Chapter 23
The next day, He Jincheng went to the clinic for a consultation, Ye Chunlin went to help, and Ye Qingmeng and Guo Lan did housework at home.

He Jincheng really wants to make money now, so he demolished the old house and built a new brick house.

In this way, even if the mother-in-law comes, I can sleep with my wife.

Today's business is not as lively as yesterday.

After all, yesterday was all about losing money and making money. Although there were many people who went to see a doctor and took medicine, they didn't make any money at all.

After this heat, the disadvantages of being in the countryside will be revealed.

Only three people came to see a doctor in the morning, and they were all minor ailments of cold and fever, which were resolved by taking some medicine.

Ye Chunlin couldn't help feeling a little discouraged when he saw that business was so bleak today.

These days, he has worked hard to read the medical books given by He Jincheng. Although he is not very proficient, he can recognize some basic medicinal materials.

Originally, he wanted to have a big fight with He Jincheng and make a good fortune.

As a result, the business is like this, where can I make money?

At noon, the two went home for dinner, and the mother-in-law went to work in the field, saying that the field must not be abandoned, otherwise, if the medical center cannot make money, it will have to starve.

Ye Qingmeng wanted to follow along to work, but Guo Lan stayed behind.

There are still children at home, and the men have to go home for dinner at noon, so Ye Qingmeng is asked to cook at home and watch the children.

After eating, Ye Chunlin thought he would sleep well, so he didn't go to the clinic.

As a result, Guo Lan scolded him and drove him back.

"Hey, brother-in-law, you said that we are like this, and we can hardly afford to eat, so why open a medical clinic!"

Ye Chunlin lay on the table, complaining endlessly.

"There are not many villages near us, so everyone can't be sick. It's normal that there are no people now. Be patient. The smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys. It won't be long before it will be fine."

He Jincheng wasn't too worried. Although he also wanted to make money as soon as possible, he knew that this kind of thing couldn't be rushed and had to wait for an opportunity.

Half a month before the opening of the clinic, most of the patients in seven or eight nearby villages were cured by He Jincheng.

It is not bad to have three or five patients come to see a doctor every day.

So this is what He Jincheng expected, and there is no need to worry at all.

"Then shall we just wait like this, or should I go outside to publicize and bring some patients over?"

Ye Chunlin felt that his method was better than sitting at home and waiting for someone to come to his door.

He Jincheng was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect that his ignorant brother-in-law would have a business mind.

Since he wants to go, let him go.

"Sure, I'll give you two dollars. You go and get someone to come to see a doctor, but they must be really willing to come to see a doctor. If I find out what kind of tricks you are playing, be careful, I will not be polite!"

He Jincheng was still not at ease with Ye Chunlin, so he gave a sweet date with a stick.

As soon as he heard that there were two yuan, Ye Chunlin suddenly regained his spirits.

"Okay, brother-in-law, I'm going to pull someone over now. Don't worry, I, Ye Chunlin, have changed my mind and become a new man. I will definitely not do those stupid things!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Chunlin ran out excitedly.

He Jincheng shook his head with a smile, then got up and checked the medicine cabinet to see what herbs he needed to buy next.

A few more patients came in the afternoon, and they were all minor ailments. After seeing all of them, He Jincheng only charged a little over one yuan.

Seeing that it was four or five o'clock in the afternoon, He Jincheng was about to clean up and close the door.

At this moment, Ye Chunlin's excited voice suddenly came from outside.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, hurry up, come to work, big business!"

Opening a medical clinic to see a doctor, being called out by Ye Chunlin like this, it seems to be a business.

He Jincheng walked out with a wry smile, and saw Ye Chunlin running over in a hurry, and then pointed not far away.

"Look, the patient I found was from Qianwang Village. He said he was a businessman who came to engage in development and investment. He was hit in the head by a stone and passed out immediately. He called an ambulance, but it took more than an hour for the car to arrive. , I asked someone to carry it over here!"

Ye Chunlin said out of breath, he also ran all the way back.

"The patient's condition doesn't look good, brother-in-law, are you sure?"

"Don't talk nonsense, quickly bring people in!"

He Jincheng didn't bother to say anything to him. Now that human life is at stake, there is no delay.

He immediately went up to meet him and helped carry him into the hospital and put him on a makeshift hospital bed.

"Doctor He, we heard that you are a wonderful doctor. This is Boss Xiao from the city. He came to our Qianwang Village to investigate poverty alleviation. He is a good man. A big boss has no pretensions. He even climbed mountains and drilled caves with us. , I was suddenly hit by a falling rock, and it took more than an hour for the town hospital to send a car over, now I can only rely on you, I beg you to save Boss Xiao!"

The person who carried Boss Xiao over was a big black-faced man who looked honest and honest. After putting Boss Xiao away, he said in a hurry.

"Yes, Dr. He, no matter how much it costs, we are willing to pay. I just ask you to save Boss Xiao!"

The villagers who followed also begged one after another.

Obviously, Boss Xiao is definitely a good person in the hearts of the villagers of Qianwang Village, otherwise, how could he be so loved.

"Don't worry, I'm a doctor, and it's my bounden duty to save the sick and save the sick! Please calm down and let me check the patient's condition first!"

As He Jincheng said, he stepped forward to check on Boss Xiao's condition.

I saw that Boss Xiao had a sackcloth wrapped around his head, and the blood had already seeped through, and was still dripping down.

As for Boss Xiao himself, he was already in a coma state, his breathing was intermittent, his face was as pale as paper, and he looked very scary.

He Jincheng took his pulse, then looked at Boss Xiao's pupils, and he knew it.

"Boss Xiao is in a coma now, he must stop the bleeding as soon as possible, you all go out first, don't affect me!"

He Jincheng said very seriously.

The villagers of Qianwang Village looked at each other, hesitant.

However, the black-faced man was still reasonable, and quickly called everyone to go out and wait.

He Jincheng first used silver needles to stop Boss Xiao's bleeding, and then removed the sackcloth covering his head.

After seeing Boss Xiao's situation, He Jincheng also took a deep breath.

A bloody hole was exposed, and the brains inside could even be vaguely seen.

Fortunately, Boss Xiao was relatively lucky, as he did not injure his brain tissue.

He Jincheng took some medicinal materials from the medicine cabinet, put them together and ground them into powder, then sifted the dregs with a sieve, poured some water, mixed them into a paste, wrapped them in new gauze, and made a new paste for Boss Xiao. Bandaged a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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