Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 153 Solve the strange disease, pick up his wife from Pingyao Middle School

Chapter 153 Solve the strange disease, pick up his wife from Pingyao Middle School

He Jincheng sighed, then fainted Cuihua with one finger, then picked up Cuihua and put it on the hospital bed.

He didn't lie to Cuihua, Cuihua really had some kind of strange disease.

He Jincheng couldn't bear to let her go on like this, let alone treat her.

After putting the emerald flowers in place, He Jincheng took the medicinal materials he had just picked up and cooked them.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, the medicinal soup is ready.

After He Jincheng waited for the medicinal soup to cool down, he picked it up and poured it into Cuihua.

After a while, Cuihua's face began to turn red slowly, and her body temperature also rose rapidly.

Even in a coma, Cuihua still had a look of pain on her face.

If you just ignore it, Cuihua's life may be in danger.

Fortunately, it is winter and the weather is relatively cold, otherwise, she would need to use water to cool her down.

After waiting for more than 20 minutes, He Jincheng saw that Cuihua's complexion gradually returned to normal, so he tapped her waist lightly.


Cuihua woke up, as if waking up from a big dream, and suddenly exclaimed.

When she saw He Jincheng, she shrank back unconsciously.

"He Jincheng, you... what are you going to do?"

Cuihua clutched her chest and asked nervously.

He Jincheng knew that his treatment had worked, otherwise Cuihua would have rushed over now!
"Sister Cuihua, how do you feel now? Are you feeling better?"

He Jincheng shook his head with a wry smile and said.

Cuihua froze for a moment, then remembered what she wanted to do when she came to find He Jincheng today.

Immediately, her face turned red.

A sense of shame suddenly arises spontaneously.

" could I be like this, I'm really ashamed!"

Cuihua covered her face, tears started to well in her eyes.

"Sister-in-law, don't blame yourself. I didn't know it before, but I found out later that you are really sick, so I gave you treatment. Now, don't you feel a lot easier?"

He Jincheng said quickly.

"Well, I feel like I had a big dream, and now I wake up from the dream, much more relaxed!"

Cuihua's sister-in-law nodded repeatedly and said while wiping her tears.

"That's good!"

He Jincheng smiled, then walked aside, picked up the prepared medicine, and handed it to Cuihua.

"You take these medicines home and drink them once a day. After seven days, you will be cured!"

Cuihua quickly brought the medicine, and thanked He Jincheng repeatedly.

At this moment, Cuihua looked at He Jincheng without the enthusiasm that she had before, as if she was about to eat He Jincheng.

Instead, with a bit of reverence and gratitude, it has obviously returned to normal.

I didn't toss in vain today!

"Thank you Jincheng. Everyone in the village thinks I'm a slut. Not only did you not dislike me, but you treated me. My sister-in-law doesn't know how to thank you!"

As Cuihua said, she remembered what she had done before, and her eyes immediately turned red.

"Sister-in-law, don't take it too seriously. The yin energy in your body was too strong before, and you can't control it. As long as we can live a good life in the future, then there will be no problem!"

He Jincheng comforted him.

"Well, Jincheng, my sister-in-law doesn't have anything for you. You just have 100 yuan left. You take it first. When my sister-in-law has money, I'll give it to you!"

Cuihua wiped away her tears, then took out 100 yuan from her pocket, and pretended to hand it to He Jincheng.

"Sister-in-law, what are you doing? Didn't you hit me in the face? I can't accept this money!"

He Jincheng hastily declined.

"Jincheng, listen to sister-in-law! You are equivalent to giving sister-in-law a new life. If you don't accept it, how can sister-in-law feel at ease?"

If she didn't give He Jincheng anything, Cuihua would not leave with peace of mind.

Seeing Cuihua's serious look, He Jincheng hesitated for a while, and had no choice but to put away the 100 yuan.

"Well, then I won't be polite to you anymore. If my sister-in-law has any minor illnesses in the future, just come to me!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Okay, sister-in-law knows!"

Cuihua smiled a little, took the medicine and left.

He Jincheng sighed.

Cuihua's sister-in-law's disease is really difficult.

The so-called excess Yin Qi he mentioned just now is just a simple or perfunctory way of explaining it.

In fact, Mrs. Cuihua, this is a manifestation of perimenopause, which is what is commonly referred to as menopause.

Menopause is a manifestation of aging in women.

Some people will be earlier, some people will be later.

However, during this period, the libido will become stronger instead. This is because the secretion of ovarian estrogen is reduced, and the secretion of pituitary gonadotropin is excessive in feedback.

Sometimes there will be mental disorders, resulting in a decrease in the ability to inhibit sexual excitement. Whether male or female, almost [-]% of people will have this tendency to hypersexuality.

This is beyond the control of individuals, so He Jincheng forcibly treated Cuihua's sister-in-law.

If she is allowed to go on like this, something may really happen.

After five o'clock, He Jincheng packed up and picked up his wife from get off work on a motorcycle.

From a distance, he saw Ye Qingmeng standing at the door waiting for him. He Jincheng was about to drive over, but he saw a motorcycle that was one step ahead of him.

"Miss Ye, it's getting late, let me take you home, where is your home?"

The person who rushed ahead of He Jincheng said enthusiastically.

He Jincheng frowned slightly, this kid looked strange, new here?
"Thank you, Mr. Zhang, no need, my husband will pick me up soon!"

Ye Qingmeng just said lightly.

This teacher Zhang, named Zhang Junyi, is a senior student at the Provincial Normal University, and he will be assigned here for an internship in the second semester of this year.

He only reported to the school after the Chinese New Year, so He Jincheng had never seen this Zhang Junyi before.

"Ah? Are you married? Isn't that right, Teacher Ye, you are worried that I will harass you, so you made up such a reason!"

Zhang Junyi was startled for a moment, then shook his head and smiled, thinking that Ye Qingmeng was lying to him.

"I'm really married, and my relationship with my husband is very good!"

Ye Qingmeng said very calmly.

Why couldn't she see what Zhang Junyi was thinking, but Ye Qingmeng didn't have any feelings for him at all.

Whether you are a college student or a rich person, what does it matter to you?

In her heart, her husband is the best.

"Miss Ye, stop joking, how old are you..."


He Jincheng honked the horn twice, and then came to Ye Qingmeng's side.

"Wife, who is this?"

He Jincheng frowned and looked at Zhang Junyi.

If it was an ordinary person, he would have left in embarrassment a long time ago. Unexpectedly, Zhang Junyi was not only not embarrassed at all, but looked directly at He Jincheng.

"My name is Zhang Junyi, and I'm Teacher Ye's colleague. Are you Teacher Ye's husband?"

A look of displeasure flashed in Zhang Junyi's eyes, and he said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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