Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 133 Rushing to the hospital, Liu Laogen has dementia

Chapter 133 Rushing to the hospital, Liu Laogen has dementia
Riding on a motorcycle and braving the cold wind, He Jincheng went straight to the county seat.

There is still a lot of snow on the road, and it is very difficult to drive the car, so we can only drive carefully.

Because He Jincheng didn't have a helmet, the cold wind easily pierced through the cotton cap, and He Jincheng shivered from the cold.

Fortunately, He Jincheng has been insisting on boxing on weekdays, and his physical fitness is relatively good. After rushing to the county hospital, his body was only a little stiff, and he was fine after a few minutes of relief.

"I want to ask, there was a patient sent in yesterday. His surname is Liu and his name is Liu Laogen. Where is he?"

Qin Ze came to the front desk and asked anxiously.

"Oh, you are talking about Liu Laogen. He is in Ward 302. Are you from Liu Laogen's hometown? You still need to check carefully."

The nurse at the front desk was relieved. It seemed that she was here for treatment.

At first, I ran over aggressively, thinking they were here to make trouble.

"I'm Liu Laogen's fellow villager. When I heard that he was hospitalized, I came over to have a look!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Immediately, the two came to Ward 302.

At the moment in the ward, the doctor in charge of the bed is doing a routine checkup.

At this moment, Liu Laogen was lying on the hospital bed.

He has been in a daze for the past few days, sometimes awake and sometimes unconscious.

He happened to be awake when the bed doctor came.

"Doctor, what's the matter with my disease? How much does it cost to cure it? If it's too much, I really don't want to cure it."

When Uncle Liu woke up yesterday, he learned that he needed to be treated as soon as possible.

I learned from my daughter-in-law that the cost of treatment is estimated to be not low.

So Liu Laogen thought not to treat him, anyway, now he is only sometimes confused and sometimes sober, it's not a big deal.

But Mrs. Liu really wanted to treat Liu Laogen this time, so she walked home from the county seat yesterday night.

This led to the wrestling at the gate of the village today.

"You have intermittent alzheimer's disease. The situation is already very serious. I advise you to stay here and actively cooperate with the treatment. Otherwise, your memory will become worse and worse as time goes by, and even Life can't take care of itself."

The doctor in charge of the bed is quite kind, patiently explaining to you for Mr. Liu.

"My family has no money. I have no money to pay for the treatment of this disease. Doctor, let me go."

Liu Laogen doesn't know what senile dementia is. He only knows that seeing this disease will cost a lot of money.

He is an old man, if he empties all the savings of the family because of seeing a doctor, of course he will not be willing to part with it.

"Is money or life more important to you? Do you know how serious Alzheimer's will be in the later stage? Maybe one day you will die unexpectedly."

The ready-made doctors naturally don't understand the difficult life of farmers in the countryside, so they are very dissatisfied with Liu Laogen's statement.

"Doctor, I know you are kind, but my situation is like this. Please do me a favor and let me out of the hospital. I really look down on you."

Liu Laogen's eyes turned red as he spoke.

"No, at least you have to wait for your wife to come back."

The doctor in charge of the bed directly rejected Liu Laogen's request.

"Uncle Liu."

At this time, He Jincheng came to the ward, and when he saw Liu Laogen, he went up to say hello.

"Jincheng, why are you here? Did my old lady ask you to come here?"

Seeing He Jincheng coming, Liu Laogen was overjoyed and asked quickly.

"That's right, Aunt Liu, I'm preparing money at home now, let me come over and take a look for you first."

Principal Xiao Hong nodded and said that he didn't throw Aunt Liu down, and told Liu Laogen that he might worry about it.

"Oh, it's really troublesome for you. This old man didn't let you have a good time at home, so he came to visit me, an old man, I'm really sorry."

Liu Laogen showed guilt on his face.

He Jincheng sighed secretly in his heart, God is really unfair, Aunt Liu and Uncle Liu are both good people, but good people don't seem to have any good rewards.

One is now suffering from Alzheimer's disease, and the other accidentally broke his spine.

Fortunately, He Jincheng's treatment was relatively timely.

Aunt Liu only needs to rest for a few days. As for Uncle Liu, dementia can also be alleviated to a certain extent.

Of course, He Jincheng is not a real miracle doctor. He has no choice but to slow down the disease as much as possible.

"You are Liu Laogen's family member, right? This disease needs to be taken seriously. You should pay the fee as soon as possible, and we will treat it as soon as possible."

The doctor in charge of the bed looked at He Jincheng and said.

He Jincheng thought about it, the hospital can't cure it at all, this kind of Alzheimer's disease, rather than spending this unjustified money, it's better to add Uncle Liu and go back to the village, and treat him slowly by himself.

So He Jincheng looked at the doctor in charge of the bed.

"Doctor, I am actually a doctor. This disease is indeed very difficult. I believe that there is no way to completely cure it in your hospital, so I think it is better to take Uncle Liu back to our village first."

"If you take him back, can he be cured? Although our hospital does not have any way to completely question Alzheimer's disease, it is still possible to achieve a certain degree of relief. You say you are a doctor, are you a village health worker?" Hospital doctor?

The doctor in charge of the bed said with some dissatisfaction.

The colleague is an enemy. Liu Laogen is a patient in the county hospital. The doctor He Jincheng came here to snatch the patient. It doesn't make sense. Of course the hospital is not willing to let him go.

"Yes, I also hope that the doctor will be more accommodating. Let's go through the discharge procedures today!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly. Although he knew that the doctor was very dissatisfied, there was really no need to stay here.

The hospital's treatment method is nothing more than prescribing some medicines for relieving Alzheimer's disease, which does not have much effect on Liu Laogen's disease, not to mention that in this era, Alzheimer's disease is still a relatively new disease, and the treatment and mitigation methods are not good. Very mature.

So, staying at the county hospital is a complete waste of time.

The most important thing is to start effective treatment as soon as possible.

"Accommodating? You are just messing around, can you cure it?"

The doctor in charge of the bed was very dissatisfied, frowned and stared at He Jincheng.

"Little brother, I think it's not easy for you to be a doctor at a young age, but the patient's disease is not the object of your experiment. I hope you have a bright future and don't use it in such unrealistic things. Come on, I'm doing this for your own good, let Liu Laogen receive treatment at the county hospital."

(End of this chapter)

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