Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 159 Good handwriting, a shop far beyond imagination

Chapter 159 Good handwriting, a shop far beyond imagination

Gu Fengyue was very happy.

He is the most disgusting person who beats around the bush.

He Jincheng is a nice guy, he speaks straight to the point, and he is very good at his temper.

"Hahaha, Brother He is so refreshing. I am very happy today. I have received a top-quality jadeite. Find a good master to carve a Jade Buddha, and I can put it away again!"

Gu Fengyue laughed.

"It can be seen that Master Gu must be a fan of antiques!"

He Jincheng also smiled, and accidentally added a word that will only appear in the future.

"Enthusiast? Uh, what does this mean?"

Gu Fengyue was slightly taken aback, not understanding He Jincheng's words.

He Jincheng was ashamed, and quickly explained.

"Oh, I just like something or something so much that my brain gets hot, just like having a fever. This is the term I saw in a magazine!"

"Oh, enthusiast, not bad, not bad, think about it carefully, it seems to be quite vivid!"

Gu Fengyue nodded, thinking that He Jincheng spoke very funny.

"Master Gu, the two of us have just arrived in Nandu, and we are not familiar with the place where we live. I wonder if Master Gu can do us a little favor?"

After pondering for a moment, He Jincheng asked with a smile.

"Well, I'm happy today, as long as I can do it, I will help, who hasn't had a difficult time!"

Gu Fengyue waved his hand and said very generously.

"It's like this. The two of us, brothers, want to start a small business here in Nandu. Now we are still living in the guest house, so we want to find a place to stay."

He Jincheng looked around while talking.

Gu Fengyue is a shrewd person. Seeing He Jincheng like this, he understood what he wanted to do.

"Are you going to stay with me?"

Gu Fengyue asked with a smile.

"That's right, we can pay to rent it. I wonder if Master Gu can make it easier?"

He Jincheng arched his hands.

"No! I'm used to living alone, but suddenly two people came, I feel uncomfortable!"

Gu Fengyue directly refused, not even discussing the price.

He Jincheng was taken aback, thinking that he and Gu Fengyue could get along quite well, and if they rented here, the other party would agree.

After all, Gu Fengyue lived alone in such a big courtyard, and ordinary people couldn't stand it.

Unexpectedly, Gu Fengyue didn't think about it at all.

That's right, Gu Fengyue has a lot of money in his hands, and it was 3000 yuan when he made a move just now.

"Okay, we're sorry to bother you too! Then I wonder if there is a place to rent a house near Master Gu?"

He Jincheng still had a smile on his face.

He could tell that Gu Fengyue really didn't like living with other people, maybe she was used to living alone.

"I can help with this. I'm on Qiangu Street, and there is a three-story shop that is vacant. If you want to rent it, I can rent it to you for 100 yuan a month!"

Gu Fengyue thought about it and said.

He Jincheng's eyes lit up.

He originally wanted to rent this courtyard, because it was relatively close to Qiangu Street, and there was Gu Fengyue, an expert in antiques, so he could ask him for advice when he was free.

However, since Gu Fengyue doesn't like being disturbed, it's better to rent it on Qiangu Street.

There is a storefront, and people can live there. This condition is very good.

"100 yuan, Master Gu, your charge is too expensive!"

Gao Ziqiang's voice was raised a bit.

I work so hard, I can't earn so much in a month, and it turns out that just renting a house, you need 100 yuan, which is faster than stealing money!

In Pingyao Town, the most expensive one to rent a shop is only 30 yuan.

"If you don't want to, then forget it. My shop is huge. I can open two shops!"

Gu Fengyue said disapprovingly.

He has plenty of money, and he is not short of it at all. The shop has been empty for a long time, and he doesn't bother to take care of it. Let's rent it out, and feel troublesome.

"Master Gu, don't listen to Xiao Gao's nonsense, we rented that shop, we can sign the contract now!"

He Jincheng said quickly.

He believes that with Gu Fengyue's personality, he will never prevaricate himself casually. Since he said that the shop is very good, it must not be bad.

"Okay, young man, I like your straightforwardness, let's sign the contract now!"

Gu Fengyue looked at He Jincheng admiringly, and then went to take out the pen and paper.

He took a brush and rice paper, laid them flat on the stone table, polished the ink, dipped it in the ink, and then started to write with the pen.

After a while, a neatly written contract was written out.

"Master Gu is still a great calligrapher, this lower script hand is an eye-opener for the kid!"

He Jincheng couldn't help but praise, this sentence is not flattering at all, it's really because the ancient master's handwriting is very good.

"It's okay to be alone, so you can practice calligraphy! That's enough, let's sign the contract!"

Gu Fengyue chuckled, with a bit of complacency on her face, obviously very satisfied with her handwriting.

He Jincheng stepped forward to take the brush, dipped it in the ink skillfully, and wrote his name on it.

Gu Fengyue's eyes lit up when she saw He Jincheng's words.

"Good calligraphy, good calligraphy, little brother, your cursive hand looks quite like Wang Xizhi's!"

Gu Fengyue exclaimed.

I really didn't realize that at such a young age, He Jincheng could write good handwriting, and his skills were no worse than his own!
"Haha, it means that my name is written better, it is completely incomparable with Master Gu!"

He Jincheng said modestly.

In the previous life, I also practiced calligraphy frequently, and my calligraphy attainments were not low. Many people called him the contemporary Wang Xizhi, and some even offered tens of millions of dollars to buy the calligraphy I wrote.

"Otherwise, you can tell the depth of your skills with just one word, and I regret not renting the courtyard to you!"

Gu Fengyue laughed.

"If Master Gu is willing, write another contract, we can still change it!"

He Jincheng joked.

"Hahaha, forget it, let me live alone!"

Gu Fengyue laughed, waved his hand and said.

After signing the contract and pressing his fingerprints, He Jincheng paid the rent for the three contracts.

After getting the key, He Jincheng and Gao Ziqiang bid farewell to Gu Fengyue, and went back to Qiangu Street to see how the shop was doing.

Although He Jincheng felt that Gu Fengyue was a very particular person, he would never deceive himself.

But when he saw this shop, he was also a little surprised.

There are three doors in this shop. Each door is four meters wide and eight meters deep. It can be said that it is absolutely huge.

100 yuan is too cheap, if it is calculated according to the rental market price in Nandu, at least 300 yuan is the starting price!

(End of this chapter)

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