Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 139 Unbearable, He Jincheng beat Ma Lan violently

Chapter 139 Unbearable, He Jincheng beat Ma Lan violently
"Ma Lan, I'm sorry, it's my fault, don't blame Chen San, it's because I didn't take good care of Tiedan!"

She was extremely ashamed, and felt that not only did she fail to take good care of her grandson, but she also caused her son to be scolded by her daughter-in-law, which was really useless.

"Hmph, it's good that you know, this time we brought a doctor here, if something really goes wrong with the child, I will do what I promise, and I will never let you see Tiedan again!"

Malan snorted and said, then looked at the young doctor beside him with a smile on his face.

"Doctor Zhang, my son will trouble you, please show me quickly, what's going on with him?"

The young man named Doctor Zhang nodded slightly, then took a stethoscope and began to examine Tiedan.

The inspection process is very simple, and from the way it looks, it should be a western doctor.

After a while, Dr. Zhang frowned and put away the examination tools.

"What's the matter, Doctor Zhang, is my son okay?"

Malan asked quickly.

"The problem is a bit complicated! Your son's mental strength is highly inattentive, and his reaction is also a little slow. Although the heartbeat and blood pressure are normal, this is the main reason for the complicated condition! My preliminary estimate is that it should be dementia in children!"

After pondering for a moment, Doctor Zhang spoke.

"Ah? Pediatric dementia? Then what should I do? My son is only two years old. If he has dementia, how will he live in the future!"

When Malan heard this, he became anxious immediately.

Although she didn't know about pediatric dementia, she knew about senile dementia!
On TV, those old people suffering from Alzheimer's disease are all unable to take care of themselves.

My son is only two years old, if he really gets infantile dementia, I'm afraid he will become a useless person from now on!

"Don't be nervous, this is just a preliminary judgment, and it may not be right! I suggest that you should be sent to the hospital for a systematic examination!"

Doctor Zhang said in a deep voice.

"Okay, let's go to the county seat now, and leave immediately!"

After hearing what Dr. Zhang said, Malan immediately said nervously.

Aunt Chen was very worried about Chen San, and she was also panicked.

Who knew it would be so serious.

"Doctor Zhang, how long will it take for this child to be cured with dementia?"

Aunt Chen asked worriedly, two lines of old tears had already flowed from her eyes.

"Mom, what do you care about this? Now the child has nothing to do with you, so don't even think about seeing the child again!"

Ma Lan immediately interrupted Aunt Chen's culture and said angrily.

Aunt Chen opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say anything, she could only shed tears silently.


At this time, He Jincheng finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Who in the world treats their parents like this.

Not to mention that this incident was not Aunt Chen's fault at all. The strange illness of the child was not due to Aunt Chen's poor care.

Taking a step back, even if Tiedan's illness was caused by Aunt Chen, she still did her best to take care of the child!

You work in the city and leave your children in the countryside, which in itself is not a good idea.

As a result, if something goes wrong, it is simply unreasonable to blame all the responsibility on the parents!

After being scolded suddenly, Ma Lan noticed He Jincheng, and a look of disdain suddenly appeared on his face.

"Hehe, I thought who it was, it turned out to be you trash! He Jincheng, what the hell are you, you dare to meddle in my wife's affairs, believe it or not, I will tear your mouth apart!"

Ma Lan stared at He Jincheng, and cursed directly.

"Ma Lan, this matter has nothing to do with Jincheng. I invited Jincheng to treat Tiedan..."

"Okay, you old woman, you are really uneasy and kind! He Jincheng is a shit doctor, you invite him to see my son, are you trying to kill my son!"

When Ma Lan heard that it was Mrs. Chen who called He Jincheng to see Tie Dan, she became even more angry.

In her impression, He Jincheng was an out-and-out bastard and bastard, who was ignorant and incompetent.

What kind of disease can he see? It is clear that the old lady didn't want to spend more money, so she came to He Jincheng.

"Ma Lan, I advise you to be more polite. You know, people are doing what the sky is watching. It's better to accumulate some virtue in doing things, and be careful of lightning strikes!"

He Jincheng scolded angrily.

"Fuck, the lightning strike from the sky is the first thing to kill you, you trash, get out of here, this is my home, I don't welcome you, get out of here immediately!"

Malan spat on the ground and cursed angrily.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, the child is the most important thing, let's go to the hospital to see a doctor for the child!"

Chen San quickly tried to persuade him that he was cowardly, but he didn't want He Jincheng to be affected by it. No matter whether He Jincheng was a doctor or not, he was always here to help!

It was good that Chen San didn't speak, but Ma Lan became even more unhappy when he helped He Jincheng say a few words.

"Okay, you Chen San, are you starting to speak for outsiders now, right? You trash, what can you do? Say what can you do?"

Ma Lan pointed at Chen San's nose and cursed loudly, showing no mercy to him.

Chen San was said to be blushing, lowered his head and dared not speak any more.

Aunt Chen hurried forward to try to persuade her.

"Tie Dan's mother, don't be angry, it's all my fault, I didn't take good care of Tie Dan, it has nothing to do with Chen San!"

Who knew that Ma Lan pushed Aunt Chen away and scolded with disgust.

"Give me your old thing, my son was killed by you, do you still want to kill me!"

Too much, really too much.

He Jincheng, who was on the side, was so angry that his nose was about to smoke.

He had heard before that Mrs. Chen's daughter-in-law was more aggressive.

From today's point of view, this is not only violent, it is simply devoid of conscience and moral corruption, and it is not even considered a person.

Aunt Ma is a well-known good old lady in the whole village, it is too inhuman for you to bully her so brazenly!

"Ma Lan, don't go too far! This is your mother-in-law!"

He Jincheng finally couldn't bear it any longer, he put Aunt Chen behind him, and said coldly.

"Hey, it's weird today, He Jincheng, you trash, have you grown capable? My old lady gave you face, didn't you?"

As he said that, Ma Lan raised his hand to slap He Jincheng's face.

He Jincheng's face darkened, and he reached out to block Ma Lan's hand, and then without waiting for her to react, he raised his foot and kicked her in the stomach.


Ma Lan groaned, fell heavily to the ground, and immediately rolled around.

"Oh my god, I beat someone, killed someone, He Jincheng beat someone, call the police and arrest this bastard! Chen San, you are still a man, your wife was beaten, what the hell are you Don't talk? Give him a pump!"

(End of this chapter)

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