Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 145 To prove medical skills, Chunfengtang prescribes medicine

Chapter 145 To prove medical skills, Chunfengtang prescribes medicine
"I don't know what you are talking about. I have always obeyed the law. It seems that I haven't done anything illegal!"

He Jincheng said lightly.

"Haven't done it? Hehe, the iron egg of Chen San's family, did you treat the disease?"

Wu Meng said with a sneer.

"That's right, the disease has been cured, what's the problem?"

He Jincheng nodded.

"What's the problem? Hehe, it's a big problem. Now the child's parents say that after you were treated, the child has been suffering from diarrhea and is still in the hospital. We suspect that you poisoned the child!"

Wu Meng said coldly.

"Fart, I didn't even use any medicine, so how could I poison it? Even if you're taking shit, can you do it in a more reliable way? There were so many people watching, how could I poison it?"

He Jincheng immediately became angry.

Is this really planning to treat myself as an idiot, and directly charge him with an unwarranted crime?

"What's your attitude? Aren't we also under investigation? If you haven't done anything wrong, why are you so resistant to the investigation? As long as you really haven't done anything, we, as law enforcement officers, certainly won't frame you!"

Wu Meng slapped the table, stared and said.

"Then you go and investigate. What do you want to interrogate me for? Before you confirm my so-called crime, it is illegal for you to do so!"

He Jincheng is not someone who has never seen the world, and he didn't panic in the face of Wu Meng.

Black is black and white is white.

There is no distinction between right and wrong, black and white, He Jincheng is not used to it!

"Hmph, what should we do, do we still need you to command?"

Wu Meng snorted coldly, "It is said that you are a miracle doctor, but I don't look like it no matter what, what do you have to prove that you are a miracle doctor?"

"Why should I prove it to you? Does it have anything to do with the shit you put on my head?"

He Jincheng said coldly.

"Hehe, I knew you would say that, it seems that we need to investigate your medical qualifications!"

Wu Meng chuckled, with disbelief on his face.

"Okay, how about this, I'll treat you right now, you don't need to say anything about your situation, just listen to what I say is right, this way, I can always prove my medical skills!"

He Jincheng thought about it, and felt that this was the only way to convince the other party.

If you continue to let the other party pester you like this, you will not be able to reap the benefits.

As long as Chen Fasheng comes to save him, everything can be easily resolved.

"You are very confident. I know whether I am sick or not. However, it is okay to let you try, but if what you say is wrong, it will be a more serious crime! Illegally practicing medicine in the Law Enforcement Bureau, the plot more serious!"

Wu Meng said lightly, his face was full of jokes.

In his opinion, He Jincheng was just stalling for time, and wanted his acquaintances to rescue him.

It's just that today's matter was inquired by the deputy director himself.

He Jincheng's call for help just now was doomed to be in vain.

"it is good!"

He Jincheng didn't hesitate, and directly stretched out his hand to feel Wu Meng's pulse.

After a while, He Jincheng had a judgment.

"Tell me, what's wrong with me?"

Wu Meng said playfully.

"If I'm not mistaken, you suffered an abdominal injury two years ago. It was a blunt trauma. It was very painful at the time. After going to the hospital for treatment, you got relief. But in the past two years, every time you were hungry, you would The pain is unbearable!"

He Jincheng said slowly.

The playful smile on Wu Meng's face froze.

How did he know?
Two years ago, during an arrest operation, he was hit in the abdomen by a gangster with a steel pipe. At that time, he fainted from the pain.

However, during the examination at the hospital, the doctor only said that the stomach was injured, and there was no major problem. He prescribed some medicine, and it did relieve a lot after taking it.

It's just that, as long as I'm hungry later, the pain will be unbearable, and I have to eat to make my stomach feel full.

He has also been to the hospital several times. At first, the doctor judged that it was Helicobacter pylori infection, which caused chronic gastritis. He took a lot of medicine, but the result was still very unsatisfactory.

As long as the medicine is stopped, the problem will reoccur.

This made Wu Meng very distressed.

It's just that this matter is a trivial matter, and only a few of his colleagues know about it.

It is absolutely impossible for He Jincheng to know in advance.

Then there is only one reason, and that is that He Jincheng really got the diagnosis by means of pulse diagnosis.

Unexpectedly, this young man really has some skills.

Is it really a doctor?

"Hehe, it's not enough just to see what's wrong. You need to cure me. Otherwise, if you can't cure the disease, you're not a quack doctor?"

Wu Meng thought for a while and said with a smile.

This is the first time he smiled.

He Jincheng knew that his judgment was not wrong.

This fault probably made him suffer a lot!
"Your problem is actually very simple. The previous doctor only treated you according to chronic gastritis. In fact, this direction has gone astray. What you hurt is the intestines and stomach, and the intestines and stomach must be treated together! I will write to you This is a simple prescription, drink it once and it will be effective, now go to the Chunfengtang in the town to buy medicine, after drinking it, do not eat at night, you can verify it!"

He Jincheng said slowly.

"Okay, if it's really effective, although I can't let you out, I can definitely guarantee that you will never be treated unfairly during your detention here!"

Wu Meng said immediately.

He is also an old law enforcement officer, and he still has some energy in the law enforcement bureau.

It is still possible to arrange a better detention room for He Jincheng.

"Thank you so much! Let me borrow a pen and paper!"

He Jincheng smiled, took the pen and paper from Wu Meng, and wrote a prescription.

Wu Meng put Fang Zi away, then uncuffed He Jincheng, and took him to a solitary confinement room.

There are beds, bedding, tables, chairs and tea.

Generally speaking, only suspects who have paid a certain deposit can live in a room with this kind of treatment.

He Jincheng is an exception.

"He Jincheng, I'm going to the main office right now. As long as I really do what you said, my stomach problems can be relieved. You can stay in this detention room until you leave! But if it doesn't work..."

"If it doesn't work, I will be punished!"

"Okay, refreshing enough, He Jincheng, I really believe that you are a real doctor now!"

Wu Meng gave He Jincheng a thumbs up, and then went to grab the medicine with the prescription.

Pingyao Town also has a traditional Chinese medicine clinic called Chunfengtang.

The doctor sitting in the hall is named Meng Qingyu, a female Chinese medicine doctor with fairly good medical skills.

In addition, there are two doctors sitting in the hall.

There are only a few sporadic patients in the store, but they are not very busy.

After Wu Meng came here, he immediately took out the prescription and prepared to grab the medicine.

Meng Qingyu's eyes lit up after receiving the prescription.

(End of this chapter)

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