Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 151 Everyone is impressed, Chen Fasheng personally supports the field

Chapter 151 Everyone is impressed, Chen Fasheng personally supports the field
It must be Chen Fasheng. I asked the village chief Huang Baofu to call Chen Fasheng for help.

It's just that Chen Fasheng unexpectedly invited a deputy director of the County Law Enforcement Bureau to help him. It seems that he used a lot of affection!
If there is an opportunity in the future, I must thank Chen Fasheng.

"Thank you Director Gu for your concern. Everything is fine here, and everyone is very polite to me!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

I have not received any unfair treatment here, so there is no need to file a complaint at this time.

"Well, that's good! According to Brother Fang, your medical skills are superb, why don't you show me? My old waist has been injured for more than ten years! Every time it rains on a cloudy day, It just hurts!"

Director Gu said with a smile.

He really wanted to see if He Jincheng was really capable!
Captain Hu and Liu Gang on the side were already dumbfounded.

Oh my god, who is this divine doctor?
Director Lian Gu personally came for him!
According to Director Gu, he didn't know that He Jincheng had excellent medical skills before, and he came here specially to take He Jincheng out!
"Wei Hongqi, you bastard, you made me miserable this time!"

Captain Hu cursed in his heart.

If it wasn't for Wei Hongqi, how could he have provoked He Jincheng.

He Jincheng is a famous doctor. If his relatives had asked He Jincheng to see a doctor, they might have been cured by now.

It's all right now, not only did he offend Miracle Doctor He, but also offended the two bureau chiefs. As the captain, I'm afraid I'm going to do it to the end!

Liu Gang on the side was also frightened and his legs trembled. He looked at Captain Hu very familiarly and helplessly, and could only see the cold sweat on Captain Hu's head.
On the other hand, He Jincheng didn't have the heart to pursue what the two of them meant.

He also knew that in this matter, the two of them were not wrong according to the procedure.

If he pursued too much, he might cause some troubles to Director Fang and Director Gu!

I saw him get up, walk up to Director Gu, reach out and touch Director Gu's waist, and almost figured out the condition of Director Gu in his heart.

Lumbar muscle strain, and it is not an ordinary lumbar muscle strain.

It should be because I was beaten before, and it has not been cured, and I have worked for a long time, and I have become sick from overwork, so this has caused the current situation.

The illness is not a serious illness, but it is more troublesome to treat. Conventional methods require a long course of treatment, and can only achieve the degree of remission. It is somewhat difficult to completely cure it.

"Come on, Director Gu, do what I said, do a movement! Raise your hands above your head, clenched your fists, yes, a little higher, that's right, take a breath and don't spit it out, hold it until you can't breathe anymore , take another breath!"

Director Gu followed what He Jincheng said.

When he couldn't hold his breath anymore and let out a long breath suddenly, his face turned pale, and cold sweat broke out on his head in an instant.


Minister He exclaimed, which startled the others.

Fang Yuanshan next to him hurried forward, wanting to check the situation of Director Gu, but was stopped by Director Gu raising his hand.

"It's so comfortable! I'm fine! Doctor He, you are really a doctor!"

Director Gu extended his thumb towards He Jincheng, his face full of disbelief and surprise.

The moment he exhaled just now, he felt a sharp pain in his waist.

But the excruciating pain quickly disappeared and turned into a burst of comfort.

For the first time in so many years, he felt so relaxed.

It was so comfortable.

"You can do this movement often. I believe it won't take long for your old injury to heal!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Thank you Miracle Doctor He, I really don't know what to say!"

Chief Gu had a grateful expression on his face.

"Brother Fang, I think the facts are already clear. Is there anyone still doubting the medical skill of Miracle Doctor He?"

"No, no, who dares to say that Miracle Doctor He is a quack doctor, I will be the first to stand up and beat him!"

Fang Yuanshan said quickly.

Everyone also echoed their views.

They were all deeply moved. The medical skills of this Miracle Doctor He can really be described as superb.

In the entire law enforcement bureau, who has not been healed by He Jincheng!
So I am very grateful to He Jincheng.

"Okay, now that the facts are clear, Miracle Doctor He can leave. Don't worry, Miracle Doctor He, we will definitely investigate this matter to the end!"

Chief Gu promised.

"Then thank you Director Gu!"

He Jincheng smiled, got up and was about to leave.

"Miraculous Doctor He, it's getting late, why don't we leave after dinner? I'll send you back home!"

Fang Yuanshan said quickly.

He cured himself of his illness, so he had to have a meal before leaving!

It's evening now, and He Jincheng is really a little hungry.

It's just that, before he opened his mouth to agree, Director Gu spoke with a smile.

"Brother Fang, you don't have to worry about this, Miracle Doctor He already has dinner today!"

He Jincheng was a little dazed, did he have a meal?how would I not know!

"He Jincheng will leave with me today, don't worry, I will entertain him well!"

At this moment, a hearty laughter came.

He Jincheng looked up, and there was a person standing at the door, looking at He Jincheng.

It was none other than Chen Fasheng.

"Brother Chen, why did you come in person?"

He Jincheng was very pleasantly surprised.

Unexpectedly, Chen Fasheng not only invited Director Gu, but also came here in person.

It is conceivable that death has given him a great deal of face.

"Why, you don't welcome me! I just helped you!"

Chen Fasheng and Zhuang Zhuo said with a very unhappy look.

After I received the call from the village chief Huang Baofu, I immediately contacted people I knew. After thinking about it, I didn't feel at ease, so I drove to Pingyao Town in person.

He Jincheng was not happy anymore.

"Hahaha, Brother Chen wants to help, isn't it just a matter of words? How could it take so long? I think you sneaked out from home again!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Oh, I can't help it. My wife is very angry when she sees me so late every day, and I can't stay!"

Chen Fasheng chuckled, there was still some justice on his face, he just chuckled, and found that his leader was all like a sieve.

"Okay, I'll be the host tonight? How about this western restaurant?"

Chen Fasheng said with a smile.

"Of course, it's just that you know my drinking capacity!"

He Jincheng immediately said with a smile.

"Naturally, we know that when we brothers drink, we shouldn't fight for alcohol. We can drink as much as we can, and just drink as much as we want!"

Chen Fasheng laughed heartily.

(End of this chapter)

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