Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 20 Hotel consultation, the leaders are convinced

Chapter 20 Hotel consultation, the leaders are convinced
He Jincheng nodded, and reached out to give Leader Guo a pulse.

Leader Chen talked and laughed, completely treating He Jincheng, a wild man who jumped out suddenly, as a kind of after-dinner talk.

After pondering for a moment, He Jincheng withdrew his hand.

"Haha, little comrade, what's going on, what's going on with me?"

Leader Guo asked with a smile.

He didn't expect to learn anything from He Jincheng.

Asking He Jincheng to feel his own pulse was just for fun.

"Leader Guo is in good health and has no major problems."

He Jincheng said truthfully.

"Hahaha, little comrade, what you said is very accurate, there is nothing wrong with me, not bad, at least you can be regarded as a doctor of safety!"

Leader Guo laughed.

Doctor Ping An, this is not a good title.

Generally speaking, only those doctors with little ability would like to be a Ping An doctor.

No matter what kind of disease you see, be cautious and say some innocuous precautions, there is no harm anyway.

It seems that this leader Guo is expressing his dissatisfaction.

He Jincheng smiled lightly, and changed the topic: "However, some minor problems are inevitable. If I read correctly, Leader Guo often suffers from insomnia and itchy scalp recently. He must be sweating profusely when he wakes up in the morning!"

As soon as these words came out, Leader Guo's smile froze.

Because He Jincheng was right.

Recently, my scalp has been very itchy. I applied a lot of ointment, but it didn't help at all.

The hair that was originally thin was almost scratched away by myself.

What's worse, the itchy head also made me insomnia. When I woke up in the morning, my head was sweating profusely, and even the pillow was wet.

He went to the county hospital for an examination, and the doctor there said that there was too much pressure and there was nothing wrong with him, just let himself relax.

As a result, he didn't have any overtime work these days, but the situation has not been alleviated.

Unexpectedly, He Jincheng pointed it out.

Fooled?Impossible. Only he and his wife know about this matter. He can be sure that if he doesn't know He Jincheng, it is even less likely that He Jincheng will know in advance.

So, could it be that he really felt the pulse?

"Hey, brother Guo, what's the situation with you? Could it be that this little comrade has already hit the mark?"

Seeing Leader Guo's reaction like this, Chen Fasheng asked in surprise.

Leader Guo ignored Chen Fasheng, looked anxiously at He Jincheng, and asked, "I don't know how the little comrade can solve my problem? To be honest, I'm almost tortured to death!"

Although it's not a serious illness, I feel itchy every day, and I can't sleep well. Who can bear it?

"As I said just now, it's not a serious problem, and it's easy to cure. I wonder if Leader Guo is still itchy now?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile.

"It's itchy, especially after drinking alcohol. It's just that I'm too embarrassed to scratch it in front of so many people."

Leader Guo said, his old face turned a little red.

After all, more than half of his head is bald, so it is a bit unsightly to keep scratching his head.

"It's just right, I'll give you acupuncture first, and it will be effective soon!"

He Jincheng took out the needle bag, put it on the table and opened it.

Everyone looked at it curiously, and found that it was just a silver needle used in ordinary acupuncture.

"It will be effective soon? What you said is true?"

Leader Guo was very excited.

This small problem, tossing him is almost driving him crazy, if it can be effective immediately, of course he will be happy.

"You'll feel it later!"

He Jincheng smiled, and then took out the thinnest silver needle.

Everyone's attention fell on the silver needle in He Jincheng's hand, and they were all guessing in their hearts whether this He Jincheng was really capable, or just a blind cat and a dead mouse.

However, whether it is true or not, you will know when He Jincheng runs out of needles.

He Jincheng stood up, apologized, and then began to perform acupuncture.

He uses the needle very fast, basically without gestures, when the needle is raised and lowered, the three-inch silver needle has been sunk by more than an inch.

But Leader Guo didn't feel anything at all, and asked He Jincheng if he had started.

This made everyone gasp in amazement, the silver needle didn't penetrate an inch, and it was still on the head, so they didn't feel anything at all.

It seems that this little comrade really has some skills!
He Jincheng smiled, twisted the silver needle twice, then took out three more silver needles, and continued to do needles.

After repeating this for about 6 minutes, He Jincheng put away all the silver needles.

"Okay, how do you feel now, Leader Guo?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile.

"Ah, that's the end? I don't feel anything at all, but now it seems that the itching is really gone, and I feel my head is very relaxed. Comrade, your stitches are amazing!"

Leader Guo touched his head with a happy expression on his face.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, their faces full of surprise.

Unexpectedly, this He Jincheng is really capable.

"Then do I still need to continue treatment? Comrade, I don't want to suffer anymore!"

Knowing that He Jincheng's medical skills are very good, of course Leader Guo will not let go of this good opportunity, and of course wants to cure him.

"It's not a big problem. The acupuncture just now has helped you activate the meridians, and basically there will be no relapse in the future. My suggestion is to smear ginger slices often after going back. I believe that within a month, maybe Leader Guo can grow back. hair!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"What? Are you telling the truth? Can I really grow hair?"

Leader Guo became even more excited when he heard this.

Compared with an itchy scalp, this Mediterranean hairstyle is what he cares most about.

In the entire business management office, he is the only one who is Mediterranean, and he really feels a little inferior.

"It's still the same sentence, you will know if you try it!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Okay, I'm going to try it today!"

Leader Guo still didn't believe He Jincheng, so he nodded quickly.

At this moment, Leader Guo seems to have become a humble patient, and he doesn't have the previous high-ranking and playful look.

"Little comrade, come and show me too. I've been feeling a little weak in my waist recently. Is there any way to recover quickly!"

"I'll take a look too. Recently, my face is always stiff, and I don't know what's going on!"

For a while, several people were scrambling to get He Jincheng to see a doctor for themselves.

Now they don't care if He Jincheng is a young man, as long as he has something real in his hand, he is a miracle doctor.

In less than half an hour, He Jincheng saw everyone's illnesses.

These leaders don't have any major physical problems, the most important thing is that they need to be recuperated later.

After He Jincheng's acupuncture and moxibustion therapy, several people felt relaxed and comfortable physically and mentally, and they recognized He Jincheng's medical skills even more.

(End of this chapter)

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