Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 19 Obstruction of certificate application, state-run restaurant blocks leadership

Chapter 19 Obstruction of certificate application, state-run restaurant blocks leadership
the next day.

He Jincheng took two hundred yuan and went to the county seat.

In 81, although the commodity economy had begun to rise, most places and people still held a wait-and-see attitude, for fear of being labeled as a speculator if they were not careful.

It is not an easy task to apply for a license to open a medical clinic.

After all, this is a private medical clinic, and it can be regarded as a private economy.

He Jincheng first went to the industrial and commercial department, but he was kicked out without even seeing the person in charge.

This made He Jincheng a little helpless.

Of course, he can go back and directly open a medical clinic, but since he is so famous, it is inevitable that some villains will be jealous, and if he makes a report at that time, he will have to close down.

So He Jincheng still planned to get the certificate first, and then go to open a medical clinic.

But these days, without connections, it is really too difficult to get things done.

There is no way, and you can't just go back like this.

He Jincheng squatted at the gate of the industrial and commercial compound and waited.

"I don't believe it. You leaders, why don't you go out for dinner?"

With this in mind, He Jincheng waited all morning.

Seeing the sun rise to the middle, the scorching sun makes people dizzy.

Thinking about buying a popsicle to eat, He Jincheng saw a few leaders who looked like leaders coming out of the compound, who looked like they were going to eat.

He Jincheng didn't go directly to him. After all, this is still the gate of the compound. If he just stopped the leader like this, he might be called to the security guards to drive him away.

Anyway, I am hungry, so I will follow behind, have a meal by the way, and then look for opportunities.

Several leaders walked all the way and came to a state-run hotel on the next street.

The boss knew these leaders and welcomed them in politely.

After several people entered the box, He Jincheng also entered the restaurant.

"Hey, little brother, what do you want to eat?"

The boss was very enthusiastic and asked with a smile.

"Bring me two plates of home-cooked food and a bowl of rice."

He Jincheng found a seat in the lobby and sat down, glanced at the menu casually, and ordered.

Such a meal only costs two yuan, which is really cheap.

When the food was served, He Jincheng chatted with his wife every sentence.

"Ham, you said that those few people just now are all leaders of industry and commerce. Among them, Chen Fasheng, the foot of the boss, has to get his consent if he wants to open a shop and do business!"

My wife didn't hide anything, anyway, I would know this kind of thing after inquiring about it from other places.

"So that's it. It seems that this leader Chen is really in control!"

He Jincheng knew that he had found the right person.

As long as this boss Chen nods his head, his business license will be guaranteed.

"Isn't that right, but now the attitude of the higher authorities is not clear about private sales, and Leader Chen is also very strict with this card. It may be difficult to get him to nod!"

The boss said with a smile.

He Jincheng nodded, then he needed to find another way to get this leader Chen to help him voluntarily.

Following Chen Fasheng all the way just now, He Jincheng has long been overwhelmed.

There is a chance to let this leader Chen owe him a favor.

Here, He Jincheng finished his meal quickly, paid the bill, and sat in the lobby to rest.

After a while, Chen Fasheng and other leaders also came out of the box full of wine and food.

He Jincheng kept staring, and when he saw a few people coming out, he immediately went up to meet them.

"Leader Chen, hello, my name is He Jincheng and I'm from Lianhua Village, Pingyao Town!"

He stretched out his hand directly, looking very enthusiastic.

Chen Fasheng was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously reached out to shake He Jincheng's hand.

"Oh, hello, hello, what do you want from me?"

When a person is full of food and drink, the body and brain are in a state of excitement.

It's better to talk at this time.

That's why He Jincheng picked such a time to stop Chen Fasheng.

"It's like this. There is no medical clinic near our village. I have good medical skills, so I wanted to open a traditional Chinese medicine clinic, but I was afraid of being reported, so I wanted to apply for a certificate, but when I went to the management office, I didn't accept it. I happened to meet Leader Chen at dinner today, so I thought that Leader Chen, for the sake of the country and the people, will definitely help me with this matter."

He Jincheng directly stated his purpose.

Now it's a public place, and if you directly reveal your purpose, it seems sincere.

And Chen Fasheng is in a good mood at the moment, and in front of so many people, even if he doesn't agree, it's impossible to refuse directly.

Sure enough, there was a look of surprise on Chen Fasheng's face, and he didn't directly reject He Jincheng.

"Are you a doctor of Chinese medicine? It's really strange. I've seen many doctors of Chinese medicine. It's the first time I've seen someone as young as you. Comrade He, how is your medical skill? It's not a big idea to open a medical clinic." It can be opened casually, and seeing a doctor is a matter of life and death!"

Hearing what Chen Fasheng said, He Jincheng knew his chance had come.

"Leader Chen, although I am not very talented, I still know a little bit about Chinese medicine. How about this? I will check the pulse of several leaders on the spot. If what you say is right, please ask Leader Chen to do me a little favor and give the certificate to you." Yes, if I am wrong, I am willing to be sent to the Security Bureau!"

He Jincheng said immediately.

Now at this time, it is necessary to strike while the iron is hot and let the other party believe in his medical skills, so that this matter can be handled smoothly.

"Oh? This is interesting! Old Chen, why don't you let this little comrade show us, anyway, we don't have much to do later!"

"Yeah, I heard that miracle doctors are always sitting at home waiting for people to beg to see a doctor. I have never seen someone stop someone from seeing a doctor. If this little comrade is really a miracle doctor, we can make a lot of money today." It's done!"

The few people in the same group said with a smile, but they were more of a recreational mentality, and didn't think that He Jincheng's medical skills were so good.

"Okay then, the old brothers have said so, then let's see a Chinese medicine doctor in this state-run hotel!"

Chen Fasheng agreed with a smile.

The leader spoke, the waiter cleared a table, He Jincheng sat in front of the table, and then looked at Chen Fasheng and the others.

"I don't know who will come first among the leaders?"

"Let me come, to tell you the truth, I've been a little bit out of spirit recently, and I was thinking of seeing a Chinese medicine doctor. Today, come here in front of the first person to eat crabs!"

A Mediterranean man in his 50s said with a smile.

"Okay, Brother Guo is worthy of being a big brother, dare to be the first!"

Everyone laughed and joked

Leader Guo crossed his hands and sat in front of He Jincheng.

"Little comrade, please show me!"

As he said that, Leader Guo stretched out his hand with a smile, asking He Jincheng to feel his pulse, looking very interested.

(End of this chapter)

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