Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 144 Turning black and white, He Jincheng becomes a suspect

Chapter 144 Turning black and white, He Jincheng becomes a suspect

"Why? Hehe, because the sanitation conditions in your medical center are not up to standard. Look at your floor, it's full of medicine residue, and the top of the counter is in a mess. Are you running a medical center or a garbage dump? We need to seize you!"

The fat man just laughed, pointing at random with his big hands, anyway, no matter how clean He Jincheng's medical clinic is, there is absolutely nothing good to say from his mouth.

"Okay, I'll close the door immediately!"

He Jincheng is very straightforward, it doesn't make sense to reason with these people.

The only thing that can make them afraid is that you find a backer who is stronger than them.

"Hehe, just close the door? Bad doctors like you who rely on harming the health of the people will be punished by law!"

The fat man said sternly, "This is a member of the law enforcement department. Come with us to the law enforcement bureau first!"

He Jincheng frowned slightly.

Not to mention, in a place like Lianhua Village, no one would come to check these things.

Even if you come to investigate, you won't arrest people!
It's as if I really killed someone.

"Come with us, be conscious and don't think about resisting, otherwise, we will add another charge of obstructing official duties to you. This is not as simple as practicing medicine illegally!"

The other law enforcement officer said lightly.

He Jincheng took a deep breath, feeling very angry.

If Huanxin Medical Center is really that bad, it's no big deal for them to catch themselves.

I can only blame myself for what I deserve.

But as soon as the fat man came over, he slapped himself with a few big hats, and then wanted to arrest himself.

That's a bit too much.

"Okay, but I need to make a phone call first! This shouldn't be considered a violation!"

He Jincheng does not yet have the ability to ignore the law, and still needs to find someone to get him out.

At this time, it is not a wise choice to conflict with them.

The best way is to find Chen Fasheng, as long as he says a word, everything can be solved.

"Okay, but you'd better wait to fight with us in the game!"

The fat man smiled lightly.

"Okay, I'll go with you!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly.

"Copy it yourself!"

The law enforcement officer took out a pair of handcuffs and said coldly.

"Ah, what are you going to do? Why are you arresting Jincheng?"

At this time, the village chief Huang Baofu came over, and when he saw that He Jincheng was about to be tortured away, he immediately exclaimed.

The two of them just glanced at the village chief Huang Baofu, not paying attention to him at all.

"Old man, we are acting in accordance with the law, if you have nothing to do, get the hell out of here!"

Liu Gang said coldly.

"Bastard, this is Lianhua Village, and it's not your turn to play wild here. I am the head of Lianhua Village. If you dare to touch He Jincheng, I will make you unable to leave Lianhua Village!"

Huang Baofu was furious.

Liu Gang frowned when he heard this.

These days, the village chief is the core figure of every village, and his authority is very high.

Offend anyone, and you can't offend the village head.

Otherwise, with a word from others, you might not be able to leave this village.

This kind of thing is difficult to handle even if someone comes from above.

Hundreds of people from a village ran out at once, no one could do anything!
"So it's the village head, hello, hello, I'm from the Health Supervision Bureau, and I'm also a businessman. This He Jincheng opened a medical clinic and didn't pay attention to hygiene. Isn't this harming the people in our village? The medical clinic should be a health model. , you always know that many diseases are caused by not paying attention to hygiene!"

Liu Gang immediately put on a smiling face and said with a smile.

"Fart, there is only one medical center in our village. In the past few months, how many patients have been cured by Xiao He? I haven't heard of any illnesses from the two people who opened the Huanxin Medical Center! I think you are Are you here to find fault? Let me go immediately, otherwise, be careful that I'm not polite to you!"

Huang Baofu scolded sharply.

"Hey, village head, we also enforce the law impartially, don't make things difficult for us!"

Liu Gang didn't dare to really offend the village chief, so he smiled and said some soft words.

As a result, Huang Baofu didn't buy it at all, so he pretended to call someone.

"Uncle Baofu, it's fine, just let these two take me back for tea. Don't worry, they will take me back when the time comes!"

He Jincheng stopped Huang Baofu from calling someone.

To deal with these two villains, there is no need to alarm the entire village.

"Xiao He, I can't just sit and watch you being taken away by these two bastards! They're clearly here to find fault, don't worry, with me around, even the Heavenly King and I can't take you away!"

Huang Baofu was a little anxious. He Jincheng is now a treasure of Lianhua Village. If he is harmed by these two bastards, it will definitely be a great loss to Lianhua Village.

Liu Gang and the two were very annoyed when they were scolded by Huang Baofu, a bastard.

But who told this place to belong to Lianhua Village, they dare not make a fuss.

"Village Chief, listen to me, give me a call, and tell me that Comrade Liu Gang invited me to drink tea, and that person will naturally come to me when the time comes!"

He Jincheng reported Chen Fasheng's phone number to Huang Baofu.

"I made a note, Xiao He, it's really all right. Although our village is poor, we can't be bullied like this!"

Huang Baofu was still a little uneasy.

"Hahaha, that's natural. How can the children of our Lianhua Village be bullied casually by others!"

He Jincheng laughed.

After explaining to Huang Baofu, He Jincheng followed Liu Gang to the law enforcement bureau in the town.

Pingyao Town is a poor town.

However, this town law enforcement bureau is quite impressive.

The six-story building has a yard of more than 300 square meters, and several cars are parked inside.

There are more than 50 law enforcement officers in total, and one office for two is more than enough.

He Jincheng was assigned to the interrogation room on the third floor.

The third floor is very particular.

Generally, suspects are placed here, and it is very difficult to escape.

Even if it fell from the third floor due to some accident, no one would be killed.Unless it's unlucky to land headfirst

He Jincheng was furious. He had been left in the interrogation room for two hours.

Not to mention seeing people, not even a glass of water.

I haven't done anything yet, have I become a suspect?
After a while, a law enforcement officer walked in with a teacup.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Wu Meng. You can call me Officer Wu."

After Wu Meng finished speaking, he took a sip of water from his teacup and didn't care about He Jincheng at all. After staying for two hours, he didn't even drink a sip of water.

"Mr. Wu, may I ask you, what did I do wrong to be treated as a suspect?"

He Jincheng said lightly.

"What mistake did you make? Hehehe, after staying for two hours, you still haven't figured it out? Do you have to let me tell you everything about you one by one?"

Wu Meng stared at He Jincheng and said with a sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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