Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 21 Complete certificates, Lianhua Village in a car

Chapter 21 Complete certificates, go back to Lianhua Village by car
With the approval of the leaders, the next thing to do is to apply for the certificate, and it will go smoothly.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, He Jincheng not only got his business license, but also got a medical qualification certificate through Chen Fasheng.

This was proposed by Chen Fasheng on his own initiative.

He Jincheng thought he had to take the exam to get it, but this time is not so strict, as long as someone says hello and writes a guarantee letter, he can get the medical qualification certificate.

"Xiao He, you said that you live in Lianhua Village, right? You're so talented. It's a waste of a genius doctor like you to stay in that small place!"

This is what Chen Fasheng said in his heart. If such a genius doctor can be in a big city, he will be able to help more people. Of course, it will be more convenient for himself.

"Uncle Chen, you're welcome. I'm just starting out now, and I still have to take it step by step. After all, there are mixed fish and dragons here in the county. If I directly open a medical clinic here, it will be closed within a month!"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

Chen Fasheng nodded slightly, and appreciated He Jincheng even more.

This young man not only has excellent medical skills, but also has a very transparent mind.

In the county seat, there are also four or five Chinese medicine clinics, and the market is basically saturated.

He Jincheng, an unknown boy, came here. Even if he opened a medical clinic, no one would go to him to see a doctor.

As He Jincheng said, only when one's fame is established can one enjoy it in the future.

Thinking of this, Chen Fasheng no longer persuaded He Jincheng.

"Alright, then I'll let someone take you back, and I'll identify the door by the way. If I need it in the future, I have to go find you!"

Chen Fasheng said with a smile, and then asked his secretary to drive He Jincheng.

He Jincheng was very grateful. He took his things and left the business management office. When he came to the yard outside, he saw that secretary Xiao Wu was already waiting for him by the car.

"Doctor He, this car!"

Xiao Wu greeted very politely.

The boss said hello before, this young man is a genius doctor, so he must be treated well.

Xiao Wu naturally didn't dare to be careless.

"Thank you, Secretary Wu!"

He Jincheng thanked him and got into the Jiefang sedan.

The car is a bit old, it looks like it has been driven for a long time, but the inside is very clean, it seems that Xiao Wu often cleans the car.

Cars are a rarity these days.

Even a leader like Chen Fasheng is only equipped with a second-hand car, which is said to be eliminated by the superior.

Even so, Chen Fasheng also regarded this car as his most beloved treasure.

Let Secretary Wu drive He Jincheng this time, and it can be seen that Chen Fasheng attaches great importance to He Jincheng.

"Doctor He, you haven't been to the city much before, do you want to go to the department store to buy something to take back?"

Secretary Wu sat in the driver's seat and asked with a smile.

"Thank you for reminding me, I really need to buy something, so please trouble Secretary Wu!"

He Jincheng was right when he thought about it. It was rare to go to the city once, so he should buy something to go back.

"You are a distinguished guest of our boss, of course I will treat you well, the department store is not far from here, let's go there!"

Secretary Wu smiled, then started the car and went straight to the department store.

Soon, the car stopped in front of the department store.

Department stores in this era are also state-owned assets, and they are basically public shops.

He Jincheng brought 200 yuan into the city this time, except for the bus ticket and lunch, it didn't cost much.

It happened that Secretary Wu drove him back, so He Jincheng simply bought some more firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea.

When he was almost done buying, he suddenly saw a shop selling books.

"Qing Meng is so smart, and she's not very old, she should really be allowed to continue studying, why don't you just buy her some books to read!"

Thinking of this, He Jincheng picked some books in the bookstore.

This bookstore is quite complete, including domestic and foreign classics, textbooks for elementary, middle, and high schools, and stationery.

He Jincheng picked out two famous books for Ye Qingmeng, a set of high school textbooks, a set of stationery, plus draft paper notebooks, and spent a total of 18 yuan.

With the addition of other miscellaneous things, the 200 yuan I brought is almost enough.

For the last two yuan and five, He Jincheng bought a pack of Hongtashan.

He doesn't smoke, and this pack of cigarettes is for Secretary Wu.

Although Secretary Wu followed orders, he couldn't say nothing at all.

Two [-] packs of Hongtashan can be considered affordable.

Secretary Wu was very happy to see that He Jincheng bought a pack of cigarettes for himself. The two became good friends immediately, and talked a lot along the way. He Jincheng also got a lot of information from him. .

Sure enough, it is right to apply for the certificate by yourself. Now the higher authorities are still hesitant about whether to let go of the commodity economy, but He Jincheng knows that the commodity economy will develop extremely fast in the end, and if he has obtained the certificate himself, he will not have to worry about being reported for speculation in the future. .

When I got home, it was almost five o'clock.

As soon as the car came into the village, everyone was alarmed at once.

The villagers only saw such things as cars when they entered the city.

Moreover, in a small town like Pingyao Town, it is definitely rare to see a few cars a day.

"Oh, He Jincheng is really promising, how long has it been, and he was even allowed to drive a car back!"

"He has the ability. Didn't you see the bags of things just now, and the white flour and rice were moved in there as if they didn't need money. I was almost blinded by the shaking."

The villagers said enviously one by one.

"Tch, I must have done some speculative business. I don't envy you at all. I'm going to be unlucky sooner or later!"

"Isn't it? Why can you make so much money at once? Let's stay away from him!"

Some people were jealous, thinking that He Jincheng had done something bad.

This is the case in the countryside. No matter what happens, there will always be several versions circulating at the same time.

He Jincheng didn't care about this at all, he wasn't afraid of the shadow slanting when he was upright.

Guo Lan was very happy to see He Jincheng brought so many things, and directed Ye Chunlin to move the things into the kitchen.

Originally, He Jincheng wanted to stay with Secretary Wu for dinner, but now it was getting dark, and he still needed to drive for two hours before returning to the county, so he didn't stay for dinner.

He Jincheng was also helpless about this, and his room was limited, so he couldn't let Secretary Wu stay overnight. He couldn't let him eat until six or seven o'clock, and then drive two hours back to the county.

There was no way, He Jincheng gave Secretary Wu two packs of herbal tea, and then sent him to the entrance of the village.

After sending Secretary Wu away, mother-in-law Guo Lan started cooking, and soon a sumptuous dinner was ready.

Ye Chunlin was the most unattractive person, he is a worthless bastard, but he has made up for his body.

(End of this chapter)

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