Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 142 Clean up easily, poor mother and son sigh

Chapter 142 Clean up easily, poor mother and son sigh
Aunt Chen was very anxious, but there was nothing she could do. As a person who was half buried in the soil, she had no status at home, so she couldn't help He Jincheng at all.

"Tell me, Ma Daha, what do you want?"

He Jincheng asked lightly.

"Hehe, what do I want? You slapped my sister more than a dozen times, and now you kneel in front of my sister, slap yourself a hundred times, and then kowtow to apologize. By the way, you have to pay money. I think you, a waste If you don’t have much money, just pay 10 yuan! Anyway, I’m still very merciful, and I didn’t interrupt your dog legs in the first place!”

Ma Daha said with a sneer.

He knew that He Jincheng opened a medicinal material factory with an initial investment of 10 yuan.

If He Jincheng didn't take out 10 yuan, he would just grab the medicinal material factory, and the value would definitely be more than 10 yuan.

"Yes, you must kneel down, kowtow to me, and pay 10 yuan in compensation!"

Ma Lan is full of confidence now, and the previous aggressiveness has come up again.

Now that her brother is here, He Jincheng has no choice but to kowtow to apologize and lose money, otherwise, he will die!

"Hehe, my bones are too hard to kneel down. Besides, I have no money, let alone 10 yuan. I can make up for ten yuan. If you sacrifice a little, I will pay ten yuan. What about the money?"

He Jincheng laughed.

After stopping He Jincheng's words, Ma Daha's face became even more ugly.

"He Jincheng, this is what you are looking for! Brothers, give it to me, and let this kid know what domineering is! Break this kid's leg first, he is not hard-boned, I want to see Look, is our steel pipe hard, or his bones hard!"

Ma Daha sneered and waved his hand, and the seven or eight younger brothers behind him walked slowly towards He Jincheng with various weapons.

"Boy, if there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and if there is no way to hell, you come here yourself! Hurry up and obediently do what Brother Ha said, otherwise, you will be the one who suffers!"

A younger brother said with a sneer.

However, before he finished speaking, he suddenly froze.

Because He Jincheng, who was standing two or three meters away in front of them just now, suddenly disappeared at this moment.

The next time, he felt a black shadow rush towards him.

He quickly waved the steel pipe in his hand, but before he could lift it up, he felt a slap on the face, and he flew upside down.


Following bursts of screams, seven or eight of Ma Daha's younger brothers were wiped out by He Jincheng!

What is the situation?
How could He Jincheng be so powerful!

The villagers were worried about why Jincheng just now, but they didn't expect the situation to be reversed in a blink of an eye.

Ma Dahan swallowed his saliva, and Ma Lan, who had not lost his arrogance on his face, didn't recover, and found that those people brought by his brother had all fallen to the ground, life and death were uncertain.

For a while, the whole yard was full of screams.

"You...don't come here!"

Ma Daha was also frightened.

Seeing He Jincheng walking towards him, he immediately raised the steel pipe in his hand and shouted angrily.

But his body was still very honest, and kept moving backwards.

He Jincheng stepped forward and snatched the steel pipe, and then bent the steel pipe abruptly in front of Ma Daha.

"You like playing poles very much, do you have any more?"

He Jincheng smiled lightly, with a playful smile on his face.

"He Jincheng, you...don't go too far, we are still acquaintances after all, we just need to solve the misunderstanding, there is no need to go too far!"

Ma Daha's voice trembled a little, and he began to give in.

Just kidding, if you can bend the steel pipe with your bare hands, and challenge this guy yourself, isn't that courting death?
"Hehe, if I were just an ordinary person today, would my legs be gone?"

He Jincheng didn't want to just let Ma Daha go.

If you don't let the other party learn a little lesson, you won't let him have a long memory at all.

"You... what do you want?"

Ma Daha swallowed, and said in a panic in his heart.

"Since you're so domineering, I'll let you experience what it's like to be bullied!"

He Jincheng smiled faintly, turned his palm over, and a silver needle as thin as a hair suddenly appeared in his palm.

This silver needle has always been carried by He Jincheng, mainly for emergency use.

I saw that he didn't give Ma Daha any chance to beg for mercy, and directly stabbed him in the lower abdomen with one needle.

When the needle went down, He Jincheng directly stabbed Ma Daha's fatal point.

The so-called Achilles heel doesn't actually make people die, it just makes them lose their ability to move.

Of course, with the passage of time, this effect will gradually weaken, but for a long time, Ma Daha must not be able to use violence, because he will not be able to use his strength at all.

A messy person who has no strength to fight, if this spreads, he will be laughed at to death.

Those who were bullied by Ma Daha in the past will definitely come to trouble him.

This is He Jincheng's punishment of Ma Daha.

Since he likes to bully people, as long as he loses his strength, even a child can easily knock him down, so how can he continue to bully people in the future.

"You... what did you do to me?"

Ma Daha was terrified at first, but after He Jincheng's needle fell, he didn't feel too uncomfortable, but his body suddenly lost strength and became limp.

"Go away, it's best not to let me touch you in the future!"

He Jincheng withdrew the needle and said calmly.

Ma Daha was a little surprised, convinced that He Jincheng had really let him go, so he got up weakly and ran outside.

The other younger brothers also struggled to get up one by one, and jumped onto the motorcycle in despair.

Seeing that her brother had run away, Ma Lan also screamed "Oh my god", and then ran away together.

Chen San stayed here, but he looked at He Jincheng with a bit of panic in his eyes.

"He Jincheng, you...don't hit me!"

Seeing He Jincheng looking over, Chen San stepped back quickly.

"Are you a coward, are you still a man?"

He Jincheng hated him for not fighting, snorted coldly, turned and left.

There was nothing he could do next.

After all, these are Chen San's family affairs, so it's fine to punish Malan and Ma Daha by himself.

As for whether Chen San will change, that's out of his control.

After He Jincheng left, Chen San came to Aunt Chen with a guilty face.

"Mother, I'm sorry, my son is useless and made you suffer!"

He really felt guilty, but he was cowardly by nature and didn't dare to resist.

"It's okay, mom is fine, as long as you and Tie Dan are on good terms, mom will feel at ease!"

Aunt Chen said with a sob.

"Thanks to He Jincheng this time, I know that your character is too cowardly, but I also think that you and Ma Lan are really not suitable. If there is a chance, let's get a divorce!"

"Mom, I really want to get a divorce too,'ve seen Ma Lan's temper. If I get a divorce, she will beat me to death!"

Chen San had a bitter look on his face.

"'s all my mother's fault. I didn't teach you well and made you as useless as my mother..."

Aunt Chen sighed heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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