Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 160 Store Naming, He Jincheng Store Decoration

Chapter 160 Store Naming, He Jincheng Store Decoration
"Good guy, Brother He, this shop is big enough, it's only 100 yuan, it's worth it!"

Gao Ziqiang was also very surprised. He thought it was expensive just now, but now it seems that he really took advantage of it.

"That's right, let's go upstairs and have a look!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly, and then went upstairs.

The second floor is relatively empty, but it is very suitable for storing items.

The third floor is a two-bedroom and one living room.

The living room is just separated from the two bedrooms, the public balcony, the kitchen and the bathroom. The overall layout is especially suitable for two people.

More importantly, the tables, chairs, benches, beds, cabinets and other furniture are all complete, and they are all covered with white cloth. The white cloth is covered with dust. When you open it, you can see that the furniture inside is quite clean.

From this point of view, Gu Fengyue is indeed a very particular person!
"Brother He, you have a vicious eye. I didn't expect that old man to actually give us such a good shop. 100 yuan is really a bargain!"

Gao Ziqiang said excitedly.

He admired He Jincheng more and more. If this matter were placed on him, he would definitely not agree to it.

"Okay, you live on the side next to the stairs, and I live in the room inside. We'll go shopping tomorrow, and then we can live in after cleaning!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly, and was indeed quite satisfied with this room.

The two of them still rested in the guest house this night.

After all, it is a house that no one has lived in for a long time, and I can't live in it without cleaning it.

Early the next morning, the two got up and went to the department store, bought tools such as mops and brooms, and cleaned the house thoroughly.

After working until noon, the two of them cleaned up the three floors.

After finishing their work, the two first went to have lunch and ventilate the house by the way.

After eating, I went to the department store again and bought some daily necessities such as bedding, towels, washbasins, toothbrushes, etc. Because there were a lot of things, I had to call a pedal tricycle and transport the things back.

The two of them worked hard all afternoon, their backs ached from exhaustion, and they finally cleaned up the house.

He Jincheng went to buy some side dishes and beer, and planned to have a good drink with Gao Ziqiang in the evening.

After one person drank two bottles of beer, the fatigue of the day suddenly dissipated a lot.

He Jincheng was secretly glad that he brought Gao Ziqiang here, otherwise, he would have died of exhaustion.

"Brother He, now that we have a shop and money, what should we do next?"

Gao Ziqiang finally asked the most critical question, which was what business to do.

Normally, when doing business, the average person must first do something good, and then raise funds, rent shops, and so on.

But when it came to He Jincheng's side, it was the other way around.

Up to now, Gao Ziqiang still doesn't know what business he plans to do with He Jincheng!

"I want to keep two facades to make antiques, and the remaining one to open a medical clinic!"

He Jincheng had already made up his mind. Originally, he was also torn between whether to continue to open the medical clinic, or to make money wholeheartedly.

Well now, with such a big storefront, it is completely possible to do two businesses separately.

He Jincheng must persist in the medical clinic, because this is his field of expertise, but making money will not be very stable, so he needs a stable business.

In the antique industry, He Jincheng certainly has an advantage because of his experience in the next 30 years, and it is not a big problem to make money from this.

"Antiques? Medical hall? Brother He, you are making things difficult for me. You said that if you ask me to repair an electrical appliance or make a counterfeit product, I can still do it. What kind of antiques are these? Medical halls, I really don't know anything about them."

Gao Ziqiang was startled for a moment, then said with a wry smile.

Originally, he thought that why Jincheng called him here because he liked his swiftness, but he thought that it would be no problem for him to use his strength.

But the two industries of antiques and medical halls are not easy to do!
"It doesn't matter, as for the medical hall, I'm fine if I'm here. For this antique shop, I'll teach you some knowledge, and you'll understand slowly. It's definitely not a problem to distinguish the authenticity from the fake."

He Jincheng said with a smile.

" that antique difficult?"

Gao Ziqiang said hesitantly.

"If you say it is difficult, you will never learn it in your life, but if you say it is simple, it is relatively simple!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Okay, I'm a master! But you are not allowed to bully me, I am a stupid person, and I may learn things slowly!"

Gao Ziqiang said dumbfoundedly.

"No problem, slow is right, you can see more accurately if you slow down!"

He Jincheng said encouragingly.

"Come on, let's drink, start tomorrow, let's work hard together!"

Gao Ziqiang laughed and pulled He Jincheng to continue drinking.

The two of them drank more than 30 flats of beer in one night, and they didn't have a good drink in the end. As a result, when they got home, they fell asleep as soon as they touched the bed.

When he woke up in the morning, He Jincheng took Gao Ziqiang to the furniture market.

Whether it's a medical center or an antique shop, they all need renovation.

So, not only do you need to buy cabinets, medicine cabinets, medicine cabinets, etc., but you also need to do some simple decoration and so on.

The home furnishing market is not very far from Qiangu Street, it's because you people are shouting here and there.

All this before and after, can be regarded as spending enough money!

After ordering the cabinets and furniture, as well as the money for decoration, I brought out 3000 yuan, plus the [-] yuan I earned from Gu Fengyue, and basically spent all of it.

The two now have only 50 yuan left in their pockets.

The key is to go to the business administration office, what does this name look like?
The two discussed it, and of course it was He Jincheng who came up with the name.

After thinking for a long time, He Jincheng decided to name the antique shop Shanbaozhai, and the medical clinic, so he named it Xinsheng Medical Museum, which also meant that He Jincheng was really reborn this time.

Of course Gao Ziqiang had no objection, anyway, he was determined to follow He Jincheng, so don't have other ideas.

Soon, the renovations here began to come over for renovations.

It is said to be decoration, but it is actually very simple, just like the house in the future, I wish I could pretend to be a flower for you.

The workers just spread a layer of cement on the ground, and then leveled the ground. The surrounding walls were also cleaned up, and a new layer of putty was applied.

The third floor is even simpler, because it is also a concrete floor, which is a little uneven, so let's level the third floor as well.

It's been a busy day again, and the decoration is considered a success, but unfortunately I must go to the guest house to rest today, otherwise I will be smoked to death.

So, the two temporarily stayed in the guest house, and they could basically move to a new house tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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