Chapter 138
When He Jincheng came to the last house in the east of the village, he knocked on the door, and it took a while for the door to open.

An old woman walked over tremblingly.

He Jincheng hastily greeted him.

"Ms. Chen, why are you here? What's wrong with you?"

This Mrs. Chen is known as a kind person.

On weekdays, as long as someone asks her for help, she never refuses.

The rural people like to take advantage of it the most.

So all day long, as long as Mrs. Chen is free, someone will call her to help with work.

He Jincheng had also been favored by Aunt Chen before.

During that time, He Jincheng couldn't even eat a meal, his parents and brothers had left Lianhua Village, and he had no ability at all.

After being seen by Aunt Chen, she gave herself some of the little food she had left.

He Jincheng also wanted to repay his kindness when he came to visit for the New Year.

"Oh, Jincheng, I heard that you have opened a medical clinic. I heard them say that you are promising, and I thought it was a fake, but I didn't expect it to be true! It seems that you have also awakened! This is Your daughter is so cute!"

Aunt Chen is getting older now, and she is not as energetic as before, but the smile on her face is still so sincere.

"Grandma Happy New Year!"

Tingting yelled obediently, which made Aunt Chen laugh non-stop.

"Oh, you're so good, grandma is going to get you a red envelope!"

As Aunt Chen said, she was about to go in and get it, but was stopped by He Jincheng.

"Ma'am, I'm capable now! Don't be polite! If you feel unwell in the future, let your son call me. I'll go to your house to see a doctor for you. You don't have to come here!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"It's all right, I'm in good health, don't worry! I'm here to invite you to my house to see a doctor for my little grandson. A few days ago, my son sent my little grandson to let me take care of him for a few days. After one night, I suddenly became stupid and refused to eat. In just two days, I have lost several laps of weight!"

Aunt Chen said with a worried face.

He Jincheng nodded slightly. He knew that Mrs. Chen had a son who was working in the city.

On weekdays, her son is busy, so she will take the little grandson to the countryside and let Aunt Chen take care of him.

"Oh, Mrs. Chen is so old and still has to take care of her children. This Chen San is really too. I don't know how to feel sorry for my mother!"

He Jincheng thought to himself.

Looking after children is not an easy task.

Aunt Chen's grandson is only two years old, which is when he is most naughty and active.

So it looks more troublesome.

"Okay, Mrs. Chen, I'm going to get some things, let's go to your house now!"

He Jincheng said quickly, went back and took the needle bag, and then walked towards Aunt Chen's house together.

When he came to Aunt Chen's house, He Jincheng saw a child sitting on the steps in the yard.

The child's name is Tie Dan. At this moment, Tie Dan is sitting on the steps, looking up at the sky.

His eyes were a little blurred, and he seemed to have no focus.

Except for the occasional blinking, it really seemed to be in a daze, and there were no unnecessary movements.

He Jincheng frowned slightly.

This iron egg really has some strange diseases!
"Jincheng, look, Tie Dan has been like this for the past few days. Except for barely eating, the rest of the time, he just sits here and looks at the sky, as if thinking about something! I really can't think I understand!"

Aunt Chen had a look of anxiety on her face.

If my own grandson becomes a fool, the son will hate himself to death!
"Don't worry, I'll show the little guy first!"

He Jincheng gave Aunt Chen a reassuring look, and then moved closer to Tie Dan.

"Tie Dan, can you hear Uncle?"

He stretched out a hand and waved it in front of Tie Dan.

Tie Dan's eyes just glanced at He Jincheng lightly, and then moved to the sky again as if he didn't see He Jincheng.

He Jincheng was sure that it wasn't that Tie Dan couldn't concentrate, but that he didn't seem to have any thoughts about other things at all.

Then he took the little guy's pulse again, and made sure that the little guy didn't have any major problems except that he was a little weak because he didn't eat much.

This is a little strange.

If it's just because you eat too little, it won't cause this situation.

Moreover, Tiedan didn't want to eat because of his lack of energy, not because he didn't eat, which made him unable to eat.

After thinking about it, He Jincheng looked at Aunt Chen.

"Ms. Chen, what does Tie Dan like to do on weekdays?"

"Tie Dan doesn't have any special hobbies. His father brought him some toys, and I took them out for him to play with. He has no interest at all!"

Aunt Chen thought for a while and said.

"That's a little strange!"

He Jincheng also couldn't figure it out.

At first, I thought that Tie Dan was just a common disease, and I would definitely be able to catch it.

I didn't expect it to be like this, and it's not easy for me to judge.

At this moment, there was a sound of a car honking outside, and then three people hurriedly got out of the car.

"Mom, Mom, how is Tie Dan?"

One of them yelled loudly as soon as he entered the door.

"Oh, Mom, this child has only been with you for a few days, why is he sick? You are too careless!"

Another woman's voice sounded, and the dissatisfaction in her tone could be felt before she walked in.

He Jincheng frowned slightly.

The first person to speak was Chen San, Aunt Chen's son, and the second person to speak was Chen San's wife, Ma Lan, Aunt Chen's daughter-in-law.

The couple lived in the city and came back after the Chinese New Year.

Chen San inherited Aunt Chen's good-natured personality, while Ma Lan was a pungent woman who obeyed Chen San's order and was strictly monogamous.

As for the person who followed them, He Jincheng could tell at a glance that he was a doctor.

It seems that Chen Sanmalan and the others knew that their son was sick, so they brought a doctor to see him.

Ma Lan walked into the yard, hugged Tiedan in her arms, and gave Aunt Chen a dissatisfied look.

"Mom, I'm not talking about you. You can't do anything on weekdays. You can tell the disease from such a simple thing as seeing a child. If there is something wrong with Tie Dan, you will never see Tie Dan again. !"

Although Ma Lan called Aunt Chen's mother, her tone of voice, her words and deeds, did not seem to treat her own mother as if she was scolding the nanny.

He Jincheng was very displeased when he saw this scene from the side.

But this is family affairs after all, and he can't say anything, so he can only suppress the anger in his heart and stand aside without saying a word.

"Okay, don't say a few words, our mother is getting older, how can she take care of her as well as before!"

Chen San still had a bit of conscience, and helped Aunt Chen with a few words.

"Chen San, you are so talented, don't you dare to talk back to my mother! Believe it or not, my mother will make you kneel on the washboard at night?"

Ma Lan was not polite at all, she didn't care that there were outsiders watching, and she just reprimanded Chen San.

Chen San blushed from being scolded, but he didn't dare to say anything more.

Aunt Chen had a guilty expression on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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