"

He Jincheng laughed out loud.

With the help of his mother-in-law and his wife during the Chinese New Year, He Jincheng seldom cooks in the kitchen.

The new year's goods I bought are almost packed, and I just wait for everyone to have a good meal together on New Year's Eve.

Guo Lan made some fruits as snacks, and sprinkled sesame seeds on them, making them crunchy in the mouth.

He Jincheng also made some French fries, which everyone liked very much.

As a result, He Jincheng made a lot of them, and distributed them to the villagers in the village to eat.

The villagers praised He Jincheng repeatedly, and praised He Jincheng for his ability.

What they didn't know was that they might be the first people in Pingyao Town to eat French fries!
The days passed quickly, and I was happy every day, and it was the New Year's Eve in a blink of an eye.

He Jincheng lit the fireworks he bought, and the sky above the entire Lianhua Village was filled with beautiful fireworks.

The villagers came out one after another to watch this never-before-seen fireworks show together.

(End of this chapter)

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