Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 157 Buy it for 5 yuan, and get the emperor jadeite

Chapter 157 Buying for five yuan and getting the emperor jadeite
"That's what you said!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"That's right, it depends on your foresight. Let's buy at a loss and buy at a profit. Don't rely on anyone else, how about it?"

The stall owner had a smirk on his face.

There are hundreds of items on my booth, only one of them is real, and the others are all fake, let alone five yuan, even if it is one yuan, I can make money.

I used to rely on this trick, but I made a lot of money.

Of course, if you meet someone with a lot of money and wealth, just buy the whole thing on the booth in one go, then don’t be afraid, because the real thing will basically not be worth more than 500 yuan, and you can’t make any money. That's all.

It can be said that this trick is basically a way to make money without losing money.

"Then I really have to take a good look."

Xiao Hong squatted in front of the booth with a smile and began to examine it carefully.

He played with this handle twice for a while, and picked up that handle a few times for a while.

The stall owner always has a confident smile on his face.

Even if the things on this booth are real, they have made some disguises in a special way.

So far, I haven't picked any stalls.

"Brother He, I think it's better to forget it. This is obviously a trick for us. It costs five yuan a piece, and you can only eat a few meals."

Xiao Gao said with some worry.

He has also been in the way of cheating and abducting.

Even how deep the water is in it.

These people are not willing to do any business at a loss.

"Just treat it as fun, anyway, there is not much money."

Xiaohong said it in a low-key way, without any worry on her face.

Xiao Gao stopped talking.

If you come out with Xiaohong, you will naturally listen to Xiaohong in everything.

"This thing is good, I want it."

After jumping for a while, Xiaohong finally picked up a dark stone.

A look of joy flashed in the eyes of the stall owner.

This stone was picked up by myself on the side of the road. After a little processing, it looks like an old thing, but in fact it is just a stone.

It seems that this kid is really a novice. He can't even tell the difference between stones and antiques. If such a person comes here to search for treasures, don't he cheat anyone.

"I said, brother, we are a small business, and we will not return any purchases. You have to think about it clearly. Although five yuan is not a lot, it is money after all."

The stall owner also tried to persuade Xiaohong hypocritically.

"It's okay, it's only five yuan, I can still afford it."

Xiaohong said with a smile, then took out a five-yuan bill and handed it to their boss.

"Dele, let's settle the money and goods, and you take this stone away."

Their boss was overjoyed.

These years, five yuan can buy several catties of meat, and today it is considered to be open for business. In the evening, you can add extra meals, eat some meat, and buy some wine.

"By the way, boss, I see that you still have tools for cutting stones. Would you like to help me cut them here?"

Xiaohong took a look at some things next to their boss.

"No problem, little brother, you also take care of my business in this way, I will cut it for you for free."

The stall owner is very generous and said that the tools can be brought over.

"I can cut it myself, thank you boss."

Xiao Hong nodded, took the tools, and after a little gesture, began to cut.

Seeing that Xiaohong was so cautious and really regarded this stone as a treasure, the three bosses showed a touch of contempt on their faces.

I really don't know where this Lengtouqing came from, but he actually took a stone as a treasure, it's really ridiculous.

Xiao Gao at the side was also a little helpless.

Originally, he wanted to go out with Xiaohong to make a lot of money, but he didn't expect that the first thing he did when he came here was to buy a broken stone.

Did I see the wrong person?In fact, Xiaohong has no skills at all.

What the two were thinking, Xiao Hong didn't care at all, she just concentrated on holding the tool, and slowly cut the black stone.

The next moment, the eyeballs of both of them almost popped out.

As the pitch-black stone was split in two, a rich green flashed out.

This is not a broken stone, it is clearly a top-grade jadeite.

If you look at this color, it is not an imperial green, but also a very rare variety.

" is this possible? I picked up this stone on the side of the road. How did it turn into emerald?"

The stall owner exclaimed, feeling a little foolish as thousands of horses galloped past him.

For five yuan, a top-quality jadeite was sold.

Ordinary people think that jade is useless at all, but those rich people regard it as a treasure.

Just such a piece of jade the size of a baby's fist would cost at least 3000 yuan if it was sold in the market according to its fineness.

Five yuan turned into three thousand, and of course the stall owner couldn't bear it.

"Good guy, little brother, what kind of eyes are you that can tell that this is a piece of jadeite? Look at this, I'll give you 300 yuan and you can sell this piece of jadeite to me."

The stall owner said quickly, his eyes were fixed on the piece of jade in Xiaohong's hand, and he even had the urge to take it back immediately.

"300 yuan, I said boss, you treat me as a noob who doesn't understand anything."

Xiao Hong heheed, and put the piece of jade into her pocket.

Xiao Gao at the side was a little confused.

He also saw that this stone was definitely more than five yuan, but he still didn't know the exact price, so it wasn't that shocking.

However, when he heard that the stall owner wanted to use 300 yuan to recycle the jade, Xiao Gao was a little dumbfounded.

A piece of broken stone bought for five yuan has become 300 yuan before the blink of an eye.

This kind of good thing is simply pie in the sky.

"Brother He, don't we sell it for 300 yuan?"

Hearing that Xiao Hong said it would not be sold, Xiao Gao said anxiously.

In his opinion, 300 yuan is already a lot.

When I used to resell electrical appliances, I could only earn 30 to [-] yuan a day.

In less than 5 minutes, I directly earned 300 yuan, which is equivalent to working for ten days before.

"This piece of jadeite can be sold for at least 3000 yuan in the market according to my estimation. If you meet a buyer who really likes it, it can even be more. Do you think I will give him the 300 yuan?"

Xiao Hong looked at Xiao Gao and said with a smile.

"Ah! 3000 yuan? Brother He, are you kidding me?"

This time Xiao Gao was really dumbfounded.

Originally thought that 300 yuan was enough, but Xiaohong directly said that this piece of jade was worth 3000 yuan.

My goodness, is this made of gold?It seems to be more expensive than gold!
"Little brother, you are an expert, but you bought this jadeite from me after all, let me see it this way, I will give you 2000 yuan, and you sell this jadeite to me."

(End of this chapter)

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