Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 146 Convinced Wu Meng, the detention room took action to treat the disease

Chapter 146 Convinced Wu Meng, the detention room took action to treat the disease
"You have an upset stomach!"

As soon as she saw the prescription, she understood the other person's illness, but she was very curious about the content of the prescription.

This is the first time she has seen such a symptomatic and detailed prescription.

"That's right, please get me some medicine!"

Wu Meng nodded slightly, and said in his heart, sure enough, He Jincheng didn't lie to himself, it seems that he really met a real person!
"Well, your prescription is really a bit strange. It seems that there are more medicinal materials than traditional prescriptions, and the medicinal properties seem to be milder. The person who can prescribe such a prescription for you must be a doctor with very good medical skills! "

Meng Qingyu asked with a smile.

She didn't just ask casually.

A doctor who can prescribe such a prescription must have excellent medical skills.

Now at Chunfengtang, grandpa is getting old and basically in a semi-retired state. He will only come out to diagnose diseases unless there are important figures or intractable diseases.

As for the two doctors sitting in the medical hall at the moment, their medical skills are still a bit weak.

At the very least, they must not be able to prescribe such a prescription.

If the doctor who prescribed this prescription can be invited, it will definitely be a great thing for Chunfengtang.

Therefore, Meng Qingyu wanted to see if he could find this doctor.

"Well, that's it, maybe it is! You should catch me first, I'm still waiting to take the medicine!"

Wu Meng's heart skipped a beat, he didn't expect that He Jincheng's medical skills really weren't blown out.

Just a prescription, let others see that his medical skills are good.

"Okay, I'll get someone to get you the medicine right now! But, big brother, can you give me the contact information of the doctor who prescribed it? I really want to meet this doctor!"

Meng Qingyu said with a smile, while arranging for someone to grab medicine for Wu Meng.

The request of a beautiful woman is often impossible to refuse.

However, now that He Jincheng is locked up at the Law Enforcement Bureau, Meng Qingyu can't be allowed to go to the Law Enforcement Bureau to see He Jincheng!

But that kid He Jincheng doesn't seem to have a mobile phone yet.

I called just now, and I still used my mobile phone.

"Well, maybe it's inconvenient! That doctor... the doctor, because of some things, is now cooperating with the Law Enforcement Bureau in the trial!"

Wu Meng hesitated for a moment, but still said.

"Huh? Did he do something wrong?"

Meng Qingyu asked in surprise.

"Uh, we're still in the verification stage for some hygiene matters!"

Wu Meng simply said the matter.

When Meng Qingyu heard this, Liu Mei frowned slightly, and she also had some thoughts in her heart.

"If I can help this doctor get out of the Law Enforcement Bureau, maybe I can impress him to come to Chunfengtang for consultation! A doctor who can write such prescriptions must have good medical skills!"

Thinking like this, Meng Qingyu looked at Wu Meng.

"Brother, I want to see that doctor. I wonder if I can?"

"Maybe it's inconvenient today, or else, come over tomorrow morning, and I can arrange for you to meet him!"

Wu Meng thought for a while and said with a smile.

If you can take advantage of this opportunity to establish a good relationship with this beautiful woman, that would be very good.

"Okay, thank you so much, the medicine is ready, so I won't charge you, just take it as me thanking you for your help!"

Meng Qingyu said with a smile.

Wu Meng was even happier. Sure enough, beautiful women are kind!

This time, I may have a chance!
After grabbing the medicine, Wu Meng returned to the Law Enforcement Bureau, then went to the office, and started cooking directly with the health pot.

After the medicinal soup was cooked and finished drinking, Wu Meng immediately felt that his stomach and intestines were warm.

Unprecedented comfort.

When it was time for dinner in the evening, Wu Meng, who was already used to stomach pain, opened the drawer and wanted to take medicine.

Only then did I realize that my stomach really didn't hurt anymore!

"He Jincheng really didn't lie to me, he is really a miraculous doctor!"

He was able to accurately describe his illness just by feeling his pulse, and a dose of medicine gave him great relief.

If He Jincheng is not a doctor, is there still a doctor in the world?
"Hey, Wu Meng, it's time for dinner, why don't you go to eat, your illness is cured?"

At this time, a colleague came over and called Wu Meng to eat.

Wu Meng patted his thigh, picked up the lunch box and dragged the colleague to the cafeteria.

"Brother, don't say that I don't take care of you, brother, you also get a meal today, let's go to the detention room to eat!"

While talking, Wu Meng pulled the colleague and said seriously.

"Ah? What do you mean, our cafeteria is so big, it's not that we can't sit down, what kind of detention room are we going to?"

The man said very puzzled.

"Haha, let me tell you, if you don't come with me, you will definitely regret it! Walk around, I promise you a worthwhile trip!"

Wu Meng laughed loudly, and after having a sumptuous meal with the man at the same time, he hurried to the room where He Jincheng was being held.

The two hurried to the holding room.

He saw He Jincheng sitting on a chair with his legs crossed, as if he knew Wu Meng would come.

"Oh, Miracle Doctor Zhao, hurry up, come, come, let's eat together today!"

Wu Meng immediately placed the food on the table respectfully.

This change in attitude can be described as a world of difference.

You know, when he first met He Jincheng, Wu Meng still thought this kid was a liar!
However, he just showed his hand a little, and he directly cured the evil disease that had plagued him for two years.

If this is not a miracle doctor, who else is a miracle doctor!

Physician qualification certificate?What it is?
If such a person can't practice medicine, there will be no one in the world who can practice medicine.

The most important thing in curing diseases and saving lives is to be able to cure diseases!

"Hehe, it looks like Mr. Wu, your stomach problem is almost gone! However, you still have to pay more attention in the future, otherwise, there is a high possibility of relapse! The prescription I prescribed for you can basically be cured after drinking three more doses!"

He Jincheng was not polite, he said with a smile, and picked up his chopsticks to eat.

I was brought here in the morning, and I haven't had lunch yet.

Now another three or four hours have passed, and I am already starving.

"Hey, yes yes yes, I will definitely obey your orders from Miracle Doctor Zhao!"

Wu Meng nodded repeatedly and greeted He Jincheng for dinner.

If it wasn't for being in the Law Enforcement Bureau, he would have wanted to open a bottle of wine for He Jincheng.

The colleague who followed Wu Meng didn't quite understand why Wu Meng was so polite to He Jincheng, and looked at him puzzled.

"Liu Huan, this one is Dr. He Jincheng, Dr. Zhao. You haven't recovered from a herniated disc, you can ask Dr. Zhao to show you, and I promise to cure your chronic illness!"

Wu Meng quickly pulled Liu Huan and said.

"Let him cure it? I have a herniated lumbar disc. I have seen more than a dozen doctors, but none of them are cured. Can he cure me?"

Liu Huan frowned.

He didn't believe that He Jincheng could cure his disease.

If I remember correctly, this He Jincheng was arrested because of medical problems!
Isn't it a joke to let such a person see a doctor for himself?
(End of this chapter)

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