Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 25 Don't Compromise, Charity Billionaire Xiao Jingran

Chapter 25 Don't Compromise, Charity Billionaire Xiao Jingran
The contempt on the emergency doctor's face was completely contemptuous of Ye Chunlin, or to say that he was insulting him by coming to the countryside to deliver a car.

"You bastard, do you believe that I killed you?"

Ye Chunlin was furious, almost broke free from the black-faced man, jumped up and cursed.

"Idiots with no quality! Who called the ambulance here? Our fare is quite a lot, who will pay for it!"

The emergency doctor ignored Ye Chunlin and asked.

"I called it, how much is it?"

The black-faced man was also angry, but the most important thing right now was to send Boss Xiao to the hospital for treatment, so he could only suppress his anger.

"The taxi fare is 30 yuan, and the outpatient fee is 20 yuan. Pay the money and pick up people!"

The emergency doctor raised his chin and said.

"What? Why don't you go grab money? It's only 50 yuan for a trip, you're cheating!"

The black-faced man couldn't help but curse.

He Jincheng put in so much effort, but in the end he only received two yuan.

The car of this county hospital has to be charged 50 yuan even if there is no one to pick it up. This comparison is simply stealing money.

"No money? If you don't have money, you call an ambulance. Is this what you hillbillies can call? Do you still want to send it to the county hospital? If you don't, give me 30 yuan and we'll leave immediately!"

The emergency doctor said impatiently.

This is a trip all the way, if you don't make more points, you will be sorry for yourself.

He doesn't care if the other party can afford the money.

" are too dark, I want to report you!"

The black-faced man's body was trembling.

For 50 yuan, the peasants can't make so much money after working so hard for a month.

"Report? Go ahead and report it. If you don't pay the money, it's okay for you? We're not doing charity. Why should we pick up the treatment for free?"

The emergency doctors didn't care.

Just these hillbillies, do you know where the reporting department is?
Even if you know, do you know how to report it?
Besides, there is a fee for the hospital to send a car, so there is nothing wrong with doing it yourself.

"I don't know the doctor's name?"

He Jincheng asked.

Such a doctor with no virtue and character is simply a cancer in the medical world.

He didn't want to care about it at first, but this person is too much. If he is not taught a lesson, I am afraid that countless patients will delay treatment because of him in the future, and even cause serious mistakes.

"Hmph, I'm not afraid to tell you, my name is Song Renxin, and Lai Xiangqian, the deputy director of the county hospital, is my uncle!"

Song Renxin raised his chin and said proudly.

He just wants to let these country bumpkins know how strong his background is.

You should report it, anyway, uncle can settle it.

"Song Renxin, Lai Qianqian, very good, I remember you all!"

Just as He Jincheng was about to speak, a weak voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone saw that Boss Xiao had woken up.

"Boss Xiao, you woke up, how do you feel now? Is there any better?"

The black-faced man waited for a few villagers from Qianwang Village to be overjoyed, and hurried forward to ask.

"I'm a little dizzy now, but it doesn't feel like a big deal!"

Boss Xiao said weakly, but it could be heard that he was still full of energy, and it seemed that his life was not in danger.

The black-faced men were completely relieved. Obviously, He Jincheng's previous treatment had a great effect.

"Boss Xiao, this is Dr. He Jincheng. He was the one who saved you. You don't know. I was scared to death at that time!"

The black-faced man hurriedly introduced He Jincheng to Boss Xiao.

"Thank you, Doctor He, for saving your life, I, Xiao Jingran, will definitely repay you generously in the future!"

Boss Xiao looked at He Jincheng, squeezed out a smile, and said very seriously.

He Jincheng's heart skipped a beat, Xiao Jingran, why is this name so familiar?
Suddenly, he remembered that before he was reborn, there seemed to be a charitable rich man with this name.

The rich man donates more than one billion yuan every year to improve poverty alleviation and prosperity in poor and backward areas.

If it wasn't for the free donation, he might be the richest man.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Jingran, who will dominate the domestic and foreign business circles in the future and the number one philanthropist in China, is lying in his own medical clinic at this moment.

At this time, He Jincheng also thought of it.

It seems that when Xiao Jingran gets older, he actually gets headaches.

At that time, he also made an appointment with He Jincheng to see a doctor, but he died suddenly before he could receive treatment.

If this is the case, then today's injury may be the main reason for Xiao Jingran's death in the future.

Thinking of this, He Jincheng couldn't help being full of respect for Xiao Jingran.

An outstanding entrepreneur who can persist in charity for 40 years deserves everyone's respect!

"Hello, Boss Xiao, there is no need for a big report. I still paid for the medical expenses. As for saving you, I just did things with money!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, not taking credit for it.

"Boss Xiao, Dr. He is a genius doctor with noble medical ethics. He only charged us two yuan for medical expenses!"

The black-faced man said quickly.

He knew that Boss Xiao was rich and kind, so of course he wanted to say something nice to Jincheng.

Boss Xiao nodded, and remembered He Jincheng, a young doctor of Chinese medicine, in his heart.

If you have a chance in the future, you must repay them well.

"Hey, hey, are you finished? Don't go to the hospital? Hurry up and pay the money, we are waiting to leave!"

Song Renxin said impatiently.

What is Xiao Jingran, is he awesome?Could it be that he is better than his vice-principal's uncle?
Besides, this Boss Xiao has been injured in such a state, he is like a waste, what kind of big storm can be caused.

"Boss Xiao, look..."

The black-faced man can't make up his mind.

"No, let's go, Brother Wang, I have money in my pocket, you give it to them, but ask them to give you a receipt!"

Xiao Jingran shook his head slightly, and then motioned for Brother Wang to take the money out of his pocket.

Brother Wang knew Xiao Jingran's personality, so he was not polite, took out 30 yuan from his pocket, and handed it to Song Renxin angrily.

"Take it, a bunch of money grabbers, never call an ambulance again!"

Brother Wang said very displeased.

"Cut, what a poor ghost, don't look for us when you die of illness in the future!"

After Song Renxin took the money, he was very happy. After saying a disdainful sentence, he got into the ambulance and went back to the county.

"What is it? It really pissed me off! Brother Wang, why are you stopping me? If you don't stop me, I'll make Song Renxin, who has a nose on his head, a few big mouths, and let him be a good man. !"

Ye Chunlin still cursed angrily.

"Okay, don't say a few words!"

He Jincheng glared at Ye Chunlin, then looked at Xiao Jingran and said: "Boss Xiao, your current situation is not suitable for you to go up the mountain again, or you can rest for a while. God, you can get out of bed and walk!"

(End of this chapter)

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