Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 150 Magnanimous, the county leaders are here

Chapter 150 Magnanimous, the county leaders are here
A relative of his family was hospitalized in the county hospital, and Wei Hongqi helped a lot here.

Therefore, after Wei Hongqi reported He Jincheng, Captain Hu personally sent someone to arrest He Jincheng.

It can be said that Captain Hu captured He Jincheng.

I just didn't expect that this He Jincheng would be so bold that he would openly practice medicine in the Law Enforcement Bureau!
It just doesn't make sense!
The two came to the detention room, just in time to see the blood on the ground in front of the chief, the blood on the corner of his mouth was still dry, and Qin Ze was explaining something to Fang Yuanshan, holding a silver needle and gesturing on Fang Yuanshan's head .

This scene made Captain Hu's face change drastically.

"He Jincheng, what are you doing?"

Captain Hu immediately stepped forward and grabbed He Jincheng by the collar.

"You kid's medical center has been sealed, and you dare to make trouble in our law enforcement bureau. I think you are courting death!"

With that said, Captain Hu made a gesture to hit He Jincheng.

Leaving aside whether He Jincheng is guilty or not, it is unforgivable just to make the chief vomit blood.

He Jincheng asked someone to arrest him, but in the end he beat Director Fang. If he didn't behave quickly, his little captain might not be able to sit still.

Qi He Jincheng looked at the furious Captain Hu, and didn't fight back, just looked at him with a sneer.

"Bastard, who did it to you? Hu Baolai, is this how you serve the people?"

As soon as Captain Hu raised his hand, Fang Yuanshan stopped him.

This made Captain Hu a little confused.

what happened?

Just now he clearly saw that He Jincheng made Director Fang vomit blood.

Why is Director Fang still talking about Jincheng?

"Director Fang, I..."

Captain Hu didn't know how to explain for a moment.

"Hehe, Director Fang, this comrade is the one who arrested me!"

He Jincheng also saw that Liu Gang, and said with a smile.

Cold sweat broke out on Liu Gang's forehead, and his legs were trembling slightly.

Matt, what's going on?

Isn't this He Jincheng a quack doctor?Why is director fang so polite to him!

"Oh? Liu Gang, tell me, why did you arrest Miracle Doctor He?"

Fang Yuanshan glanced at Liu Gang lightly.

There are dozens of people in the Law Enforcement Bureau, and he can still call out everyone's name.

Liu Gang was a little at a loss.

In fact, in situations like He Jincheng's, their Law Enforcement Bureau has never asked.

Lianhua Village is a poor village with a very remote location.

The hospitals in the village are actually unsanitary, and there are more or less problems.

In fact, He Jincheng's clinic is really clean and hygienic.

The reason Liu Gang seized and arrested people was that there were a lot of medicine residues on the floor of the lobby.

This is actually a very normal thing in any medical center, but only He Jincheng was arrested.

Isn't this poking a hornet's nest?

"Director Fang, this... Captain Hu asked me to arrest me, and I was only following orders, and so I just invited Miracle Doctor He to come here to do some investigation, and I didn't make things difficult for Miracle Doctor He!"

Liu Gang said tremblingly, his back was soaked in cold sweat.

I really saw a ghost today, what the hell is going on!

Why did Director Fang vomit blood, but he didn't mean to be angry at all, why did Jincheng talk.

"Hmph! A miracle doctor like Miracle Doctor He doesn't stick to one pattern at all. It's really unreasonable for you to arrest people indiscriminately like this! I want to ask you, among so many Chinese medicine clinics, which one has no medicine residue on the ground? You guys Why don't you catch them all for me?"

Fang Yuanshan slapped the table and shouted angrily.

"Director Fang, we... We have also received a report. This matter is really a misunderstanding!"

Captain Hu said quickly.

In the Law Enforcement Bureau, Director Fang can only cover the sky with one hand.

Because he came down from above, even Fang Yuanshan, the highest official in the town, was polite.

Although Fang Yuanshan was excluded in the city before, he was still able to talk to him.

If you say a few words casually, your future may come to an end here!
"Hmph! If someone reports a report, he will be arrested. If I report you now, will I be able to arrest you immediately! Now, immediately, immediately apologize to Miracle Doctor He! In addition, where is the person who reported, let me find out. Let's see what he has in mind!"

Fang Yuanshan said angrily.

"Director Fang, don't be angry, they are doing business as usual, no wonder they!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly, but instead said a good word for Captain Hu and Liu Gang.

"Look, look, Miracle Doctor He is so magnanimous, and he still speaks for you two, don't you feel guilty? Don't apologize to Miracle Doctor He!"

Fang Yuanshan said angrily.

"Yes, yes, Miracle Doctor He, we were wrong. Before, we had blind eyes and could not see Mount Tai. Please forgive me, Miracle Doctor He!"

Captain Hu and Liu Gang didn't dare to say anything more, and quickly bowed and apologized to He Jincheng.

"Forget it, it's not a big deal anyway, the food in the cafeteria of your Law Enforcement Bureau is quite delicious!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

At this moment, a majestic voice suddenly came from outside.

"It's a mess, is your Pingyao Town Law Enforcement Bureau so loose?"

Everyone turned their heads and saw a middle-aged man walking over with two law enforcement officers with displeasure on his face.

"Director Gu, why are you here?"

Even Fang Yuanshan quickly stood up and greeted him.

This Director Gu is the Deputy Director of the County Law Enforcement Bureau. Fang Yuanshan used to be in this position, but he was assigned to Pingyao Town because he offended a certain important person.

Director Gu is older than him, and Fang Yuanshan keeps calling him brother.

"Brother Fang, look at you. Even if you are sent to work in the town, you shouldn't be so careless! A few days ago, the county was still discussing about letting you go back. If you continue like this, you may die in this life." I can only work in the town!"

Director Gu's face was full of anger, and he didn't argue.

Fang Yuanshan didn't know how to do things smoothly, so he offended people.

Director Gu didn't talk less about him before.

However, Fang Yuanshan couldn't listen to other people's persuasion at all.

"Haha, it doesn't matter, as long as you can continue to be a law enforcement officer, what's the difference?"

Fang Yuanshan laughed, and dragged Director Gu into the detention room.

"Director Gu, it's a coincidence that you came today. This is the genius doctor I just discovered, He Jincheng! Hurry up and ask He Jincheng to treat your illness! I guarantee that your old waist injury will be healed immediately!"

"Oh? Are you He Jincheng?"

Director Gu looked at the young man in surprise, with a look of scrutiny on his face.

"Yes, I am He Jincheng! Director Gu, do you know me?"

He Jincheng was a little puzzled, he didn't know the chief of the bureau!

"These days, I happened to be working here, and today someone suddenly asked me to get you out, but now it seems that you don't need to be in such a hurry to get out!"

Director Gu didn't make it very clear, he just said that someone asked him to come and save him.

He Jincheng knew who it was.

(End of this chapter)

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