Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 17 Small win 1, Ye Chunlin is completely convinced

Chapter 17 A small win of one thousand, Ye Chunlin is completely convinced

Hei Wa's face was somewhat serious.

He didn't know whether He Jincheng was lucky or really good at poker.

He won more than 2000 in half an hour, which was too much for an underground boss like Heiwa.

Taking a deep breath, Hei Wa drew a card first.

Ace of Hearts!

This card was very big, and if He Jincheng wanted to win, he had to draw the Ace of Spades.

"Hehe, it seems that my luck is also good. You only have one chance to beat me. I drew one of the 52 cards. The probability of you winning me is only 1/51!"

Hei Wa said with a smile.

If you can still lose like this, you can hit the wall.

"Really? Looks like I'm going to disappoint you!"

He Jincheng laughed, but he didn't reach out to draw cards, "In order to prevent you from saying that I am out of money, please come and help me, Brother Hei Wa! Count from the right, No. 11 cards!"


Hei Wa's face suddenly turned ugly.

Leaving aside whether the ticket that He Jincheng was talking about was the Ace of Spades, the way he let himself draw cards alone was already somewhat humiliating.

"Why, is Brother Hei Wa afraid?"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

"Okay, I want to see how lucky you are!"

Hei Wa gritted her teeth and drew out the No. 11 card on the right.

When the card was lifted, there was a burst of exclamation in the field.

The Ace of Spades, really the Ace of Spades!

"My God, this kid is going to hang up!"

"Is it cheating? It's impossible. Brother Hei Wa is the one who shuffles the cards, and he is also the one who draws the cards. He Jincheng didn't touch the cards at all!"

For a while, the entire venue was full of discussions.

Today they can be considered to have increased their knowledge, and they didn't expect to be able to play like this.

God of Gamblers, the real God of Gamblers!
Hei Wa was also dumbfounded, and slumped on the chair weakly.

He was completely convinced. Although he didn't know how He Jincheng knew that the card was the Ace of Spades, he could be sure that this kid was definitely not cheating.

"You... how did you do it?"

Hei Wa spat out a few words with difficulty, and looked at He Jincheng with burning eyes.

"I've said it all, it's just good luck! Well, now that I've won, I'll pay back my brother-in-law's 3000 yuan. You still need to give me 1000 yuan, or let me continue playing!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

Hei Wa's face was extremely ugly.

If He Jincheng continues to play, I'm afraid I will have to pay for it all.

"Brother Heiwa, you are on the right track. There are so many people watching. If you don't admit it, your business will not be easy in the future!"

He Jincheng spoke again.

"Don't worry, I, Hei Wa, have never been in debt!"

Hei Wa gritted her teeth and said, and then asked someone to settle the settlement for He Jincheng.

He Jincheng put the ten Great Walls in his pocket.

This kind of paper currency is of great value in later generations, but now that He Jincheng is short of money, he definitely doesn't need to collect it.

Let's talk about making money quickly.

Knowing that He Jincheng not only paid back the debt, but also made 1000 yuan, Ye Chunlin was dumbfounded.

1000 yuan, this is an astronomical figure for ordinary rural families.

"Brother-in-law, you are too awesome, that... can you teach me!"

After leaving the casino, Ye Chunlin said with a shy face.

"You kid, if you don't study well all day long, gambling is not a good thing. If I see you gambling again in the future, I will break your hand!"

He Jincheng said coldly.

"Tch, don't teach if you don't teach, why are you scaring me!"

Ye Chunlin didn't think so, his brother-in-law used to play this game a lot.

A dog can't change eating shit, now that he has money, he will definitely come again.

When the time comes, I will follow him again, it will not be the same.

With this in mind, the two of them prepared to return to Lianhua Village.

In the casino, Hei Wa's face was frighteningly dark.

1000 yuan, this is the income of the casino for several days.

Heiwa has been around for so long, when did he suffer this kind of loss?

"Brother Heiwa, what should we do? Just let them go?"

A younger brother came up and asked.

"Fart, is I the kind of person who takes a loss and admits it? You bring a few people, grab the money back for me, and then interrupt He Jincheng and Ye Chunlin's hands. I want people to know that I want to get it from my black baby." Taking advantage is not that simple!"

Hei Wa gritted her teeth and said.

The younger brother got the order, and immediately took a few people and chased after him in a tractor.

He Jincheng and Ye Chunlin walked back, and they were chased by Heiwa's men after a while.

Seeing the aggressive look of the other party, Ye Chunlin immediately panicked and ran away.

Several people jumped off the tractor and kicked Ye Chunlin to the ground.

"If you want to run, you are looking for death, right?"

A younger brother said with a sneer, and then greeted Ye Chunlin, who made Ye Chunlin yell.

He Jincheng didn't do anything, so Ye Chunlin should have suffered a bit.

Another younger brother, holding a steel pipe in his hand, looked at He Jincheng coldly.

"Boy, take it out, don't let us do it!"

"What? Brother Heiwa, can't afford to lose like that?"

He Jincheng didn't panic at all.

He had expected that the other party would not let it go so easily.

However, He Jincheng really didn't pay attention to such a few people.

"Looking for death! Today I will teach you how to behave!"

The younger brother's face darkened, and the greeter rushed towards He Jincheng.

Bang bang bang!
After a few muffled sounds, He Jincheng stood there perfectly, but Heiwa's younger brothers fell to the ground screaming one by one.

Seeing this, the younger brother who was beating Ye Chunlin left Ye Chunlin behind and rushed over with others.

In the end, Ye Chunlin beat them down with just a few random tricks.

"Go back and tell Hei Wa, today's matter is over, if you still dare to provoke me, I don't mind meeting him again!"

He Jincheng said coldly, then turned around and left.

Ye Chunlin struggled to get up, took the opportunity to kick Hei Wa's younger brother a few times, and followed him while cursing.

Heiwa's little brothers lay on the ground for a long time before getting up and driving the tractor back in a hurry.

Knowing that his subordinates failed, Hei Wa was furious.

After calming down, he began to think seriously.

"Made, I didn't realize that that kid He Jincheng is still a master! This matter is over for the time being, and we will go to He Jincheng to settle the score when we are fully sure!"

Hei Wa gritted her teeth and said.

There are only a dozen people under him, and he sent out five or six this time, but they didn't even touch their clothes.

Even if everyone passes by, it is estimated that they are not opponents.

Today's loss can only be swallowed secretly.

He Jincheng and Ye Chunlin returned home at noon.

At this time, Ye Chunlin's attitude towards He Jincheng had already undergone a 180-degree turn.

Even, he almost regarded He Jincheng as his idol.

A ruthless person like Heiwa was played by He Jincheng, which is too powerful.

"In the future, I will definitely hang out with my brother-in-law, and I will definitely succeed!"

Ye Chunlin thought to himself.

How much he loves Jincheng, he is completely convinced.

(End of this chapter)

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