Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 148 Fang Yuanshan bowed his head to seek medical treatment because of his airs

Chapter 148 Fang Yuanshan bowed his head to seek medical treatment because of his airs
"I was quite angry at first, but when I heard that your stomach disease and Liu Huan's herniated disc were cured, he didn't say anything more, and let me take a look at the situation! If possible, please give He sees it?"

The female law enforcement officer said quickly.

"No problem, I'll talk to Miracle Doctor He right now!"

Wu Meng nodded, and then hurriedly went to He Jincheng.

He Jincheng frowned slightly when he heard Wu Meng's words.

"If you want to see a doctor, let him come by himself. Do you want me to go there?"

After finishing speaking, He Jincheng stopped paying attention to Wu Meng, turned around and continued to see a doctor for the law enforcement officers.

"You're fine, but you've been a little angry recently, pay attention to rest, and drink some tea that clears away heat and fire! Green tea is very good!"


Embarrassed, Wu Meng handed over He Jincheng's intentions to the female law enforcement officer.

"Hey, this kid is really arrogant! Let me tell him!"

The female law enforcement officer was suddenly unhappy.

The director has to go to the detention room to see a doctor?
"Don't worry, sister, I'm a genius doctor. If you make such a fuss, what should I do if I don't want to see it? If you want me to tell you, why don't you tell the director to let him feel wronged and come and see for yourself!"

Wu Meng said quickly.

"Okay, then I'll talk about it, but if the director is angry, I don't care!"

The female law enforcement officer glared at Wu Meng, twisted her body, turned and went to the chief's office.

The Pingyao Town Law Enforcement Bureau has a director and a deputy director.

The director is named Fang Yuanshan, and he is a very capable old comrade.

It's just that this person is upright, offended many people, and was excluded, so he was sent to a small town to be the head of the law enforcement bureau.

In terms of ability and qualifications, Fang Yuanshan is more than enough to be the director of the city bureau.

But this is also good, at least in Pingyao Town, no one dares to intrigue against him, and he can do things in a down-to-earth manner to seek some well-being for the people.

These few days, Fang Yuanshan felt a little uncomfortable.

As early as 20 years ago, he was shot in the head during an operation to arrest foreign criminals.

Although the bullet was successfully removed, since that day, he has had headaches from time to time.

This headache was not a normal pain, it was like a split head.

He also checked many times, but no cause was found.

All the examinations were normal and could no longer be normal, and the doctors were at a loss as to what to do.

So Fang Yuanshan can only use painkillers to relieve the pain now.

However, there will be a certain resistance to painkillers. After taking it for a long time, it will gradually lose its effect.

In the past few days, his headaches have been getting worse and worse. He has taken a CT scan, but he still hasn't found out what's going on.

Today, when he heard the chaos outside, he asked the secretary what was going on.

Only then did I realize that it turned out that a miracle doctor whose hygiene conditions met the regulations had been arrested.

Even the old problems of the old men of the Law Enforcement Bureau, Wu Meng and Liu Huan, were cured.

This made Fang Yuanshan a little surprised, but also a little ready to move.

As the director of the Law Enforcement Bureau, his purpose is of course to investigate and deal with those quack doctors who practice medicine without a license.

But as a patient, he doesn't care if the other party is practicing medicine without a license, as long as he can cure his headache, he is the best doctor!
dong dong dong...

There was a knock on the door outside.

Fang Yuanshan withdrew his thoughts and said please come in.

I saw the female law enforcement officer walking in with a displeased expression.

"Director Fang, that genius doctor is so arrogant that he let you go there by himself! It's too much, I think he is just too arrogant!"

The female law enforcement officer said very angrily.

"What are you talking about? He is a person with real skills. If he can solve our pain and troubles, then he is qualified to let us go there in person!"

Fang Yuanshan said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Director, you are right!"

The female law enforcement officer nodded slightly.

But she has been Fang Yuanshan's secretary for several years, so of course she knows what he means.

If it can be cured, there is nothing wrong with it.

But what if it can't be cured?

It seems that that kid is out of luck!
The secretary knew that Fang Yuanshan had suffered from headaches for more than 20 years. If he could be cured, he would have been cured a long time ago, so why wait until now?

So, He Jincheng is really going to be unlucky!
"Okay, let's go over now, and I'll have a look at that time, who is this guy who turned our entire Law Enforcement Bureau upside down!"

Fang Yuanshan said in a deep voice.

The two of them left the office and went directly to the cell where He Jincheng was being held.

At this time, there are not many people queuing up to see a doctor.

When everyone saw that the director was coming, they all gave up their seats and asked Fang Yuanshan to go to the doctor first.

"Hello there!"

Fang Yuanshan was quite polite. After sitting down, he first greeted He Jincheng.

Unexpectedly, He Jincheng frowned.

"There are so many people queuing, why do you have to jump in line? Can leaders be special?"

He Jincheng said very bluntly.

"It's... yes, it's my fault! I shouldn't have jumped in line!"

Fang Yuanshan's expression was somewhat embarrassed.

As the chief of the bureau, he has always been very friendly in the law enforcement bureau.

Everyone gets along very harmoniously.

So Fang Yuanshan enjoyed some of the treatment he deserved when he had time.

It's just that he didn't expect that the subordinates took the initiative to give up their seats, but He Jincheng was not happy.

"Miraculous Doctor He, this is Director Fang of our Law Enforcement Bureau. We are all willing to let him see it first, so you can show Director Fang first!"

Wu Meng said quickly, and the other law enforcement officers also nodded slightly.

It's a bit too embarrassing for the chief to come to see a doctor and have to wait in line!
"I'm not from your Law Enforcement Bureau. If you want to seek medical treatment from me, you must abide by the rules. Otherwise, I will not treat anyone!"

But He Jincheng refused politely.

This kind of thing of jumping in line is really too common.

He Jincheng didn't like such things very much.

There are no rules, no circle, the director has to abide by his own rules when he comes to his place.

"Miracle Doctor He..."

"Hey, Doctor He is right, it's me, Meng Lang!"

Wu Meng just went to persuade He Jincheng after playing, but was stopped by Fang Yuanshan.

I saw him stand up, and he actually walked to the end to line up.

Everyone was dumbfounded, but Fang Yuanshan stood there very seriously, without any displeasure.

Soon, He Jincheng cured the patients in front of them.

Everyone was very grateful, but they didn't leave.

Because they all wanted to see how He Jincheng treated the director.

"Miraculous Doctor He, I'm in trouble!"

Fang Yuanshan smiled faintly, and stretched out his right hand.

He Jincheng stretched out his hand to feel his pulse, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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