Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 140 The Wimpy Chen 3, the little iron egg lovesickness becomes sick

Chapter 140

Chen San was also taken aback by He Jincheng's sudden attack, and hurried to help Ma Lan.

"Daughter-in-law, are you okay! He Jincheng, what are you doing, can't you just talk about it if you have something to say? How can you hit someone?"

He didn't have the guts to do it, he just said it with his mouth.

He Jincheng laughed.

This Chen San is really a wimp, his mother has been bullied by his daughter-in-law so much, she blames herself instead.

"Chen San, you are so useless, you don't care about your own mother, you only care about your own wife?"

He Jincheng said angrily.

Chen San blushed, but he didn't dare to say anything.

"Ma De, He Jincheng, I think you are looking for death, don't you know who my brother is? Believe it or not, I will let my brother bring a dozen to beat you to death!"

Ma Lan knew that it would be useless to count on her husband, so she immediately jumped up, pointed at He Jincheng and threatened.

He Jincheng knew that Malan's elder brother, Ma Daha, was a well-known bully in Pingyao Town. He heard that he had been engaged in some gray business all the time, and he got into trouble as often as he went into restaurants.

Malan is so arrogant and domineering because she has such a ruthless brother.

"Hmph, it's the same if you call me over, I'll call you right!"

He Jincheng couldn't stand Ma Lan anymore, stepped forward and pushed Chen San away, then picked up Ma Lan, and greeted him with a big mouth.

Everyone was so frightened that they didn't react for a while.

When Chen San came back to his senses, Ma Lan had been slapped more than a dozen times, and his entire face was swollen, like a pig's head.

"Ah, He Jincheng, I'm going to kill you, Chen San, you trash, fuck me! You're a f*cking worthless!"

Malan is going crazy.

Ever since I was a child, since when did I suffer such a brutal beating.

If she didn't kill He Jincheng today, it would be hard to get rid of the hatred in her heart.

Chen San quickly stepped forward and hugged He Jincheng, preventing him from beating Ma Lan any longer.

Ma Lan took the opportunity to run out. She was going to call her brother.

"He Jincheng, you wait, you wait for me, when my brother arrives, you just wait to die!"

Several of her teeth had been knocked out, and her speech was a bit leaky, and she threatened while running.


Chen San hurriedly chased him out.

"Jincheng, hurry up, this matter has nothing to do with you, you don't need to get involved!"

Aunt Chen was so frightened that she quickly pulled He Jincheng and let him go.

However, He Jincheng is not a person who does half of what he does.

He didn't dare to meddle in his own business before, but now that he has the ability, he can't just sit idly by.

"Auntie, it's okay. I'm here to treat your child. Even if I'm here today, I won't be able to drive me away!"

He Jincheng patted Aunt Chen's hand lightly, and said with a smile.

"No, Jincheng, Ma Daha has no bottom line in his work. If you hit Malan, he will definitely not let you go!"

Aunt Chen said anxiously.

In her opinion, He Jincheng is no match for Ma Daha.

If Ma Daha came, He Jincheng would definitely be beaten.

But if He Jincheng didn't leave, she couldn't push He Jincheng either, so she could only worry on the sidelines.

He Jincheng picked up Tie Dan, who was still in a daze, and prepared to treat him.

Tie Dan didn't know what was going on, even the big movement just now didn't divert his attention, he just sat there, staring at the sky in a daze.

He Jincheng had some ideas in his mind, but he hadn't confirmed them yet.

"Tie Dan, tell uncle, what are you thinking now?"

He Jincheng asked softly.

Tie Dan didn't look at He Jincheng, but seemed to hear He Jincheng's question, and raised his hands and shook them in front of him.

He Jincheng nodded slightly, as if he understood what Tie Dan meant.

"Aunt Chen, do you have a bed for children here?"

He looked at Aunt Chen and asked with a smile.

"Oh, yes, there is a crib in the room, but Tie Dan is too big to sleep on now, so it has been useless!"

Aunt Chen said quickly.

"Is there something hanging on the bed to amuse children? Toys or something!"

He Jincheng asked again.

"That's right, there is a small wooden airplane hanging on the crib. Tie Dan likes that one the most! But, after he didn't sleep on that bed, he didn't play with it anymore!"

Aunt Chen nodded repeatedly.

"Well, that's right, this little guy just misses his bed so much, or rather, his plane so much!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, "I'll trouble Aunt Chen to take out that crib! This little guy just thinks too much, that's why he fell in love with him!"

Hearing He Jincheng's judgment, the doctor Ma Lan brought finally couldn't help laughing.

He Jincheng fought with Ma Lan before, as an outsider, he naturally had no reason to ask.

And He Jincheng is so fierce, he doesn't want to go up and be beaten by this kid.

But when it comes to treating children, he is the doctor.

What is He Jincheng, but a little bastard who only uses brute force to bully women.

Now when it comes to the child's illness, he dares to speak nonsense here, saying that lovesickness becomes a disease, isn't this nonsense!

"Hehe, I said He Jincheng, are you a doctor? Do you have a medical qualification certificate? Even if you are a fool, you have to find a more reliable reason to fool you, okay? Tie Dan is only one or two years old, how could he be lovesick? Illness?"

The doctor said with a sneer, looking at He Jincheng with contempt.

"Tie Dan is also a human being. As a human being, there are seven emotions and six desires. Why can't lovesickness become a disease?"

He Jincheng said lightly.

"Nonsense, nonsense! I think you are here to cheat the old lady of money! A child who doesn't understand anything, how could he fall in love? Who is he in love with? Don't you think that Tie Dan still has a premature love?"

The doctor couldn't stop laughing, looking at He Jincheng like he was looking at a fool.

"Really? I don't know, what is the doctor's name, and where is he employed?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Don't dare, I'm under Wei Hongqi, a graduate of Western Medicine University, and now the youngest chief physician in the town hospital!"

Wei Hongqi cupped his hands slightly, and said proudly.

"Oh, so that's the case. A fresh graduate can be a chief physician. It seems that the level of the town hospital is not very good!"

He Jincheng said oh, very surprised.

Generally speaking, if a student who graduated from a medical school does not practice in a hospital for three to five years, it is impossible for him to start treating people.

Not to mention medical students who have just graduated, they will become some kind of chief physician directly.

It seems that this Wei Hongqi must have taken a shortcut.

"What a big tone, where did you graduate, and what rank?"

Wei Hongqi immediately became angry.

(End of this chapter)

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