Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 134 Check the condition and overturn the hospital's conclusion

Chapter 134 Check the condition and overturn the hospital's conclusion

"Doctor, I'm really sorry, but I still hope that I can take Liu Laogen away. I've already paid the fee at the front desk, so..."

He Jincheng looked at Liu Laogen on the hospital bed.

"Playing the piano randomly, I don't look down on you, little brother, have you heard of Alzheimer's disease? If I ask you to take him back, what if something happens?"

The doctor in charge of the bed said very angrily.

He felt that He Jincheng was here to make trouble, and if He Jincheng dared to disturb anything later, he would not show mercy.

"Alzheimer's disease, also commonly known as Alzheimer's disease."

"A neurodegenerative disease with insidious onset and progressive development. Clinically, it is manifested by generalized dementia such as memory impairment, aphasia, apraxia, agnosia, impairment of visuospatial skills, executive dysfunction, and personality and behavior changes. The characteristics and etiology are unknown so far. Those with onset before the age of 65 are called Alzheimer's disease; those with onset after the age of 65 are called senile dementia."

"At present, in medicine, the cause of this disease has not been clarified. We only know that this disease is mainly related to genetic and environmental factors!"

"This is a disease of progressive cognitive dysfunction and behavioral impairment, and there is no cure at all. Only drugs and other methods can be used to alleviate and delay the onset of the disease."

After finishing speaking, He Jincheng looked at the doctor in charge of the bed.

"You... I didn't expect you to know quite well, but it's a bit inappropriate for you to take someone away like this, or wait for his wife to come over and talk about it!"

The doctor in charge of the bed recovered from the short-term shock, his old face flushed suddenly, and he was still a little upset.

"No need, Liu Laogen's wife was injured, so they can't do it for a while. Of course they want to do it. It's impossible for them to regret it in the end!"

When He Jincheng said this, he moved to the side of the doctor in charge of the bed and said in a low voice.

"I understand, but since you think you have a better way to treat it, then you have to let me see it. Anyway, the patient is still in our hospital for treatment. If there is any reason, you let us let him go. , if there is an accident, we will be the only ones responsible in the end!"

The doctor in charge of the bed said in a deep voice.

"Why is it so difficult? Let me just use a few stitches here. As for whether it will work or not, it's up to you to decide."

He Jincheng was not worried that the bed doctor would disagree.

Disputes between doctors, except for the hospital and their own, will not be particularly embarrassing when they meet again later.

"Okay, just let me see you, the famous village doctor, I hope you won't let us down!"

The doctor in charge of the bed said lightly, and then really stood aside, waiting for He Jincheng to treat Liu Laogen.


Suddenly, I heard a low growl, and saw Liu Laogen shaking his head on the bed, his body trembling violently.

He Jincheng frowned, feeling a little strange.

Liu Laogen's disease does not seem to be Alzheimer's disease.

Did I get it wrong before?

He Jincheng was just hopeful before, but after hearing the doctor's introduction, he directly preconceived, thinking that Liu Laogen really had Alzheimer's disease.

But the symptoms of this disease are also obvious, with poor memory, like to be in a daze, like to run around, like a child.

"Doctor, let me try first, anyway, you have been here all the time, so you can know my question and number."

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Okay, since you insist on showing off, and I can't hold you back, then you can try it, and I'll be by your side if your treatment plan is really useful."

The doctor in charge of the bed shook his head and said.

He still felt that He Jincheng was just showing off, and there was no way he could have any good solution.

"In that case, please allow me to go forward and heal my pulse."

He Jincheng arched his hands towards the doctor in charge of the bed and said.


The doctor in charge of the bed nodded slightly and made a gesture of invitation towards He Jincheng.

The movement here has attracted many people to come over to watch.

When everyone heard that a village doctor came to treat people, everyone was very curious.

"Do you think there is something wrong with this kid's head? The doctors in the hospital have said that this disease cannot be cured, yet he still has to treat the patient in front of so many people."

"These young people nowadays are so ambitious. As doctors, they prefer those who can surpass their predecessors in medical skills, so that they can get a certain reputation."

"I think this kid is quite confident. You can see that he has nausea and looks like a doctor. He doesn't seem like a novice."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, some questioned He Jincheng and some believed in He Jincheng.

The doctor in charge of the bed looked at it indifferently.

Originally, he thought that Jincheng was a Western medicine doctor, but he didn't expect that he came up to be a Chinese medicine practitioner of Mr. Shi.

These days, there are very few Chinese medicine clinics, and there are people with excellent medical skills, but they are also rare.

And generally speaking, the older the doctor, the better the medical skills. He Jincheng looks like he is only in his early twenties. What kind of medical skills can he have?

He Jincheng went and ignored other people's gazes, and now his whole mind is on Liu Laogen's condition.

This pulse he found a difference.

Alzheimer's disease is a behavioral disorder, and generally speaking, such body shaking and convulsions do not appear.

In other words, there must be other problems with Liu Laogen's body.

After this pulse, He Jincheng finally noticed something.

He can now be sure that Liu Laogen is not the so-called Alzheimer's disease, but a cloud of heat in his body that is churning around.

The so-called hot air is relative to the cold air.

Slight heat can make people angry, gums bleed, etc.

But the heat in Liu Laogen's body was very strange.

In addition to jumping up and down, sometimes rushing to the brain will put him in a semi-comatose state, and it is quite normal to have some sleep talking or other characteristics of Alzheimer's.

It's not their fault that the hospital misdiagnosed it as Alzheimer's disease, because even He Jincheng had never seen Liu Laogen's current disease.

But everything remains the same.

Although He Jincheng didn't know exactly what Liu Laogen's illness was.

But since it is hot air, then I have a way to drive out this strange date, and Liu Laogen's illness will naturally recover by then.

"I've finished the examination. Liu Laogen's disease should not be Alzheimer's disease. I will prescribe a medicine. After taking it, he can be discharged from the hospital!"

He Jincheng smiled and said very firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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