Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 135 The dispute between China and the West, the problem is that you are not her

Chapter 135 The dispute between China and the West, the problem is that you are not her
"What? Young man, I advise you not to talk so full. We have all done a professional examination on the patient and confirmed that it is Alzheimer's disease. This disease can only be alleviated by drugs, and there is no other way to treat it. !"

The doctor in charge of the bed frowned, but he didn't expect He Jincheng to be eloquent.

Moreover, isn't He Jincheng slapping the hospital in the face by saying this?

With so many people watching, if they admit it, what credibility does the hospital have in the eyes of patients?

"No one in this world dares to say that their diagnosis is [-]% correct. It is normal for hospitals to make some mistakes."

He Jincheng was very calm and said lightly.

He wasn't targeting the bed doctor.

There are not many diseases like Alzheimer's disease in China, and many doctors' understanding of this aspect is limited to theoretical knowledge in books.

And Liu Laogen's disease is indeed very similar to the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

So misdiagnosis is also very possible.

He was just telling a fact.

"You said our hospital misdiagnosed him, so why don't you tell me what's wrong with him?"

The bed doctor was very dissatisfied.

He Jincheng is just a barefoot doctor in the countryside, and he dared to argue with the doctor in his county hospital.

This is like a kindergarten student discussing homework with a college student.

"It should be the evil heat entering the body that causes mental disorder. The medicine I prescribed is to clear away heat and eliminate evil. After taking it, the patient's condition can be quickly relieved."

He Jincheng was not angry either, and said with a smile.

"Nonsense, what kind of evil heat enters the body is completely the theory of ghosts and gods. What age is this, and they are still engaging in that kind of deception. Now that the country advocates science, can you see a doctor by pretending to be a ghost? You are harming patient."

When the doctor in charge of the bed heard what He Jincheng said about the evil heat entering the body, he was immediately very displeased.

As a Western doctor, what he least believes in is the metaphysical theories in Chinese medicine.

Evil heat, evil cold, five elements, gossip, etc. are completely mysterious things that people can't understand. How can they be used to cure diseases?

He Jincheng also frowned slightly.

This is just normal for me, discuss the condition with this doctor Guan Chang.

Unexpectedly, this doctor went so far as to attack traditional Chinese medicine.

What he hates the most is the prejudice against Chinese medicine.

It is undeniable that there are many Chinese medicine practitioners who are not well-educated, and use this set of theories that they have not figured out to treat people. There have been many misdiagnoses and even harmed the lives of patients.

But these are all done by some quack doctors, not true Chinese medicine.

Just like Western medicine, misdiagnosis often occurs, but it cannot be denied that Western medicine is useless medicine.

Western medicine can be treated with such a large degree of tolerance, why do you sneer at the crystallization of wisdom handed down by our ancestors for thousands of years like Chinese medicine?

"This doctor, I don't want to argue with you, which is more scientific and effective. You don't understand Chinese medicine, and I don't blame you, but I hope you don't use your prejudice to slander Chinese medicine."

He Jincheng tried his best to respond to the doctor in charge of the bed in a very calm tone.

"Hehe, take a look at how many Chinese medicine clinics there are in the entire county and even the city. There are very few Chinese medicine doctors who can really stand up and treat people. The decline of Chinese medicine is a normal evolution of history and the times. I If you don’t like Chinese medicine, what can you do?”

The doctor in charge of the bed said in a very contemptuous tone.

At this moment, He Jincheng's anger was completely aroused.

You still have three points of anger alone, not to mention that He Jincheng is still an out-and-out Chinese medicine doctor.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I want to ask you, has anyone in your family got sick recently, but you can't do anything about it."

He Jincheng looked at the bed doctor again, and then asked coldly.

The doctor in charge of the bed was slightly shocked, a little surprised in his heart.

I don't know He Jincheng, how did he know someone in his family was sick.

But he didn't take it seriously, maybe this kid had already inquired about his family's situation, that's why he said that.

This is also the usual routine of Chinese medicine. First, learn about the patient's situation from the patient's friends or other people, and then use these things to make the patient believe in him more.

This is the same routine as the street fortune-telling, which first tells you what you say, and then tells you the fortune.

"So what? There are so many intractable diseases in the world. Even if you are sick, no one dares to say that it can be cured [-]%."

The bed doctor sneered.

"If I'm not wrong, it should be that your wife has a serious stomach problem. And it's been at least seven days. You gave him a lot of stomach medicine but it didn't get better at all. After checking, you didn't find out what happened. thing, am I right?"

He Jincheng ignored the contempt of the doctor in charge of the bed, but said in a neutral manner.

The doctor in charge of the bed was a little surprised.

There are many people in the hospital who know that their wives are sick, but not many people know such details.

Basically, they are people who are familiar with themselves.

He Jincheng himself has no impression of this person at all. What is certain is that he definitely does not come to the hospital often.

So it is basically impossible to inquire about such detailed things.

But now He Jincheng said the whole thing, as if he had experienced all this himself.

" did you know? Who told you?"

The doctor in charge of the bed's face darkened, and said a little angrily.

"Don't worry about how I know, you just say yes or no?"

He Jincheng said lightly.

"So what? Anyway, it's not a big problem after checking it out, it will be fine after a long time."

The doctor in charge of the bed said calmly.

"Then if I tell you that your wife's disease is not in him, but in you, do you believe it or not?"

He Jincheng stared at the doctor in charge of the bed, and said slowly.

The doctor in charge of the bed was slightly taken aback, and then burst out laughing.

"Hahaha...that's ridiculous. This is the funniest joke I've heard this year. Everyone, listen to it. My wife has a stomach problem, but he says it's because of me. Do you think this kind of nonsense can Be a doctor?"

The doctor in charge of the bed only felt that He Jincheng's words were too ridiculous, so he pointed at He Jincheng and said to everyone.

When everyone heard He Jincheng's judgment, they all couldn't figure it out.

If the cause of the disease is the bed doctor, then why is there nothing wrong with the bed doctor, but his wife has a stomach problem?
(End of this chapter)

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