Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 136 The result of the examination, the doctor in charge of the bed is scared

Chapter 136 The result of the examination, the doctor in charge of the bed is scared
"It doesn't matter if you don't believe me, but you can believe in your so-called science. I'm in the hospital. I want to have an examination. It's not a very troublesome thing for you. Wait for your own examination report to come out Afterwards, you will understand what I mean."

He Jincheng was noncommittal, and said lightly.

"Hmph, I think you have been exposed by me as a lie, and now you are starting to speak freely."

The bed doctor was very angry.

Although I am not the chief physician yet, I have worked in the hospital for seven or eight years anyway, and after another three to five years, I will be able to be rated as the deputy chief physician.

In terms of medical skills, do I still have to listen to a brat who jumped out of nowhere?
"Whether you speak indiscriminately or not, you can also verify it yourself. Anyway, you don't believe what I say now, but I advise you to check it as soon as possible, otherwise you will definitely regret it in a few days."

He Jincheng just said lightly, and didn't give too much explanation.

"Okay, then I'll go for an inspection now. I want to see what tricks you can do. But if after the inspection, you find that I have no problems, what should you do?"

The doctor in charge of the bed also competed with He Jincheng, and his eyes were fixed on He Jincheng.

"If I'm wrong, then from now on I will never touch medicine again, and from now on I will go home and farm honestly."

He Jincheng is very confident in his judgment.

"Very good, then I will go for an examination now. If you are really right, I will bow to you three times and never speak ill of Chinese medicine from now on."

The doctor in charge of the bed also stated his own conditions.

"It's a word."

"It's a deal. Before the results of my examination come out, please don't give the patient medicine indiscriminately."

The doctor in charge of the bed said very indifferently, and then asked a few nurses to watch here and not let He Jincheng take medicine.

Everyone was stunned one by one.

This young man is really a newborn calf not afraid of tigers.

This is the County People's Hospital, and he is a doctor at the People's Hospital. From their point of view, He Jincheng has absolutely no chance of winning.

He Jincheng was not in a hurry anymore, and just waited for the doctor in charge of the bed to do the examination.

He is not for himself, but just wants to fight for Chinese medicine.

If all doctors and patients have this kind of prejudice against Chinese medicine, then the wisdom passed down by our ancestors for thousands of years will come to an end.

While waiting, He Jincheng continued to investigate, looking at Liu Laogen's situation.

From time to time, Liu Laogen would wake up a little bit and see He Jincheng coming, Liu Laogen's face was full of gratitude.

"He Jincheng, thank you so much for coming to see me. I believe in your medical skills. What do you think is wrong with me?"

Liu Laogen is well known as an honest man in Lianhua Village.

I have seen several patients in He Jincheng's medical clinic before, and I have great trust in He Jincheng's medical skills.

He also woke up several times after he was sent here, originally thinking of going directly back to Lianhua Village to find He Jincheng for treatment.

But he will become confused in this situation after a while, and he can't go back at all.

So I had to let my daughter-in-law want to go home and get the money.

"It's okay, Uncle Liu, your illness is not serious, it's just caused by your rush. I've already prescribed the medicine for you, and I'll take the medicine for you later, and you'll get better soon. "

He Jincheng patted the back of Liu Laogen's hand and said with a smile.

"Oh, that's good, my old bones don't have a few days to live, but it's just gone, I'm really not reconciled."

When Liu Laogen heard He Jincheng's diagnosis, he immediately felt relieved.

In his opinion, He Jincheng's medical skills are genius doctors who can live and die.

Since he said nothing happened, there must be no problem.

"Uncle Liu, the days are still long. Why do you say these words? No matter what difficulties there are in life, we can survive through grit our teeth."

He Jincheng is also a person who has deep feelings. He once experienced a failure in life, which made himself miserable.

The first rebirth let him know that he must cherish the present and all the people around him.

It is not terrible to encounter difficulties, what is terrible is that you do not have the courage to face difficulties and the determination to solve them.

Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as there is a heart, this is the truth.

After chatting with Liu Laogen for a while, about half an hour later, a person trotted in outside the ward.

It was the bed doctor who made a bet with He Jincheng before and ran to check his body.

At this moment, the doctor in charge of the bed is gone. He was as calm as he was arguing with He Jincheng just now.

Now his face is pale, with sweat dripping from his forehead, as if he has encountered something terrible.

As soon as he entered the ward, the doctor in charge of the bed immediately walked up to He Jincheng.

"Little brother, how did you find out?"

The doctor in charge of the bed stared straight at He Jincheng, his tone full of anxiety.

"Traditional Chinese medicine sees, hears, and asks. This is our basic skill. You have death energy in your body. Although it is not obvious, you can still see it if you observe carefully."

He Jincheng paused at this point.

"Of course, if you think that what I'm talking about now is metaphysics and unbelievable, then you can pretend that I didn't say anything."

"No, no, it was because I didn't see Taishan just now, and I didn't see the real person. I accepted it, and I really convinced you, little brother, since you can see my illness, then it must be cured Me, please show me."

Obviously, the results of the bed doctor's examination were very unsatisfactory.

He went for a series of examinations just now, and found that there was a shadow in his chest cavity, accompanied by a slight murmur.

As a doctor of western medicine, he certainly knows what this means.

Most likely terminal illness.

This kind of thing usually doesn't affect life very much, but once it is delayed to the late stage, it will undoubtedly die.

He has been working as a doctor for so many years, and he has seen many similar illnesses.

The end result of those patients is very miserable.

I didn't expect it to be spread on me now.

"Now do you still think that Chinese medicine is all pretending to be ghosts and talking nonsense?"

He Jincheng looked at the doctor in charge of the bed and asked indifferently.

"No, no, of course not. It was because my vision was too narrow before, and my misunderstanding of Chinese medicine was too deep. Please, little brother, no, please forgive me, little genius doctor."

The doctor in charge of the bed shook his head at this time, how could he still argue with He Jincheng.

"So don't easily deny the crystallization of wisdom passed down by our ancestors for thousands of years. You just met me today, otherwise you will definitely regret it."

He Jincheng smiled faintly, then stretched out his hand.

"Let me take your pulse first, and see what's going on."

"Okay okay."

The doctor in charge of the bed immediately stretched out his hand to ask He Jincheng to feel his pulse.

His hands and feet were cold, and his body was trembling slightly. It was obvious that he was extremely scared.

(End of this chapter)

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