Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 26 Retaliated Against, Song Renxin Investigates the Medical Center

Chapter 26 Retaliated Against, Song Renxin Investigates the Medical Center
Hearing what He Jincheng said, Xiao Jingran was also quite happy, and immediately said some words of thanks.

Especially after he learned how seriously injured he was, he became even more grateful to He Jincheng.

In the evening, Xiao Jingran also recovered a lot of energy, and was carried back to Qianwang Village by Brother Wang and others.

On the other side, Song Renxin returned to the county hospital by car.

The doctor at the hospital saw that there was no one in the car, so he asked curiously, "Doctor Song, why didn't the patient come back from the car?"

"Come on, I met someone who smashed his head and didn't want to come back with us. Instead, he believed in a village doctor. It's really bad luck!"

Song Renxin said unhappily.

"Where is the doctor more famous than the doctor in our county hospital?"

Everyone asked curiously.

Song Renxin told what happened. Of course, there are some details that he has polished.

Being bossy by myself has turned into begging the patient to come back with me, but the patient doesn't appreciate it and so on.

This made the doctors and nurses in the county hospital very unhappy.

"Cut, a barefoot doctor, I don't think he has all the certificates, yet he dares to challenge us, Doctor Song, you rely on the support of the director, what are you afraid of doing as a country doctor? Ask a few people to seal it up directly, this kind of quack doctor , you will harm others and yourself!"

Someone made a suggestion.

Song Renxin nodded slightly, and ran all the way to get 30 yuan, which he couldn't swallow.

"Success, I'll take someone there tomorrow, and let that kid beg me to let him go!"

Early the next morning, Song Renxin went to Lianhua Village with two industrial and commercial officers.

At this time, He Jincheng had just had breakfast and was playing in the yard with Tingting.

On the other side of the medical hall, only Ye Chunlin was arranging the medicinal materials.

Seeing Song Renxin coming again, Ye Chunlin immediately became furious, picked up a stick and rushed out.

"Okay, you bastard, you still dare to come, I really think I dare not beat you, don't you?"

Ye Chunlin held up his stick and waved it threateningly.

"Hehe, I'm standing here, you can try to make one! These two are the county industry and commerce officers, if you dare to touch me, I will immediately let you close the door and send them in one by one!"

Song Renxin had a proud face.

"Bastard, are you here to find fault again? If any of you dare to step into our medical clinic, I will make him look good!"

Although Ye Chunlin was impulsive, he was not stupid.

This Song Renxin brought two civil servants over, apparently to find fault.

So I could only hold back and block the door to prevent these people from entering.

"Comrade, we are acting impartially, please step aside immediately and let us go in and investigate!"

A person took out his work card and said coldly.

"Who knows if you are real or fake, you are really crazy about drinking soy sauce and drinking!"

Ye Chunlin refused to budge, and cursed coldly.

"What do you mean?"

Song Renxin was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what Ye Chunlin meant.

"Look for trouble! If I let you in today, I'm afraid I have to let you find out the problem if there is no problem!"

Ye Chunlin said with a sneer.

Ye Chunlin couldn't guess what Song Renxin was here for today.

It must be because I got angry here yesterday and came here to find fault.

"Okay, you dare to obstruct law enforcement, don't you? I warn you, it's not up to you whether to investigate or not. If you don't get out of the way, I will arrest you first!"

Song Renxin said coldly.

"You dare!"

Ye Chunlin held up a stick and blocked the gate.

"Let them check, I want to see what you can find out!"

At this time, He Jincheng's voice came.

"Brother-in-law, no, this group of people are uneasy and well-intentioned, and something will definitely happen!"

Ye Chunlin knew this well, and said quickly.

"It's okay, we're doing well, we're not afraid to check!"

He Jincheng waved his hand, then walked up to Ye Chunlin and said something in a low voice.

Ye Chunlin's eyes lit up, he nodded slightly, then glared at Song Renxin and the others, then angrily moved out of the way, turned and left.

"You're a smart kid!"

Song Renxin thought He Jincheng was afraid of him, so he said with a smile.

Two industrial and commercial officers walked in. He Jincheng didn't say anything, just sat on a chair in the lobby and watched these people conduct their investigation calmly.

"Medical qualification certificate, business license..."

An officer surnamed Hao asked He Jincheng to produce various documents.

"Aren't they all hanging on the walls, can't you see them?"

He Jincheng said calmly.

Director Hao turned his head and saw that there were various certificates hanging on the wall. When he looked carefully, he was very surprised. These certificates were all real and the dates were quite new.

Unexpectedly, the wild doctor in this village would take the initiative to apply for a certificate, which is surprising.

Officer Hao has also investigated and dealt with many small clinics and clinics, most of which have missing licenses.

He Jincheng's side is different.

"Check their medicinal materials, there must be something wrong!"

Song Renxin said quickly.

Director Hao came to the side of the medicine cabinet and opened them one by one to check.

"This thing, the color has turned black, and there is something wrong with it at first glance! And this, the smell is so pungent, I'm afraid it's not poison, and this, this, this..."

After checking the medicine cabinet, a lot of questions came out.

He Jincheng glanced at it and sneered in his heart.

These people really know how to talk nonsense.

Those are all important, of course there are black and white, and even red and green.

As for the irritating taste, the most important thing is the simmered taste, which is even more irritating. Have you ever heard the principle that good medicine tastes bitter?

People who don't understand Chinese medicine can investigate and deal with Chinese medicine here.

There are many such ridiculous things in this world.

"If you don't know Chinese medicine, there are books on the table, read it for yourself, don't talk nonsense, and make people laugh out loud!"

He Jincheng said lightly.

"What do you mean? Do you think we are enforcing the law maliciously?"

Officer Hao suddenly became unhappy, thinking that this He Jincheng is really not good at all.

When ordinary people encounter this kind of situation, they must nod and bow in various ways, offer cigarettes and tea, be nice to wait on, and say all kinds of good things.

This kid's bones are so hard that he doesn't even bend at all.

"Whether it is malicious or not, I don't know, ignorance without self-knowledge is the most deadly!"

He Jincheng still said calmly.

"Hehe, very good. I now believe that there is something wrong with the medicinal materials of your Huanxin Medical Center, and as the owner of the medical center, you refused to cooperate with our investigation. Now I have the right to issue a notice to you to suspend business and rectify within a time limit!"

As he said that, Director Hao directly took out a handwritten notice, which had already been stamped with a big red seal.

In this way, my medical clinic was destined to suspend business before they came, so I really came prepared!
(End of this chapter)

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