Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 152 Lunar New Year's Day

Chapter 152

Western restaurants are relatively rare in this era.

There is one in Pingyao Town called Memories Western Restaurant, but the business is not very good.

When He Jincheng and Chen Fasheng came here, there were only one or two tables in the restaurant.

Chen Fasheng seemed to come here often, asked the waiter to serve two steaks and a bottle of red wine, and then sat there and chatted with He Jincheng.

After the food was served, Chen Fasheng used the knife and fork very skillfully, which really looked like the same thing.

He Jincheng had eaten in many high-end western restaurants in his previous life. He really didn't dare to compliment the level of this recalled western restaurant. He just ate a little, and then poured wine and drank with Chen Fasheng.

"Xiao He, you are really good. I can't see through you more and more now! How about it, are you interested in working with me? I will be transferred to the city soon, in charge of health You are a miracle doctor, you can give some professional advice when you work by my side!"

Chen Fasheng poured He Jincheng a glass of wine, and said very sincerely.

These are not polite words from Chen Fasheng, but sincere words.

During the period of acquaintance with He Jincheng, Chen Fasheng felt more and more that He Jincheng, whether in courage or experience, seemed to be more sophisticated than himself, who had been in the officialdom for more than 20 years.

If He Jincheng was in politics, at his age, he might have already reached the provincial level!
Therefore, Chen Fasheng really wanted to invite He Jincheng to do things by his side, maybe it could help him go further.

Didn't my chance of promotion this time come from the favor of He Jincheng?

"Hahaha, thank you Brother Chen for your kindness, but I may have to let you down, Brother Chen!"

He Jincheng was startled for a moment, and then laughed.

"Why, do you think that if you don't take bribes and don't take bribes, you will be worthless in your life?"

Chen Fasheng said with a smile.

"No, no! Brother Chen, where do you want to go, let's not talk about the fact that public servants are paid well, and they can also share housing. Such a job is something we can't even envy!"

"The reason why I don't want to go into politics is because of my character! I'm the kind of stubborn person who can't rub the sand in my eyes. If this kind of temper is in the officialdom, you know what the consequences will be, Brother Chen!"

He Jincheng explained with a smile.

"Hehe, that's true. You really have a stubborn temper, and you never know how to be soft with others! In the officialdom, you often suffer losses. If you can't bear it, you will end up sad in the end!"

Chen Fasheng nodded slightly and said.

With such a personality alone, He Jincheng is indeed not suitable for officialdom.

If it is not done well, it may even cause fire on the upper body and cause unnecessary trouble.

Let He Jincheng change it?Is the He Jincheng who has lost his vigor, or the He Jincheng he wants to befriend?

"Besides, I want to be a doctor, spend more time with my wife and children, and lead the villagers to become rich. This is the biggest dream of my life!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

"Hahaha, a real dragon like you will never stay in the small place of Lianhua Village! It's fine if you don't follow me, but don't forget about our brotherhood. If I have time in the future, I will invite you you drink!"

Chen Fasheng patted He Jincheng on the shoulder with a smile and said.

The two talked a lot, and after finishing the two bottles of red wine, they went home separately.

Ye Qing dreamed that He Jincheng was drunk, so he complained a little worriedly.

She felt sorry for He Jincheng to some extent, she went out all day to do this and that, and finally had time to go out on weekends, and she was very drunk.

At night, He Jincheng had a good night's sleep, and woke up naturally the next day when the sun was up three poles.

"You're awake, you've been exhausted recently, hurry up and drink some soup!"

Ye Qingmeng said with a smile.

He Jincheng stretched, put his arms around Ye Qingmeng and kissed him naturally.

This kind of action will be quite normal in the future.

It's normal for two little lovers to wake up in the morning and kiss me.

However, in these 82 years, it was a bit too avant-garde.

"Oh, don't make trouble, the child is still there!"

Ye Qingmeng's pretty face flushed, and she pushed He Jincheng away.

He Jincheng and Ozawa ran out to wash up.

Today is the 15th Lantern Festival, and Ye Qingmeng needs to go to Pingyao Middle School to teach.

After eating, He Jincheng took Ye Qingmeng to Pingyao Middle School.

Today's class schedule is relatively full, and school will not be dismissed until around six o'clock in the evening.

He Jincheng memorized the time and came to pick up Ye Qingmeng on a motorcycle when the time came.

After returning, He Jincheng first went to the medicinal material factory. After everything was running normally, he came to the medical center for consultation.

No one came to see a doctor recently, so he just studied some medical books and medical records in the medical hall, and he felt very comfortable.

At this time, a fragrant wind suddenly hit.

He Jincheng frowned, and saw a slim beauty walking in from the outside.

Before this person arrives, the fragrance arrives first. One can imagine how much perfume is sprayed on the woman's body.

"Uh, sister-in-law Cuihua, what can you do for me?"

He Jincheng asked in astonishment.

This sister-in-law of Cuihua is from the next door village. She has been treated twice before by He Jincheng, so He Jincheng also knows her.

"It's not convenient to talk here, let's go into the room and talk!"

Cuihua's sister-in-law turned her head to look around, and whispered, looking very mysterious.

"Oh, good, come in!"

He Jincheng let out a groan, and murmured in his heart.

What the hell is this girl looking for?
As soon as the door opened, Cuihua's sister-in-law couldn't help but pushed He Jincheng in.

Before He Jincheng could react, he heard the door being slammed shut again, and then locked by Mrs. Cuihua.

"Sister Cuihua, what are you doing?"

He Jincheng was stunned for a moment.

He didn't mean to be afraid at all.

With my own strength, let alone one Cuihua, ten Cuihua can't help me!
Could it be that she came to take revenge for beating her husband?

"You little heartless, can't you see what sister-in-law is going to do?"

Sister-in-law Cuihua's expression of resentment made He Jincheng dumbfounded.

This Cuihua is neither ugly nor pretty, just an ordinary village girl.

But this figure is surprisingly good.

Especially the raised part in front of him is extremely amazing.

It's a prodigal who has gone out of several nearby villages.

Even He Jincheng had heard about her flirting with many men.

"Why, you heartless guy, people have already sent you to your door, don't you want it?"

Cuihua's sister-in-law approached He Jincheng step by step, with a look of excitement on her face.

"Um, sister-in-law, this is not very good. I really don't mean to ask you to repay. Besides, I heard that your husband committed a crime and was arrested. Are you not worried? If we do such a thing, how can we Isn't it too bad?"

He Jincheng said while stepping back.

(End of this chapter)

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