Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 156 Arriving in Nandu, Buying Antiques on the Ancient Street

Chapter 156 Arriving in Nandu, Buying Antiques on Qiangu Street
"Don't you ask me what I'm going to do with you?"

He Jincheng was a little surprised. He didn't expect Gao Ziqiang to believe in him so much.

"Then there's no need to ask, as long as Brother He says you can do it, we will follow you! Anyway, I have nothing to do now!"

Gao Ziqiang said immediately, his eyes burning, without any hesitation.

"Okay, since you have this determination, tell your family, pack up your things, and we'll leave tomorrow!"

He Jincheng slapped the table and said beating happily.

"Where do I have any family members? I am the only one in my old Gao's family. Needless to say, Brother He, let's drink some wine at my place tonight, and let's go tomorrow!"

Gao Ziqiang said with a smile,

"Okay, then let's not get drunk tonight!"

He Jincheng smiled.

The two bought some food and wine at night, and chatted while drinking at Gao Ziqiang's house.

Hearing that He Jincheng said he was going to the provincial capital, Gao Ziqiang immediately became excited.

"Brother He, Nandu is our provincial capital, that big city, what do you think we can do there?"

Gao Ziqiang wanted to go out for a long time, but he never had the chance.

"In this era, the most indispensable thing is opportunity. In the provincial capital, we are full of opportunities everywhere!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Really? Then I have to prepare well, and I will save some electrical appliances when the time comes?"

Gao Ziqiang said with a smile.

"Come on, you, Nandu is the toughest crackdown. If you dare to mess with this, you have to go in the next day!"

He Jincheng shook his head and said.

Although this kind of thing is very profitable, it also has great risks.

If you are caught, you will definitely be unlucky.

"Hahaha, I'm just talking casually, when the time comes, I'll listen to Brother He!"

Gao Ziqiang poured wine for He Jincheng with a silly smile.

The two were so drunk that they fell asleep on the table.

The next day, the two went directly to the train station to buy train tickets to Nandu City.

It's not too far to Nandu City. After about six hours, I finally arrived at the station.

Their stomachs were so hungry that they got out of the car, and the two ate noodles at a small noodle shop near the train station.

"Oh, this big city is different. Look, I've never seen such a tall building before!"

After dinner, the two of them wandered the street, and Gao Ziqiang saw everything as novelty.

He Jincheng shook his head as he pointed to a ten-story building with shock and astonishment on his face.

This is a small building with only a dozen floors, that's all. If this is the kind of skyscraper in the future, it will scare people to death.

"Okay, don't be like a country bumpkin, it's getting late, let's find a guest house to live in, put everything away, and then go for a walk at night!"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

The two found a cheap guest house to live in. After putting away their things and putting all their money on them, they went out.

"Brother He, where are we going?"

Gao Ziqiang walked behind He Jincheng and said doubtfully.

"Do you know Qiangu Street?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Eternal Ancient Street? I don't know, I've never heard of it, what are you doing?"

Gao Ziqiang was taken aback for a moment, he had never heard of this name before.

"Through the ages, it is natural to play with antiques. This Qiangu Street is the most famous antique street in Nandu City. There is a treasure house in it. If you find a leak, you will get rich overnight. If you buy a fake, there is also a It may be bankrupt, let's do this first, and make some money!"

He Jincheng said with an inscrutable look.

"Ah? Brother He, I didn't see it. You are still a master of antiques?"

Gao Ziqiang looked at He Jincheng in surprise.

He knows about antiques, but in his impression, they are only played by those who are educated and knowledgeable. A country bumpkin like himself can't even understand them. How could he get involved with these things.

"Follow me and learn, and you can become an expert in the future!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

The two walked around for half an hour, and finally arrived at the Qiangu Street that He Jincheng mentioned.

At night, this Qiangu Street is very lively.

The spring breeze of openness is very strong in this kind of big city, and the market economy is becoming more and more active. These antique streets are the favorite places for literati and inkmen.

In this day and age, the antique industry is not particularly profitable, mainly because most people have little money, and eating is a problem, let alone playing with these things.

However, as there are poor people, there are also rich people.

This is inevitable in any era.

These wealthy people like to come to this kind of antique street the most, and there are quite a few who are willing to pay high prices for antiques.

He Jincheng also liked collecting antiques in his previous life, so he did some research on this aspect.

Coupled with the information he knows, it is really easy to make money from this.

"Follow me, don't run around, let alone buy things randomly!"

He Jincheng instructed Gao Ziqiang, and then led him into Qiangu Street.

Both sides of the wide street are filled with stalls of all sizes, and the stall owners are all trying to yell at people to buy their own things.

"Yuan Qinghua, authentic Yuan Qinghua, you only need five yuan to take it home!"

"Song Huizong's calligraphy, take a look, it only costs three yuan!"


There were all kinds of yelling and everything, but He Jincheng knew that it was nothing real just by taking a look.

"Brother He, let's not buy it, there are so many good things?"

Gao Ziqiang was stunned and dazzled.

"It's all fake. Good things don't need to be sold! Let's take a look and don't talk!"

He Jincheng shook his head slightly and said with a smile.

Gao Ziqiang shrugged his shoulders, and followed He Jincheng to look left and right, feeling that everything was quite novel, but he couldn't understand anything.

When he came to a stall, He Jincheng paused, squatted down with great interest, and looked at a colorful pottery figurine

"Hey, this boss has good eyesight. This is the treasure of my store, a maid from the Han Dynasty. If you like it, the price is negotiable!"

The stall owner said with a smile, his eyes were drawn into a line.

"Really? I think it looks like it was made in the past two years. Boss, you are not kind!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, this thing is fake at first glance, this boss can really open his eyes and tell nonsense.

"Hey, this boss seems to be an expert, and I'm not fooling you, but there are really good things in our booth. How about it, five yuan, you can pick one at will, and you can take whatever you choose. For better or worse, how?"

The stall owner said with a smile, with a bit of provocation on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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