Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 155 Make up your mind, He Jincheng goes out to make money

Chapter 155 Make up your mind, He Jincheng goes out to make money
For He Jincheng, the most important thing now is to protect Ye Qingmeng's pregnancy.

But soon He Jincheng thought of a problem.

Ye Qingmeng will go to university in September. If he has a big belly, he will definitely be criticized, but Ye Qingmeng still has to go to university, which makes He Jincheng feel a little difficult.

After talking about this matter with Ye Qingmeng, Ye Qingmeng was also a little tangled.

"Otherwise, I'll go to the university and talk to you, and I'll handle the procedures for delaying your enrollment. I'll go to school after the child is born and confinement is over!"

After much deliberation, it seems that this is the only way.

Ye Qingmeng didn't have any ideas, so he could only agree with He Jincheng's solution.

For a short period of time, life was relatively smooth.

After three months like this, Ye Qingmeng's belly began to show, and He Jincheng told Gu Rongan that Ye Qingmeng would not go to school to teach anymore, and she could stay at home to protect her pregnancy.

In the past three months, He Jincheng has also worked hard to make money.

When Ye Qingmeng went to the provincial capital to go to university, he would go with him. At that time, the living expenses, plus the cost of raising children, would be a lot of expenses.

Since he has this ability, He Jincheng certainly hopes to give his child the best conditions.

The medicinal material factory is running very smoothly now. Apart from the dividends to several major shareholders and the villagers, He Jincheng seems to have earned almost 1 yuan.

As soon as he got the money, he only kept 1000 yuan, and deposited the rest in the bank.

Ordinarily, in this era, 1 yuan is definitely considered a rich person, but He Jincheng is not satisfied with this. As the market economy becomes more and more open, this money is definitely not enough.

At that time, no matter what, I have to buy a house in the provincial capital, and buy a car. If there is no 10,000+, I will definitely not be able to manage it. Besides, I will have to raise children. Tingting will also have to go to kindergarten by then, and the baby will also need it. Eating milk powder, these are expenses.

Because the medicinal material factory pays a relatively high proportion of dividends to other people, He Jincheng can't actually make much money here.

After one year, it is estimated that there will be about [-] dividends.

In addition, there are dividends from the winery, and He Jincheng can also get [-] to [-] yuan.

Coupled with the fact that I see a doctor myself, it is not a problem to earn [-] to [-] yuan a year.

However, He Jincheng still felt that the earning of this money was a bit slow, and he had to think of a way to make quick money.

During dinner that night, He Jincheng proposed to his family that he wanted to go out for a few months to see if there was any opportunity to make money.

At first, everyone was against it. After all, there is no shortage of money now, and Ye Qingmeng is still pregnant, so it is not suitable for He Jincheng to go out.

On the contrary, Ye Shanhe, the father-in-law, supported He Jincheng.

According to Ye Shanhe, no one thinks they have too much money. These days, money is not everything, but without money is absolutely impossible.

With Ye Shanhe making the decision, He Jincheng's decision to go out to make money was finalized.

In the end, He Jincheng decided to take out the 2000 yuan and keep the rest in the bank.

He Jincheng handed over the work of the medicinal material factory to Ye Shanhe.

Although Ye Shanhe's education level is not high, but he is relatively sensible and capable. During this period of time, He Jincheng also intentionally or unintentionally asked Ye Shanhe to help in the medicinal material factory, so it should be no problem if he is entrusted to do it.

As for the winery, He Jincheng handed over all the power to Ye Chunlin.

This kid has become very honest and motivated since he worked in the winery. In the past six months, he has also helped the winery with a lot of achievements, so I feel more at ease entrusting him to him.

As for the Huanxin Medical Center, He Jincheng was most worried about it.

The original intention of this clinic is not to make money, but mainly to serve the villagers so that they can afford medical treatment.

After thinking about it, He Jincheng invited a Chinese medicine doctor with good medical skills from the county to come over for three days a week, and paid him 100 yuan a month.

This Chinese medicine doctor can solve common diseases, and this is the best result He Jincheng can achieve.

The villagers were very reluctant to leave He Jincheng. The day before he left, He Jincheng held a banquet and invited more than 100 people in the village to dinner, which really annoyed him a lot.

He Jincheng also wants to get rid of everyone's support for the work of the medicinal material factory, and at the same time take care of his family.

This banquet lasted until eleven o'clock in the evening before ending one after another.

He Jincheng woke up very late the next day, packed his things, and was ready to go.

His first goal was the provincial capital.

He planned to go to the Normal University first to settle Ye Qingmeng's delay in enrolling, and then find a place to stay in the provincial capital. When Ye Qingmeng came over, he wouldn't be in a hurry.

After packing up his things and saying goodbye to his family, He Jincheng embarked on his way to the provincial capital.

The first stop, He Jincheng went to the county seat first.

He came here to find someone, Gao Ziqiang.

This Gao Ziqiang is a veteran of reselling electrical appliances. Before that, He Jincheng got many electrical appliances from him. They were of high quality and cheap, so He Jincheng always remembered this person.

Buying electrical appliances is not a long-term job. As the country's crackdown on this aspect becomes more and more severe, if Gao Ziqiang continues to do this business, he will get in sooner or later.

So He Jincheng was planning to go to the southern city of the provincial capital to develop, and he wanted to see if Gao Ziqiang was willing to go there with him.

With Gao Ziqiang's help, He Jincheng can save a lot of energy.

Gao Ziqiang was a little surprised by He Jincheng's arrival. He quickly took out a cigarette and asked He Jincheng to sit down and chat.

"Brother He, why did you think of looking for me? What electrical appliances are missing at home? To tell you the truth, I will stop doing this business right now. These days, the business of reselling electrical appliances is too difficult to do. Directly fined two thousand, I have been fined two or three times!"

Gao Ziqiang said with a wry smile while smoking a cigarette.

"Ziqiang, are you planning to change your career? Have you thought about what to do?"

When He Jincheng heard this, he immediately laughed.

I just wanted to take Gao Ziqiang out, but I didn't expect him to be unable to do anything anymore.

This can save myself a little bit of talking.

"Ziqiang, what do you think of me?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile.

"That's nothing to say. Thanks to Brother He for your care, otherwise, my business would have been ruined. Brother He, do you need help from my brother? Just say, brother, I can do it. I will definitely do it for you, and if it can’t be done, I will try to do it for you!”

Gao Ziqiang patted his chest and said.

"Brother, I want to take you out to make money, are you willing?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Yes, why don't you want to? Don't say anything else, I think people are quite accurate. If you follow Brother He, you will definitely make a lot of money!"

Gao Ziqiang agreed without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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