Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 158 Antique master, He Jincheng intends to make friends

Chapter 158 Antique master, He Jincheng intends to make friends
The stall owner was very depressed.

But at this point, he knew that he couldn't frame He Jincheng anymore.

As He Jincheng said, this piece of jade is worth at least 3000 yuan, and if he collects 2000 yuan, he can earn 1000 yuan, which is also very good.

"Boss, you are too unkind. Now this piece of jade belongs to me. Just now you said that it will not be refunded. Either you will pay 3000 yuan and I will sell it to you, or I will wait for someone who is destined. "

He Jincheng said with a smile.

He is not being taken advantage of, how could he let the other party earn 1000 yuan for nothing?
"Hey, it's really emerald. This is the best imperial green. Good guy. I didn't expect to find such a good thing in this Gufengyue play street. Little brother, can you sell this piece of emerald? 500 yuan."

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing glasses walked over with a serious face, his eyes fell on the piece of jade in He Jincheng's hand and he couldn't leave it.

When the stall owner heard that, a buyer actually came out, and his eyes turned red immediately.

"I said, why are you like this? Now I'm looking at the price with this little brother. His jade is sold from me, so I should talk to him first."

The stall owner said very dissatisfied.

"Why is it stipulated? What you sell can only be bought by you. Now this little brother can sell it to whoever he wants."

The middle-aged man frowned slightly and glanced at the stall owner.

"Hey, I said, why are you like this? Didn't you see that I was talking about the price with this little brother first? You made a mess as soon as you came up, did you mean to find fault?"

The stall owner became a little impatient, stood up and said a little threateningly.

"I'm warning you, I've been in Qiangu Fengyue Street for more than ten years, don't be ignorant, be careful, I can make you out of this street with just one word."

The middle-aged man laughed immediately.

He has lived such an old age, and he has never met such an arrogant person as me.

"You're a bad person, you don't have any vision. You said you've been on this street for more than ten years, haven't you seen me? Don't you know who I am?"

The middle-aged man chuckled, his tone and eyes full of contempt.

"Who are you? Growing garlic here?"

The stall owner didn't take the key man seriously at all.

"I don't know if you have heard of the ancient Fengyue Fengyue?"

The middle-aged man said his name slowly.

The stall owner was slightly shocked, and the next moment a look of panic appeared on his face.

"Are you Gu Fengyue Fengyue?"

"That's right, it's right here. What? Haven't you heard of me?"

Gu Fengyue Fengyue had a faint smile on his face, and he couldn't tell what he was thinking at all.

Gao Ziqiang next to the ground, Erzhang monk was puzzled.

Who is this Gufeng Yuefeng?It looks awesome, but why haven't I heard of it?

He Jincheng's eyes lit up.

He has heard of the name Gu Fengyue Fengyue.

This is a well-known antique collector.

It is said that the antiques in his family are filled with three big houses.

In terms of the value of this ancient style and moon Dong alone, it is worth billions.

However, this Gu Fengyue is rather strange, with so many antiques in his hands, but his life is very poor.

A friend persuaded him to sell some antiques, but he had no such intention at all.

Later, when he got seriously ill, he didn't sell the antiques to treat his illness. When he was dying, he donated all the antiques to the country.

To a certain extent, Gu Fengyue Fengyue is definitely a very great antique collector.

"So it's Master Gu Fengyue, it's the little one who's blind. Please don't blame him for offending Master Gu Fengyue. Since Master Gu has made a move, the little one has nothing to say. This thing belongs to you."

The stall owner immediately confessed.

He just said that he has been on this street for more than ten years, which is pure nonsense, because this street has only been opened for the past two years.

But this Gu Fengyue Fengyue, Master Gu Fengyue is a well-known collector of Gu Fengyue antiques, and has a great reputation in the Gu Fengyue antique circle. As long as he says a word, he will not even think about setting up his booth.

Competing with such a big shot is absolutely impossible.

Gu Fengyue Fengyue did not continue to entangle with this stall owner, after all, the level is different, if you care about this kind of person, won't you lower your own level?
He turned his head and saw that He Jincheng had a warm smile on his face.

"How about little brother, for 500 yuan, you also sold this piece of jade to me."

Gu Fengyue Fengyue said with a smile.

"Just now I said 3000 yuan is 3000 yuan, and I don't want more from you."

He Jincheng nodded but couldn't go on, he didn't ask for Gu Fengyue Fengyue, 500 yuan.

He still has some admiration for Gu Fengyue Fengyue, but he didn't expect to meet such a big man in this life, so He Jincheng decided to make friends.

"Hahaha, okay little brother, you are straightforward enough, then let's not talk nonsense, and come home with me to get the money now."

Gu Fengyue Fengyue was slightly taken aback when she heard the words, then burst out laughing, looking at He Jincheng with a hint of appreciation in her eyes.

500 yuan is not a small amount for ordinary people.

Looking at He Jincheng's attire, he doesn't look like a particularly rich person. It's interesting that such a person is willing to give up 500 yuan to make money.

"Everything is arranged by Master Gu Fengyue."

He Jincheng cupped his hands towards Gu Fengyue Fengyue.

Gao Ziqiang next to him was a little anxious, 500 yuan, if you don’t want it, you don’t want it, why is Brother He so arrogant?You don't have to give it to me.

Just as he was about to say something, He Jincheng glared at him.

Gao Ziqiang immediately stopped talking.

In any case, this stone is also the same. He Jincheng found that he has no right to speak.

The two followed Gu Fengyue to Gu Fengyue's house.

Gu Fengyue Fengyue's home is a standard courtyard house.

There was no one else in the house, and he seemed to be the only one living there.

After Gu Fengyue took the two of them into the yard, he asked them to sit down, and then went into the room to get the money.

Looking at the scenery of this courtyard, He Jincheng nodded slightly, it seems that this Master Gu Fengyue is still very interesting on weekdays.

Such a person lives very comfortably, and He Jincheng is very envious.

If I can also have this kind of life in the future, and accompany my wife and children every day, it will be the most beautiful thing in life.

After a while, Gu Fengyue took out 3000 yuan and put it on the stone table.

"Little brother, please count it, 3000 yuan is not a lot."

Gu Fengyue Fengyue said with a smile.

"There is no need to count money for a master's character. This piece of imperial green jade is yours from now on."

He Jincheng put the piece of jade on the table with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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