Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 149 The director is convinced, but Captain Hu is not convinced

Chapter 149 The director is convinced, but Captain Hu is not convinced

After a while, He Jincheng withdrew his hand, already thinking about it.

"You suffer from headaches every day, and they feel like your head is about to explode, don't you?"

He Jincheng said with a smile, his expression was very indifferent.

"That's right, what you said is right, and ask Miracle Doctor He to save me!"

Fang Yuanshan's eyes lit up, and his heart was indeed a miracle doctor, but as soon as he got his pulse, he immediately knew what was wrong with his headache.

You know, I went to the hospital for an examination by myself, but nothing was found out.

This headache has been tormenting him for a long time, and he can be suppressed by taking some painkillers on weekdays, but recently the situation has become more and more serious, making him feel a little miserable.

"You were shot in the head in the early years, probably 20 years ago. Although the bullet was taken out in time, due to the limited medical level at that time, there were still some residues that could not be removed. These residues were small, but there were many of them, and they were all over the place. Your entire head! If you don't clean it up, then your headache will continue! Moreover, as time goes by, the situation will become more and more serious."

He Jincheng said slowly.

Fang Yuanshan's eyes were wide open, because what He Jincheng said was completely symptomatic!
Can you still see what happened 20 years ago by feeling the pulse?I didn't say anything myself!

The law enforcement officers who watched were also dumbfounded.

God, really God!
He Jincheng's pulse-taking skills are simply better than the most advanced X-rays. He can even tell exactly when Chief Fang was injured, why he had a headache, how he is now, and what will happen in the future.

If this is not a miracle doctor, who would dare to say that he is a miracle doctor!
"He Miracle Doctor can help me get rid of it?"

Fang Yuanshan's face was still relaxed, but he was shocked and excited.

Ren who has been suffering from headaches for more than 20 years, but because the shrapnel that spread out is so subtle that even X-rays can't see it clearly, I didn't expect it to be cured today, of course I am very excited!

"Although it's a little troublesome, it can still be treated! How about this, I'll give you a few needles first, and you can feel the effect!"

He Jincheng said lightly, and then took out his three silver needles from the needle bag.

Fang Yuanshan was very excited, he sat down quickly and let He Jincheng perform the needle.

"I also ask Miracle Doctor He to help, thank you very much!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly, and he was not polite. He said it was started, and then three needles were inserted.

The three silver needles landed directly on Fang Yuanshan's head, the speed seemed to be in the blink of an eye, and the smooth technique made people applaud.

The next moment, Fang Yuanshan felt as if his body was frozen.

The pain in the head immediately relieved a lot, and at the same time, there seemed to be something flowing down from the brain slowly.

For a moment, he only felt tightness in his chest, a little stiffness all over his body, and a little shortness of breath.

He Jincheng twisted the silver needle slightly, and a trace of coolness rushed down from Fang Yuanshan's head, which relieved Fang Yuanshan's discomfort a lot.

1 minute, 2 minutes... A total of 5 minutes have passed.

The entire detention room was completely silent, everyone was watching this scene, not daring to let out a breath.

Just when everyone was waiting anxiously, Fang Yuanshan's face suddenly changed, and a flush of blood rushed up.

The next moment, Fang Yuanshan opened his mouth wide, spit out a mouthful of blood with a wow, and sprayed it on the ground.

The blood red was a bit black, and it even had a pungent smell.

All the onlookers were taken aback, especially Wu Meng.

This Qin Ze was brought here by him, and it was because of him that the director let Qin Ze see a doctor here.

Unexpectedly, in less than 5 minutes, Fang Yuanshan vomited blood and passed out.

How can this make him calm down?
He was thinking of attacking He Jincheng immediately.


Fang Yuanshan let out a long breath, feeling more at ease than ever before.

"Now the residue of those bullets has been removed, but because the incubation time is too long, it still has some damage to your brain. You may feel dizzy these days, so you still need to drink medicine! I will give you Prescribe a prescription, drink it three times a day, and you will be cured for a week! If you are still not cured, come to me again, and I will give you a satisfactory explanation!"

He Jincheng wrote a prescription while talking, and then handed the prescription to Fang Yuanshan.

Fang Yuanshan took the prescription, his face was full of gratitude.

"Thank you so much! Miracle doctor He, your medical skills are so good, why don't you come to the county hospital for consultation?"

Fang Yuanshan was full of energy at the moment, looked at He Jincheng with a smile and asked.

"I'm just a village doctor. I don't have the qualifications to go to a big hospital. My medical clinic is almost out of control now. Wouldn't it be more embarrassing to go outside!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Fang Yuanshan frowned.

Why couldn't he hear that He Jincheng was complaining.

Such a genius doctor, the Law Enforcement Bureau actually wanted to seal down his medical center, isn't that nonsense?
Now the entire Law Enforcement Bureau can be said to be in debt to Qin Ze.

"Don't worry, Miracle Doctor He, I will investigate this matter thoroughly to the end, and the relevant personnel must be punished accordingly!"

Fang Yuanshan said seriously with a serious face.

"I don't have any great skills. I hope that I can run the clinic honestly and lead the villagers to get rich!"

He Jincheng didn't say much.

There is a lively discussion in the detention room.

Liu Gang, the law enforcement officer who brought He Jincheng before, had a very ugly face when he heard the news.

Liu Gang didn't know that Fang Yuanshan also went to see He Jincheng for medical treatment, so he immediately found his immediate boss, Captain Hu.

"Captain, it's too much, it's too much! A small village doctor, whose aptitude is not necessarily true, actually started to cheat in our law enforcement bureau! Go over and have a look!"

Liu Gang came to Captain Hu's office and said angrily.

"Oh? You mean the He Jincheng that Dr. Wei Hongqi reported?"

Captain Hu was smoking a cigarette, but there was no angry expression on his face.

"That's right, Dr. Wei specifically explained that this kind of person is completely poisoning the people, we can't tolerate this kind of person!"

Liu Gang said indignantly, as if He Jincheng had done something outrageous.

"Hmph, this kind of person needs to be severely punished! Let's go, let's go and see together, and let me see what this kid can do to fool all our law enforcement officers!"

Captain Hu stubbed out the cigarette in his hand, and walked towards the detention room with his hands behind his back.

(End of this chapter)

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