Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 16 He Jincheng beats Hei Wa with his small skills

Chapter 16 He Jincheng beats Hei Wa with his small skills
"To be honest, Brother Heiwa, I really don't have 3000 yuan!"

He Jincheng was not polite, sat down directly, and spoke the truth.

Heiwa's face darkened immediately, and she said with a sneer, "So, are you ready to leave some spare parts here?"

Ye Chunlin was so frightened that he almost collapsed to the ground again.

"Brother Heiwa, if you want to settle the debt, you can go to him. He promised to help me pay back the money. If not, that's his business!"

With a snap, Hei Wa slapped Ye Chunlin directly.

"I hate you the most. You have no backbone and no loyalty. Shut up for me. If you talk nonsense, I will take your arm off right now!"

After being slapped, Ye Chunlin was completely honest.

After Heiwa finished teaching Ye Chunlin, He Jincheng continued to speak.

"Brother Heiwa, you are from the rivers and lakes. What do you think of this? Give me an hour to play in your venue. If I win 3000 yuan, our account will be written off."

Hei Wa's eyes lit up, and she said with a smile: "You are quite interesting, so what if you lose?"

"Ye Chunlin and I don't have any complaints at the disposal of Brother Hei Wa!"

He Jincheng said without hesitation.

"He Jincheng, you are crazy..."

With a bang, Ye Chunlin, who had just spoken, was kicked by Heiwa, and immediately calmed down again.

However, he still scolded He Jincheng in his heart.

Is this how you pay back the money?Win 3000 yuan an hour, what the hell are you going to win?

"Very well, I haven't met someone as interesting as you for a long time, if that's the case, then I'll give you this chance!"

Hei Wa snapped her fingers and called a younger brother, "I want to exchange chips for this brother, how much money do you have?"

"It's only ten yuan, please help me exchange it for ten yuan chips!"

He Jincheng really only had ten yuan, which he earned just yesterday.

Hei Wa smiled even more proudly.

Ten yuan, win three thousand in an hour?This is simply a fantasy.

These days, a dollar is not a small amount, so even if it is a casino, the stakes are not particularly high.

"Hahaha, very good, very good, I hope you can win, and let me see the demeanor of the boss!"

Heiwa laughed loudly, and asked his younger brother to exchange a ten-yuan chip for He Jincheng.

"Thank you, my brother-in-law, just stay here, and brother Hei Wa, please don't make too much trouble!"

He Jincheng took the chips, said with a smile, then got up and walked out.

Hei Wa didn't stop him either, there were more than a dozen of his own people in this case, all of them were casino masters, and they were also stabilizing the operation of the casino.

His casino does not have a lot of turnover every day, only about five or six thousand.

As for the profit, in fact, it only looks like a thousand yuan.

If He Jincheng could really win 3000 yuan, it would be an unprecedented miracle.

Holding the chips, He Jincheng went straight to the mahjong table.

Hei Wa directly arranged a mahjong game, two of them were Hei Wa's subordinates, and their card skills were very good.

However, after typing the first sentence, everyone was dumbfounded.

He Jincheng directly won the thirteen.

One piece at the bottom, two yuan at the banker, double for self-money, thirteen and ten times.

In this first hand, He Jincheng directly won 40 yuan, and the chips changed from one to four.

"A little level!"

Hei Wa watched from not far away, and seeing that He Jincheng won 40 yuan directly, she nodded admiringly.

Next, He Jincheng won three more hands in a row, each of which was ten times the banker's hand. He actually made a direct profit of 120 yuan. The chips also changed from one black to one red and two black.

With the chips in hand, He Jincheng came to the dice table again.

"I bet Leopard, 120 yuan!"

Without the slightest hesitation, He Jincheng bet a handful of leopards.

If you win, 120 yuan will directly become 360 ​​yuan.

"Go, 666, Leopard!"

When the dice were cast, it turned out to be a leopard, and everyone present was a little dumbfounded.

Even Hei Wa who was not far away was slightly startled.

But within ten minutes, the ten yuan in this kid's hand turned into 360 yuan.

It seems that today he met a master.

Thinking of this, Hei Wa immediately called his younger brother and asked him to notify him to watch out for He Jincheng.

In the second hand, He Jincheng bet three, three, six big, doubled again, and the chips in his hand reached 720 yuan.

This time, Hei Wa was not calm anymore.

It took less than 10 minutes to play, and it changed from ten yuan to 72 yuan, a full 72 times.

However, after Heiwa arranged to change the dealer, He Jincheng changed the event without hesitation.

Pushing Pai Gow, Tianbao Zhizun directly, tripled his chips, this time, He Jincheng's chips reached 160 yuan.

"Brother, yes, you won 2000 yuan from me in half an hour. I didn't expect you to be a master of thousands!"

Hei Wa blocked He Jincheng's way, with a bit of coldness on his face.

"Brother Heiwa, don't talk nonsense, you say I'm cheating, do you have any evidence?"

He Jincheng asked lightly, not afraid at all.

Hei Wa was a bit hard to do, because he really didn't see He Jincheng going out, and it seemed that everything seemed to be luck.

"Okay, it's rare to see a master like you brother, why don't we come and learn from each other?"

Hei Wa knew that he had no evidence of He Jincheng cheating, so he could only bite the bullet and play with him.

This casino, that is, his gambling skills are the best, if he said it again, he would be ashamed.

"Okay, what are you playing?"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

"Then compare the size!"

Hei Wa came to the poker table, first spread out a deck of cards for He Jincheng to see clearly, and then began to shuffle quickly.

"Spades are the biggest, followed by hearts, aces are the biggest, and the smallest is 2. I'll bet all your money now, how about it?"

"Okay, everything is arranged by Brother Heiwa!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

Back then, I was in this kind of place all the year round, so I can't say that my gambling skills are particularly good, but it is still easy to deal with these little hooligans who have never seen the big world.

More importantly, after practicing ancient martial arts, He Jincheng's five senses are very keen. He can clearly hear and see the sound of the dice, the position of the cards, and even some breaths. That's why he won several times in a row. Bundle.

"Okay, let's get started!"

While talking, Heiwa showed off her card shuffling skills, which looked extremely exciting, no wonder she was able to hold the scene.

With a snap, Hei Wa put the card on the table, then stretched out his hand and made an invitation gesture.

"My luck is good in all items, and I hope it can continue tonight."

He Jincheng said with a smile, and then made a start gesture.

(End of this chapter)

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