Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 147 Seeing a doctor for free, alerting the director of the Law Enforcement Bureau

Chapter 147 Seeing a doctor for free, alerting the director of the Law Enforcement Bureau

"Don't talk nonsense. You have been working with me for so many years. Can I lie to you? You should know about my stomach problem. Today, Dr. He just checked my pulse and prescribed a prescription. It will be fine immediately!"

Wu Meng said immediately.

"So amazing? Why don't I believe it?"

Liu Huan pouted.

If he really has the ability, can he still be arrested for practicing medicine without a license?
It’s ridiculous!

This kid Wu Meng also went to the doctor in a hurry.

Nine times out of ten it was a coincidence, this kid couldn't possibly have this ability.

"As for orthopedics, I know a little bit about it. Lumbar disc herniation is actually not a serious disease. In my hands, it can be cured in 3 minutes!"

He Jincheng said lightly while eating.

"What a bold tone! How old are you, can you still be more skilled than the dozen or so doctors I've seen?"

Liu Huan suddenly became unhappy.

I have found many experts to treat this lumbar disc herniation for myself.

The result is only remission, once the treatment is stopped, it will still relapse.

And, every time it recurs, it gets worse.

Even now, he doesn't want to go for treatment anymore.

"If I'm not mistaken, your disc herniation should have occurred ten years ago!"

He Jincheng took a sip of water and was finally full.

The taste of this meal is not bad, it seems that it is a good dish specially prepared by Wu Meng.

"How do you know? Wu Meng, what did you say?"

Liu Huan was slightly startled, and then looked at Wu Meng next to him.

It has been ten years since I have a protruding lumbar disc.

This matter, only a few people know.

Therefore, he concluded that it was impossible for He Jincheng to know.

Unless Wu Meng told him.

"Hey, Doctor He really is Doctor He! Brother, why do you think I should tell about you to a person I met for the first time today? Lao Liu, believe it or not, why don't you give it a try and let Miracle Doctor He will show you, don’t tell me you’re still 3 minutes away?”

Wu Meng was extremely shocked, but when he thought that He Jincheng was a genius doctor, he felt a little relieved.

That's not the case, he is a genius doctor, so it's not a big deal to be able to see it.

Liu Huan thought about it too.

If this one can really cure his lumbar disc herniation, then it means that his medical skills are really superb.

If it can't be cured, hum...

"Okay, please help me look!"

As Liu Huan said, he was about to sit in front of He Jincheng.

"Wait a minute, what about your disease, you can't be treated sitting down, you can only be treated standing up!"

He Jincheng waved his hand, wiped his mouth with a tissue, and then stood up with a smile.

"Mr. Wu, please also put my handcuffs..."

"Oh, I'll untie it now!"

Wu Meng quickly took out the key and uncuffed He Jincheng.

Liu Huan frowned slightly, but didn't say anything.

There are two people on my side, and there are dozens of law enforcement officers outside. This kid can't fly even with wings!

"Come on, let me see your bones first!"

He Jincheng started directly and touched Liu Huan's waist.

However, after touching it for 2 minutes, He Jincheng did not see any real movement, but seemed to be groping around randomly.

This made Liu Huan almost go berserk.

"I said boy, are you..."

Just when Liu Huan couldn't help it, he wanted to question He Jincheng.

Suddenly there was a crisp click.Liu Huan was stunned.

He Jincheng clapped his hands, then sat back down.

"Okay, now you can try the lumbar disc again!"

Hearing He Jincheng's words, Liu Huan twisted his waist in disbelief.

"Comfortable, unprecedented comfort! Amazing, really amazing!"

Liu Huan was very surprised, his face was full of shock.

"Hehe, let me just say, Miracle Doctor He is a real miracle doctor, why don't you hurry up and thank Miracle Doctor He!"

Wu Meng said proudly from the side.

It was as if he cured Liu Huan.

"Thank you, thank you so much! Miracle doctor He, you don't know that I have been tortured by this herniated disc all these years!"

When Liu Huan thought about it, he had been suffering from a herniated disc in the past ten years.

Suddenly, he felt relieved, which made him feel extremely happy.

"It doesn't matter, you are also serving the people. In your profession, there are actually quite a lot of injuries. Who can have nothing wrong with them!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Both Wu Meng and Liu Huan nodded empathetically.

That's right, occupational diseases, occupational diseases, but if you want to say what occupation has the most serious occupational diseases, they are really none other than them.

"Miraculous Doctor He is right. If we have a miracle doctor like you in the Law Enforcement Bureau, we will certainly be able to serve the people better!"

Wu Meng's eyes lit up, and he said hastily.

Isn't that right, as a law enforcement officer, various accidents often occur.

Just like my own stomach trouble, it is because of the sequelae left when I fought with the gangsters before.

Liu Huan is better, he is in charge of inspection and monitoring.

But sometimes, in order to solve a case, one sits for a day and a night, or even a few days and nights.

This does not lead to lumbar disc herniation.

There are also various gunshot wounds and knife wounds, which abound.

It can be said that the profession of law enforcement is the closest to the common people, but the most dangerous profession.

"That's right, Miracle Doctor He, I have a few colleagues who also have some physical problems, I would like to ask you to help, let us have a look together!"

Liu Huan's eyes lit up, and he said hastily.

Working in the Law Enforcement Bureau, who can have nothing wrong with him!

"Okay, anyway, there's nothing to do now, so let's show it to you for free!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

He knew that the effect he wanted had basically been achieved.

Didn't you report yourself?Then he cured all the illnesses of the law enforcement officers in the entire Law Enforcement Bureau.

At that time, I will see who will come back and arrest me!

Liu Huan and Wu Meng were overjoyed immediately, and quickly ran out to call someone who had a good relationship with them.

After going back and forth like this, almost the entire Law Enforcement Bureau knew that a little genius doctor was arrested in the bureau today, who can cure any disease.

For a while, there was even a queue in the detention room where He Jincheng was.

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, come one by one, Miracle Doctor He is inside, and won't leave!"

Wu Meng maintained order at the scene.

At this time, a young female law enforcement officer trotted over.

Whispered a few words in Wu Meng's ear.

Wu Meng was startled at first, but nodded again and again.

"Is the director going to see a doctor too? Does he have any objections?"

Wu Meng was not afraid of the director coming to see a doctor, but he was afraid that the director would criticize them for not doing their jobs properly at work.

(End of this chapter)

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