Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 24 Stabilizing the Injury, The Unreasonable Doctor

Chapter 24 Stabilizing the Injury, The Unreasonable Doctor
He Jincheng's medicine was very effective, and quickly stopped Boss Xiao's bleeding.

Immediately afterwards, He Jincheng administered a few more injections, and Boss Xiao's heartbeat, which had almost stopped, began to gradually recover.

At this time, He Jincheng was relieved.

Fortunately, the villagers sent it in time. If it was later, Boss Xiao might have to give up his life.

"Okay, you can come in!"

He Jincheng opened the door and shouted outside.

The black-faced man walked in immediately, and they all breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that Boss Xiao had stopped bleeding and his breathing was much normal.

"Thank you so much, Dr. He, you are really a miracle doctor!"

The black-faced man wiped the sweat from his forehead and said gratefully.

"Don't be so polite, as a doctor, how can you ignore death?"

He Jincheng waved his hand, "The patient will wake up in an hour or two. When he wakes up, he can be sent to the hospital. I will prepare some medicine for the patient and decoct it at that time. It will help him recover later. , a great help!"

"Okay, okay, Doctor He, how much is the consultation fee, let's collect it now!"

The black-faced man nodded repeatedly and said.

"Oh, you can just give me some money for the medicine, it's all from the folks in the village, don't be so polite!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly, and only charged two yuan from the black-faced man.

This moved the villagers of Qianwang Village very much.

If such a serious injury is sent to the hospital, it will cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

And He Jincheng only charged two yuan, this is simply a living god.

Half an hour later, the ambulance arrived.

As soon as the emergency doctor came over, he looked displeased and complained dissatisfiedly.

"What's the matter with you? How can you move patients casually? If something goes wrong, our hospital will not be responsible!"

Hearing this, He Jincheng frowned slightly.

This doctor is really interesting. When he came to give first aid, he didn't ask the patient's condition first, but instead blamed the villagers.

"I'm sorry doctor, we also saw that Boss Xiao's condition is a bit serious, and you are far away, so we had to send it to Dr. He!"

The black-faced man quickly apologized.

After all, they are inviting someone to come for first aid, so naturally they should be more polite.

"Doctor He? You have a doctor here, why are you calling us? I really don't know what to say!"

The emergency doctor not only did not calm down, but became even more angry, and reprimanded with staring eyes.

Several villagers in Qianwang Village were a little embarrassed.

The most taboo of seeing a doctor is to seek two doctors at the same time. They also know this, but there is no way to do it. The ambulance will take at least half an hour to arrive. You can't just wait for Boss Xiao to lose too much blood and die.

If other parts of the body are injured and bleeding, that's all. This is the head, and the brain can be seen, so of course they dare not move around.

"This doctor, don't be angry. Dr. He's medical skills are still very good. You can see that the bleeding has stopped, and Boss Xiao's condition has also stabilized!"

The black-faced man was also angry, but he couldn't show it, so he could only explain with a smile.

The emergency doctor checked Boss Xiao's condition, and when he saw the black ointment inside the gauze, his brows frowned even more.

"What is this thing? How can you give medicine to patients casually? I don't know what the ingredients are. What if there are after effects? The barefoot doctors in the village, you can believe it, I really convinced you!"

The emergency doctor didn't take He Jincheng seriously at all, and said so in front of He Jincheng.

For a moment, everyone was embarrassed.

They don't understand medical skills, but they also know what He Jincheng did, which saved Boss Xiao's life.

The emergency doctor in this county hospital must be too mean.

He Jincheng shook his head slightly, and didn't care, but his brother-in-law Ye Chunlin was not the kind of person to swallow his anger. He immediately slapped the table, pointed at the emergency doctor's nose, and cursed.

"Your grandma has a leg, what are you? Can you talk about my brother-in-law's medical skills casually? It's fine for you to arrive so late. After you arrive, you don't even ask about the patient's condition, and make all kinds of accusations. You have a face, don't you?"

"Who are you? What qualifications do you have to say about me?"

The emergency doctor's old face turned black from being scolded, and he and Ye Chunlin started to choke.

In his opinion, he is a doctor of the county hospital, a doctor of the county hospital, a barefoot doctor in the countryside, so what qualifications do he have to treat people with him.

So he was very dissatisfied when he saw that his own patient was given emergency treatment first.

"Who am I? I'm your father! What's the matter, can't you practice with me?"

Ye Chunlin rolled up his sleeves and was about to fight, the black-faced guy and the others quickly blocked Ye Chunlin.

He Jincheng was a little speechless, his little brother-in-law had no other skills, and his ability to make trouble was really not ordinary.

"You... you... a villager, you are unreasonable!"

The emergency doctor can be regarded as a scholar who meets a soldier. He can't explain why, and he is so angry that he doesn't know what to say.

"Okay, after Boss Xiao wakes up, you just take it away. No matter who comes to treat him, as long as he can save the patient's life, it's fine. Why are you so clear?"

He Jincheng spoke.

This is a medical hall, not a martial arts hall, he doesn't want to watch a full martial arts exercise.

"Who are you, and you still command me, when will I take the patient away, do you need to tell me what to do?"

Emergency doctors have no place to vent their anger, and whoever catches them will have a meal.

"This is my clinic, you are standing on my territory now, if you don't want to hear it, please go out!"

No matter how good He Jincheng's energy-raising skills are, he couldn't bear the unreasonable troubles of this emergency doctor.

Ever since this person came over, I have only said such a sentence, I didn't expect that the other party didn't appreciate it, and he was so domineering, did I really think that I was superior or what?
"Oh, it's such a mess you packed for the patient. I warn you, if any accident happens to the patient, it's your responsibility, and you can't escape it!"

The emergency doctor said with a sneer, and then waved his hand towards the nurse behind him, "Take the person away and send him to the hospital. This kind of broken hospital in the village is still a Chinese medicine doctor. If you stay any longer, you will definitely die!"

"What the hell are you talking about? I think you're short on draws!"

Ye Chunlin's anger that had just subsided suddenly surged up.

Isn't this the signboard of smashing Huanxin Medical Center?If you smash the signboard, you will cut off your own money. No matter who it is, Ye Chunlin will be anxious with him.

"What's the matter, do you really dare to beat me up? Why don't you tell me about your poor medical skills? How ridiculous!"

(End of this chapter)

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