Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 22 The Medical Center Opens, Ye Qingmeng Opens Her Heart

Chapter 22 The Medical Center Opens, Ye Qingmeng Opens Her Heart
At night, He Jincheng and Ye Chunlin slept in the same room, while Guo Lan and Ye Qingmeng took Tingting to sleep in the back room.

One night, He Jincheng was so disturbed by Ye Chunlin's snoring that he hardly fell asleep. After finally staying up until dawn, He Jincheng hurriedly got up to cook.

After breakfast, He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng came to Widow Liu's house.

Ye Qingmeng knocked on the door, and Widow Liu opened the door after confirming that it was Ye Qingmeng and He Jincheng.

Explaining her intentions, Widow Liu showed a hint of hesitation on her face.

"Sister, it's not that I don't want to rent it to you. It's just that I'm a widow with a child. If you open a medical clinic here, it will be inconvenient for people to come and go."

Widow Liu expressed her difficulties.

He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng understood very well, after all, it is not easy for someone to take care of a child by himself.

After thinking about it, He Jincheng came up with an idea.

"Sister-in-law, what do you think of this? I'll ask someone to put a fence around the house outside, and then change the door. In this way, it will be more troublesome for those who come to see the doctor to think of your house, and it won't bother you two. Life."

"In addition, I am willing to pay five yuan a month in rent, and if the business is good, I can add more."

Seeing that what He Jincheng said was so sincere, and that the rent of five yuan a month was a lot of money for Widow Liu, after thinking twice, Widow Liu agreed.

However, her condition is that the fence must be repaired before it can officially open.

Of course, He Jincheng had no problem, and the two sides signed an agreement immediately.

Widow Liu couldn't read, so He Jincheng called the village head to testify, and both parties pressed their fingerprints, and the matter was considered a success.

Next, He Jincheng will be busy.

Once you have a shop, you need decoration.

In the village, there is no need for any very good decoration, but it is still necessary to prevent moisture and insects, otherwise, when the medicinal materials are put in, they may be damaged within two days.

Then there are tables, chairs and benches, especially medicine cabinets, which need to be purchased.

In this way, after a week, all the items in the medical hall were almost ready.

In the end, there was only one door plaque left.

He Jincheng brought a bag of five catties of white flour, and asked an old carpenter in the next village to make a plaque for his medical clinic.

The plaque is 1.2 meters long and half a meter wide, with four big characters written on it, Huanxin Medical Center.

By choosing this name, He Jincheng wanted to commemorate his brand-new life, and at the same time reminded himself that he must cherish the present and the people in front of him.

After nearly ten days of busy work, it was finally time for the medical center to open.

The night before, He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng settled the accounts together.

It cost a total of 580 yuan to open this clinic.

It took more than 400 more to buy medicinal materials.

Including the consultation fees for the past few days, the money is almost enough.

"I'm going to buy two firecrackers tomorrow, let's have a good time too!"

Ye Qingmeng put away the remaining 30 yuan, and said expectantly.

"Qingmeng, don't worry too much about the medical center. You must read the book I bought for you carefully. In one month, I'm going to the county to get you a student status. Then you will be able to study and take the university entrance exam. !"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"I'm going to college, I...can I do it?"

Ye Qingmeng was still not very confident. The college entrance examination was a job for educated people. He only knew a few words, so how could he have anything to do with college students.

"Why not? You are my wife, how can I not know how smart you are?"

He Jincheng said immediately.

"However, this student status is not easy to handle..."

Who wouldn't want to go to university if they could go to college?But, the reality is cruel.

"Don't worry about this, I'll fix it for you."

He Jincheng said confidently.

Now that I have a relationship in the county, I believe it is not difficult to get a student status.

At night, He Jincheng couldn't sleep all night, and the opening of the medical center seemed to herald the beginning of his new life.

Similarly, Ye Qingmeng also couldn't sleep.

These days, He Jincheng has really changed a lot.

It made her feel like she was living in a dream all the time, and she was even a little worried, if one day she woke up and found that all this was really just a dream, what should she do?
With a high-pitched cock crow, dawn dawned.

He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng got up early.

Ye Qingmeng cooked and cooked two eggs for He Jincheng, saying that he would reward him.

Eating the hot eggs, He Jincheng was delighted.

He could feel now that Ye Qingmeng seemed to have fully accepted himself.

This is really great.

The opening of the Huanxin Medical Center can be regarded as the most lively event in Lianhua Village in recent years.

In addition to the people from this village who came to congratulate, many people from the neighboring villages also came to join in the fun.

He Jincheng specially bought a large bag of candies. When the opening was announced, firecrackers sounded, and He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng grabbed candies and threw them at the crowd.

For a time, the whole village was full of festive atmosphere.

"Our Huanxin Medical Center opened today. Thank you, folks, for your support. Today's medical consultation is free, and medicinal materials are half-price. It is Xiao He's expression of his heart!"

On this day, He Jincheng took care of seeing a doctor.

Fortunately, there are Ye Qingmeng and Ye Chunlin to help, otherwise, I'm afraid they will be too busy.

At the end of the day, all three of them were exhausted.

When they got home, Guo Lan, the mother-in-law who was looking after the children, had already prepared dinner. After they finished eating, they washed up and went to rest.

He Jincheng couldn't fall asleep because of Ye Chunlin's noise, so he got up and sat in the yard for a while.

Suddenly there was a scent, He Jincheng turned his head and saw Ye Qingmeng also came out on tiptoe.

"Qingmeng, you haven't slept yet!"

He Jincheng said in a low voice.

"I can't sleep, is it because my brother is making you so noisy that I can't sleep?"

Ye Qingmeng sat down next to He Jincheng, holding an English textbook in her hand, it seemed that she was going to read a book before going to sleep.

"That kid from Chunlin's snoring is simply terrifying!"

He Jincheng couldn't laugh or cry, since he slept in the same room with Ye Chunlin, he hadn't had a good night's sleep.

"When our mother is gone, you can go into the house and sleep!"

Ye Qingmeng said in a low voice, her pretty face turned slightly red.

He Jincheng was startled for a moment, and then overjoyed, he couldn't help but pull Ye Qingmeng into his arms.

Ye Qingmeng struggled symbolically, and then she lay on He Jincheng's arms like a well-behaved cat.

Under the white moonlight, He Jincheng carefully looked at his wife in his arms.

Looking at that delicate face, which was slightly pink, I couldn't help but want to kiss her.

As a result, just as he lowered his head, he ran into Ye Qingmeng who came up to him.

Both of them stagnate for a while, and then intertwine together.

At this moment, his breathing became heavy. Just as He Jincheng was about to take the next step, he suddenly heard the sound of the door opening, and the mother-in-law came out yawning.

The two separated immediately like an electric shock, Ye Qingmeng blushed as if bleeding, and He Jincheng scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Hey, why don't you go to sleep, it's so late at night, I'm so sleepy!"

I don't know if Guo Lan saw the passionate moment between the two just now, yawned and went to the toilet.

He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

Ye Qingmeng finally opened her heart to herself.

(End of this chapter)

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