Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 18 Hu Youde died, He Jincheng plans to apply for a certificate

Chapter 18 Hu Youde died, He Jincheng plans to apply for a certificate
Back in Lianhua Village, after learning that He Jincheng not only solved the problem, but also earned 1000 yuan.

Mother-in-law Guo Lan and daughter-in-law Ye Qingmeng were a little dumbfounded.

Then, He Jincheng handed in 900 to Ye Qingmeng in front of everyone.

The reason why 100 is left is because He Jincheng still needs money to open a medical clinic.

After all, you can't always see a doctor at your doorstep.

Guo Lan pulled Ye Qingmeng into the room, and kept asking her what happened to He Jincheng, did she suddenly get enlightened?To be able to make money so much, and to be so kind to Ye Qingmeng.

Ye Qingmeng smiled wryly, she still wanted to know what happened to He Jincheng.

"Mom, don't ask, I don't know what's going on, he came home with blood on his face a few days ago, and then he looked like a different person, if he can really be a new person, wouldn't it be great Is it?"

That's all Ye Qingmeng could say.

"That's right, as long as He Jincheng treats you well, I can rest assured."

Guo Lan nodded.

"Mom, why don't you leave the money with me? I don't know how much my brother owes."

After Ye Qingmeng hesitated for a moment, he offered to give the money to Guo Lan.

Guo Lan waved her hand and said, "This is the money from you two, how can Mom take it? That bastard Chunlin, I spoiled him too much before, now it's good to let him suffer a bit."

He didn't find that Guo Lan didn't want his own money, so Ye Qingmeng had to wrap it in newspaper and hide it under the bed.

Outside the yard, Ye Chunlin clung to He Jincheng like a dog's skin plaster.

"Brother-in-law, just accept me. I'll be your little worker, and you can do whatever you want. If you ignore me, I'll still go astray."

"I can see it. You can definitely make a lot of money by following you. Just accept me for my sister's sake!"

Ye Chunlin now regards He Jincheng as an idol.

He retreated completely from Hei Wa's side, and beat Hei Wa's younger brothers to the ground.

If I can hang out with He Jincheng in the future, my prosperity will be just around the corner.

"You really want to hang out with me?"

He Jincheng looked at Ye Chunlin and asked.

"That's right, as long as you are willing to accept me, brother-in-law, you can let me do anything."

Ye Chunlin said quickly.

"If you follow me, you can only learn some knowledge of Chinese medicine. As for making money, it depends on luck. Are you still willing?"

He Jincheng said again.

When Ye Chunlin heard that making money depends on luck, he was a little unhappy.

However, after thinking about it, my brother-in-law is so capable, if he can really teach himself a little bit, maybe he can become a doctor of Chinese medicine.

Among other things, raising a family is definitely no problem.

In case the brother-in-law is happy, teach yourself two tricks, and it may benefit you for a lifetime.

"Good brother-in-law, you can say anything, and I will listen to you."

Ye Chunlin assured again.

"Okay, then follow me. I will give you ten yuan a month as a salary. The first task today is to collect all the medicinal materials in the yard according to this medical book. If you make a mistake, you will be deducted." Fifty cents."

He Jincheng handed over a medical book to Ye Chunlin.

Ye Chunlin also went to school and graduated from junior high school, so he can read fluently without any problem.

"Okay, make sure to complete the task."

Ye Chunlin quickly took the medical book and said.

Although the salary of ten yuan a month is not much, it is not too little.

As long as I work hard, can I still worry about not having money to spend?

However, after he read the medical book, he regretted it a little.

Although Ye Chunlin has been to junior high school, he also knows a lot of characters.

But Chinese medicine is not so easy to learn.

Although this medical book is only an introduction to medicinal materials, many of these medicinal materials are very similar in appearance, and it often takes half an hour to really understand a medicinal material.

At the end of the day, Ye Chunlin could only memorize more than a dozen herbs.

And there are thousands of medicinal materials in the medical books.

This made Ye Chunlin complain endlessly.

As a result, He Jincheng wanted to do it with me, and this book was the threshold.

Helpless, Ye Chunlin could only bite the bullet and read medical books.

With Ye Chunlin at his side, Ye Qingmeng was able to relax.

He Jincheng treats people seriously, and his reputation has grown a lot.

Many people from other villages came to see He Jincheng for medical treatment.

During this period, what He Jincheng had always remembered finally happened.

Hu Youde was very happy after recovering from a serious illness. He specially organized a banquet and invited his friends to drink.

He Jincheng didn't go there because he was too busy.

As a result, Hu Youde drank too much that day and was sent to the hospital with a cerebral hemorrhage.

The hospital issued a death notice that night.

A generation of village tyrants died.

No one knew that all of this was actually He Jincheng's method.

Regarding Hu Youde's death, He Jincheng didn't feel guilty at all, as if nothing happened, he continued to concentrate on seeing a doctor and making money.

Ten days later, He Jincheng shared his thoughts with Ye Qingmeng.

"Qing Meng, now that I have gained some fame, it's not a problem to always see a doctor outside my house. I'm thinking about renting out Widow Liu's house and opening a medical clinic there. What do you think? "

He Jincheng sat in front of Ye Qingmeng obediently and asked with a smile.

"Widow Liu, isn't it a bit inconvenient?"

Ye Qingmeng did not object to He Jincheng opening a medical clinic.

These days, He Jincheng's medical skills have been verified, and he is definitely a real talent.

However, Widow Liu only has one son, and one of them lives there, which is somewhat inconvenient.

"Widow Liu lives in the backyard. There is only one room in the front yard. I think she doesn't use that room on weekdays. Besides, we only open a medical clinic and don't live there. It should be fine."

Seeing Ye Qingmeng's reaction, He Jincheng knew that she was worried about being gossiped about, and was very happy. This showed that Ye Qingmeng's impression of him had changed a lot.

It seems that it won't be long before he and Qing Meng can become a real husband and wife.

"That's fine. You're not alone anyway. Do you know how much money you need? I'll keep all the money you gave me before, and I didn't spend a cent."

Ye Qingmeng took out a wooden box with a lock from under the bed, and found the key from the bedside. After opening the wooden box, inside was neatly wrapped banknotes wrapped in newspaper.

The 900 that He Jincheng won and handed in from Heiwa before, plus the one after another in the past few days, totaled 1025 yuan.

"I don't know yet, but before that, I have to go to the county to get a business license. After all, if I open a medical clinic, I am no longer a barefoot doctor. Without a license, it is still difficult to manage."

He Jincheng said.

"Okay, then I will give you two hundred first, which should be enough to apply for a business license. When you come back, let's ask Widow Liu together!"

Ye Qingmeng didn't say much, just took out two hundred yuan and handed it to He Jincheng.

(End of this chapter)

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