Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 131 Opening up, Aunt Liu fell at the village entrance

Chapter 131 Opening up, Aunt Liu fell at the village entrance

Ye Qingmeng leaned on He Jincheng's shoulder with a happy smile on his face.


Ye Qingmeng called out softly.

"here I am."

He Jincheng also replied softly.

"I feel like I'm dreaming. Half a year ago, I still had the idea of ​​committing suicide."

Ye Qingmeng said slowly.

He Jincheng's body shook violently, and at the same time, he also clearly felt that Ye Qingmeng's body was also a little stiff.


"Don't tell me, let me tell you!"

Ye Qingmeng stretched out her finger and touched Qin Ze's lips, her eyes were full of tenderness.

He Jincheng nodded slightly.

"Actually, since the first day I married you, I have been full of resentment towards you. You are unlearned and idle, and you are a well-known bum in the village."

"I'm young and beautiful. Although my family background is average, there are countless people who come to my house to propose marriage. I always feel that you are not good enough for me."

"After I married you, I accepted my fate. I thought that as long as you treat me well, it would be fine to live a normal life together. After all, I have nothing to pursue."

"But you let me down time and time again. Even with Tingting, you still don't do business all day long, and you always take out your anger on me. I once wanted to jump into the well, but for Tingting, I persisted."

Two lines of tears flowed down Ye Qingmeng's eyes slowly.

"Honey, I..."

"Listen to me first, I have a lot to say, and I want to tell you!"

Ye Qingmeng pressed He Jincheng's lips again, and said slowly.

"Okay, you say I'm here to listen."

He Jincheng nodded slightly.

"I was really scared when I saw you rushing home with blood on your head that day. On the one hand, I was afraid that the family would be over if I lost you, and on the other hand, I was afraid that you would take revenge on me and Tingting. I even did Well, I plan to die with you. Don't you know, I hid a pair of scissors under the pillow."

He Jincheng was also afraid for a while when he heard this.

"But that day your performance was very abnormal, which made me a little dazed. From that day on, God seemed to open his eyes, as if he instantly turned you into another person, a person I don't know."

"I'm hesitant and worried, my heart is very complicated, I don't know how to face you like that."

"Since that day, I have always felt as if I was living in a dream. I have been carefully observing you, and at the same time carefully maintaining our new relationship."

"I didn't believe it all seemed to be true until the day the clinic opened."

"In the beginning you slept outside all the time. Although I don't know the reason, I thought a lot during that time."

"In the end, I decided that as long as you are sincerely repentant, I can forgive you for anything you have done before."

"How much I long to have a husband like you now. I don't know how many nights, I have prayed silently, hoping that you can continue to be like this."

"Husband, you let me see the hope of living again and gave me the courage to move forward. Although I know that you are definitely not the He Jincheng you used to be."

Ye Qingmeng gently stroked He Jincheng's cheek, his eyes were shining with gentle light.

"Promise me that you will always treat me so well, treat Tingting well, right?"

"My wife, I swear to God, I will never let you mother and daughter suffer a little bit again."

He Jincheng raised his hand and swore to the sky.

"Don't swear, I believe you."

Xiaoye said with a smile, her gentle lips pressed against He Jincheng's cheek.

Fireworks were everywhere in the sky, lighting up the night sky, and a white snowflake slowly fell, followed by heavy snow.

It's snowing, auspicious snow heralds a good year.

The two of them hugged each other tightly that night, they didn't do anything, they just kept talking about each other's thoughts, and they didn't know when it was the last time, and then they fell into a deep sleep.

He Jincheng got up early the next morning.

Today is the 29th of the twelfth lunar month.

It snowed all night last night, and today the entire Lianhua Village is covered in snowflakes.

Wrapped in silver, the whole world is white, as if it has brought new life and light.

After He Jincheng washed up, he took tools and started to remove snow.

The snow fell heavily, only a dozen centimeters thick.

It took He Jincheng more than an hour to clear the snow in the yard.

The mother-in-law made hot and spicy soup. After eating it in the morning, I felt warm and comfortable.

After eating, He Jincheng went to the medical clinic.

He is going to put Spring Festival couplets on the hospital.

Walking on the road, the feet stepped on the thick snow, making a creaking sound.

He Jincheng's footsteps were unprecedentedly brisk, and his mood was unprecedentedly relaxed.

After chatting with my wife all night last night, the two sides finally opened their hearts and accepted each other completely.

This also let He Jincheng know that he used to be an even more jerk, and that the grievances suffered by his wife need him to make up for it all his life.

Now he doesn't have the slightest worries and worries, and he only thinks about creating the best living conditions for his wife and daughter.

He wants to fulfill his promise, and never let his wife and children suffer any grievances from now on.

When I arrived at the medical hall, I went in to clean it first, and then pasted the Spring Festival couplets at the door.

Just as he was about to leave, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps from behind.

"Doctor He, it's great that you're here. Come with me quickly. Something happened at the entrance of the village. Someone was injured. You need your help."

The person who came here was Ergou, the former lazy king of the village.

This Wang Ergou used to be lazy and idle all day long.

But, fortunately, this kid is timid and never dared to bully others.

It's just that I don't like to work, I just sit and eat, and the family is poor, and I don't eat after the last meal.

Later, under He Jincheng's enlightenment, he also felt repentant.

He began to grow medicinal materials with He Jincheng and went to work in a medicinal material factory, and his life gradually got better.

So Wang Ergou has always regarded He Jincheng as his benefactor and respected him very much.

"What's going on? Take me to have a look."

He Jincheng was slightly startled. As soon as he heard that someone was injured, he quickly followed Wang Ergou towards the entrance of the village.

After arriving at the place, He Jincheng saw several people standing at the entrance of the village, all of them were villagers from Lianhua Village.

On the ground lay one, who turned out to be Aunt Liu.

At this moment, Aunt Liu was lying on the ground screaming in pain.

"What's the matter? Why didn't you send him to the hospital?"

He Jincheng said dissatisfiedly when he saw that several villagers were watching and not moving.

"Oh, Doctor He, you're here. Quickly see that Aunt Liu fell down, as if she broke her waist. We really wanted to help him over, but we were afraid of hurting her, so we didn't dare to move."

Some villagers quickly explained.

(End of this chapter)

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