Chapter 137 Relief
He Jincheng stretched out three fingers to rest on the pulse of the doctor in charge of the bed.

For a full 3 minutes, He Jincheng frowned more and more tightly, and his face was also very ugly.

This made the doctor in charge of the bed very nervous, and his body was trembling slightly.

As a doctor, he has seen many births, old ages, illnesses and deaths, but when it really happened to him, he still couldn't help being afraid.

“It’s arguably a mixed bag.”

He Jincheng withdrew his hand and said in a deep voice.

"Please enlighten me."

The doctor in charge of the bed said quickly.

"The bad thing is that you are indeed terminally ill. Not to mention the current level of medical treatment, even if it develops for another 20 years, it cannot be cured."

The face of the doctor in charge of the bed was as white as paper, and the whole person seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar.

"Don't be so afraid. Although it is terminally ill, it is also a chronic disease. Will it be life-threatening for a while?"

Seeing that the doctor was so scared, He Jincheng spoke to comfort him.

"Then how much time do I have now?"

"If it is discovered late, it may be a year at most. However, it is not too late to find out at this time. If you actively cooperate with the treatment, you can still live for 30 to [-] years."

He Jincheng said conservatively.

In fact, using his medical skills to treat the bed doctor's disease may not cure him, but it is definitely no problem to let him live for more than 30 years.

As soon as he heard He Jincheng say that he could live for another 30 to [-] years, the doctor in charge of the bed seemed to see hope, and held He Jincheng's hand tightly.

"God doctor, save me, doctor!"

He is also in his early forties this year. If he can live another 30 to 70 years, then he will definitely live to be [-] or [-] years old.

Although it can't be regarded as a long life, this life is enough.

"Don't stabilize your emotions like this. You need to calm down even more at this time."

He Jincheng helped Xiao Wang up.

"Okay, I'm calm, I'm calm. I don't know the name of the miracle doctor? My name is Meng Qunlin. I'm so rude. I still don't know your name."

Meng Qunlin wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"My name is He Jincheng, and I'm a doctor in Lianhua Village. How about this, you lie down first, and I'll give you acupuncture once."

He Jincheng nodded, and let Meng Qunlin lie on the hospital bed.

Of course Xiao Wang climbed onto the bed without any hesitation.

After opening Xiao Wang's shirt, He Jincheng took out the silver needles and started acupuncture.

For the first needle, He Jincheng chose a five-inch needle.

The second one used six inches, and the third one used eight inches.

After the three silver needles were pricked, He Jincheng gave Meng Qunlin the pulse again.

At this moment, Meng Qunlin only felt his abdomen swell. After a minute, his breathing began to become short of breath, and his face gradually flushed.

When he was almost out of breath, He Jincheng took off the three silver needles again.

Meng Qunlin panted heavily and looked at He Jincheng expectantly.

"How is Miracle Doctor He, is everything okay?"

He was extremely nervous now, and his voice trembled a little.

"It's still within expectations. The problem is not too big. I will write you a prescription and take it three times a day in the morning, noon and evening. After taking it for three consecutive months, if you no longer feel abdominal distension, you can temporarily stop using it, and then Then come to Lianhua Village to find me."

While talking, He Jincheng wrote down a prescription and handed it to Meng Qunlin.

Meng Qunlin quickly held the pharmacy carefully in his hands as if it were a treasure, and after examining it carefully, he put it in his pocket.

"Thank you Miracle Doctor He, thank you Miracle Doctor He!"

Meng Qunlin thanked again and again.

"Now that your illness is over, can I cure Liu Laogen's illness?"

He Jincheng was referring to Liu Laogen next to him.

"Of course, of course, I'm going to rush for the medicine over there."

Meng Qunlin nodded repeatedly, and then trotted to the pharmacy to press the medicine.

With the help of Meng Qunlin, He Jincheng's rectification of Liu Laogen went very smoothly.

Liu Laogen's complexion looked much better after a dose of decoction.

In the end, within half an hour, he actually got out of bed, as if nothing had happened before.

Everyone was dumbfounded and amazed.

Meng Qunlin regarded He Jincheng as an absolute miracle doctor, and respected him extremely.

Liu Laogen thanked He Jincheng so much that he almost knelt down to He Jincheng.

"Uncle Liu, don't be like this. We are all neighbors. If I don't help you, who will help you? It's just not dark yet. Let's go back quickly. Madam is still waiting for you to have a New Year's Eve dinner together."

He Jincheng didn't tell Liu Laogen that Mrs. Liu had fallen.

I thought in my heart that I would invite that aunt and Liu Laogen to my home for a New Year's Eve dinner after I went back.

Anyway, the condition of the family is not bad now, there are two more, but it is not a problem.

After the two came out of the county hospital, He Jincheng rode a motorcycle and took Liu Laogen back to Lianhua Village.

Because he was in a hurry to go back to eat the New Year's Eve dinner, He Jincheng drove back to Lianhua Village from the county seat in less than half an hour.

The whole family was very happy to see He Jincheng came back.

After listening to He Jincheng's brief narration, everyone also expressed sympathy for Liu Laogen.

"Uncle Liu, I have something to hide from you. When Aunt Liu came back to get you money, she fell at the entrance of the village and can't get out of bed now, but don't worry, I have treated him. If there is any major problem, rest for a few days at most."

Only at this time did He Jincheng tell Liu Laogen about Aunt Liu's affairs.

"Oh, thank you so much, Xiao He. If it weren't for you, our old couple might not be able to survive this year. What's the use of raising a couple of children? In the end, it's not as good as your neighbor Woolen cloth."

Liu Laogen sighed deeply.

Everyone is also full of emotion.

In the past, when everyone mentioned Liu Laogen, they were all envious, because he had raised two relatively outstanding sons and daughters.

Now their children have settled down in the city. It can be said that they are rare urbanites in Lianhua Village.

As for He Jincheng in the past, he was a two-timer who knew all day long that he was fooling around in the village and not doing his job properly.

Unexpectedly, now He Jincheng has become the most respected and loved person in Lianhua Village.

For the New Year's Eve dinner, He Jincheng's family ate with Liu Laogen and his wife.

This moved his old couple badly, and they couldn't help crying.

Under the comfort of everyone, he finally saw a lot.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, He Jincheng held Tingting in his arms and knocked on doors one by one in the village to pay New Year's greetings!
He didn't need red envelopes or anything, but he carried a lot of things in his hands, and each family gave some more or less.

Except for a few bullies, the villagers are actually kind to themselves and their wives.

(End of this chapter)

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