Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 141 Immediate results, Ma Daha came to the door

Chapter 141 Immediate results, Ma Daha came to the door
Ordinary people would be shocked to hear that they are university graduates and the chief physician of the town hospital, even if they don't take the initiative to please.

Because people like me, in the eyes of ordinary people, are real geniuses.

It can be said that his future in the medical field is infinitely bright.

And what is He Jincheng?It's nothing more than a barefoot doctor in a mountain village that doesn't shit. I guess he doesn't even have a doctor's qualification certificate.

"I'm self-taught, what's the matter, are you not convinced? Do you want us to do two tricks?"

He Jincheng chuckled and raised his fist.

Wei Hongqi's old face flushed suddenly, and his body trembled with anger.

This is really a scholar who meets a hooligan, it doesn't make sense at all!


Wei Hongqi could only grunt, and flicked his sleeves, he stopped looking at He Jincheng.

At this time, Aunt Chen also carried out the baby carriage.

He Jincheng put Tie Dan on the stroller.

Strange to say, Tie Dan, who had been in a daze, had his eyes regain their brilliance when he just fell asleep in the stroller.

I saw him stretching out his two little hands and waving them non-stop, as if he wanted to grab the model airplane hanging on the stroller, eager to get it.

"Oh, it's alright, Tie Dan is healed! It's been a long time since I saw Tie Dan smile! Jincheng, what's going on?"

Aunt Chen said in surprise.

Everyone was stunned by this scene.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Tie Dan just now seems to be in a daze, his eyes are dull, and his whole body is weak.

But now he is in high spirits, as if nothing happened.

What exactly is going on?

Even Wei Hongqi was dumbfounded, with a look of astonishment on his face.

What's the situation?Could it be that this little doll is really suffering from longing?Impossible, how could a child get lovesick?It doesn't make sense!
Everyone looked at He Jincheng, hoping to get an explanation from him.

"I just said that Tie Dan became ill because of lovesickness! There was a saying in the ancients that people are haggard because of Yixiao. This is the principle behind it. In other words, excessive longing can also become a disease!"

"Of course, what Tie Dan misses is not any woman, but the airplane model that has been with him since he started to remember things! He can't speak, he can't express his feelings, but this airplane The model is his best friend!"

"Suddenly losing a good friend, Tie Dan will naturally miss him. Coupled with the sudden change of environment, this situation will become more and more serious, which will lead to not thinking about eating and drinking, and finally become this so-called lovesickness!"

He Jincheng slowly explained.

Everyone nodded their heads repeatedly, and felt that what He Jincheng said seemed really reasonable.

But, how did he see it?Could it be possible to see through people's hearts?
This is too amazing.

"I don't need to say more about the specific reasons. The important thing is that you, as parents, should spend more time with your children! Otherwise, the lonely Tie Dan may get sick from missing you in the future!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

After speaking, he looked at Wei Hongqi again.

"Doctor Wei, do you think what I said makes sense? If you have any other better way, you can tell me!"

Wei Hongqi's expression turned ugly.

Unexpectedly, He Jincheng cured Tiedan's strange disease just by using a crib.

"You... who knows if Tie Dan is really sick, maybe all of this was deliberately planned by you!"

Wei Hongqi really wanted to save face.

I'm used to compliments and flattery from others, so how can I stand such a run on by He Jincheng.

After thinking about it, he immediately gave He Jincheng a shit bowl.

"Hehe, Dr. Wei, you have to be responsible for saying such things! How can a child as young as Tie Dan cooperate with me in a play to deceive you? Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

He Jincheng sneered and said, this Wei Hongqi is really a donkey who will not fall, and will not turn back until he hits the south wall!
"Then who knows! Anyway, before I came, you were the only one here, and you didn't even know much about Tie Dan's condition. Who knows if you're fooling us!"

Wei Hongqi said stiffly.

Although he knew, He Jincheng probably didn't fool them.

But in front of so many people, even if it is true, it must be said to be false.

He Jincheng shook his head, and didn't want to argue with such scoundrels anymore.

If you reason with a rascal, isn't that out of your mind?

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of a motorcycle outside.

Then everyone saw that Ma Lan rushed in first, pointing at He Jincheng and cursing.

"He Jincheng, don't run away if you have the guts, my brother is here, I have to break your dog legs today!"

Immediately afterwards, a strong man with three points similar to Malan, with seven or eight men, carrying steel pipes or wooden sticks in their hands, rushed in following Malan.

That strong man is Malan's elder brother, Ma Daha.

This guy has a sloppy face, and he knows he is a gangster just by looking at it, which is very scary.

The surrounding villagers wanted to help He Jincheng, but feared by Ma Daha's lust, they dared not say anything.

"Made, who dares to hit my sister? Are you courting death? Stand up for me!"

As soon as Ma Daha entered the courtyard, he immediately glanced at the people in the courtyard, and then his eyes fell on He Jincheng.

"It's you?"

"it is me!"

He Jincheng stood up, put his arms around his chest, and said calmly.

"Ma Daha, Jincheng is the doctor I invited, you can't do anything!"

Aunt Chen was afraid that He Jincheng would suffer, so she quickly stood in front of him.

She was very anxious, Ma Daha is a jerk, and he brought so many people here, if he really did something, He Jincheng would definitely suffer.

"Bah, you dead old woman, my sister has not enjoyed a day of happiness when she married into your family. How dare you defend an outsider here? It seems that you don't treat my sister as your daughter-in-law, do you? Give it to me quickly Get out, or else, I'll beat you up too!"

Ma Daha shouted angrily, with a fierce look on his face.

Aunt Chen has a cowardly character, and her body trembled after being frightened by Ma Daha.

This guy is not trying to scare people, he hits people, never looking at whether the other party is an old man or a child, as long as he provokes Ma Daha, he will strike without mercy.

With a dark face, He Jincheng helped Aunt Chen to sit down beside her.

"Ma'am, you sit down first, don't worry, they are just a few bullies who bully the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled. I can still deal with them, so leave it to me!"

After finishing speaking, He Jincheng turned to look at Ma Daha.

(End of this chapter)

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