Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 27 Suspension of business, He Jincheng cleverly used public opinion

Chapter 27 Suspension of business, He Jincheng cleverly used public opinion
"Of course, as long as you can be responsible for the decisions you make, I can accept it!"

He Jincheng looked indifferent.

He has seen too many such things of using power for personal gain.

Do what the other party asks you to do, and don't confront them.

As long as you collect the relevant evidence, wait until it is about the same time, and then report it up.

The unlucky one is definitely the other party.

Director Hao was somewhat surprised to see that He Jincheng was so easy to talk to.

He was also thinking about whether this kid would come up with something and secretly stuff something for himself, but he didn't expect He Jincheng to agree directly without any opinion.

"Very well, when it will open, just wait for our notice!"

Director Hao nodded slightly. Since the goal has been achieved, there is no need to stay here anymore.

"Boy, now you know what it means to go against me! If you want to open, then come and beg me. As long as I am happy, I can reopen your clinic with one word."

Song Renxin had a proud expression on his face.

"If you continue to be ignorant of good and evil, then don't even think about opening the door again!"

Today can be regarded as completely out of yesterday's bad breath.

This is the gap. How can a rural doctor compare with our city doctor?

If you are in a low position and don't have a little self-knowledge, it will be even more wasteful.

"You don't have to worry about that, it doesn't matter who has the last laugh, it's better to leave!"

He Jincheng coldly issued the order to evict the guest.

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard, then I'll just wait for you to beg me!"

Song Renxin laughed out loud, thinking that He Jincheng was a joke.

The notice of suspension of business was pasted on the gate of Huanxin Medical Center by Song Renxin himself.

Then they laughed and left.

He Jincheng sneered inwardly as he watched the few people leave.

If such people are not taught a lesson, how many people will be harmed in the future.

So He Jincheng didn't directly conflict with them, but let them be arrogant here. Only when their nonsense is serious enough, can he make them pay a more painful price.

After a while, Ye Chunlin brought several people to the medical clinic.

Everyone was a little surprised when they saw the notice of suspension of business posted on the door.

Ye Chunlin was even more angry.

"Brother-in-law, what's going on, why did you let them go! You even posted this thing for us!"

Saying that, Ye Chunlin wanted to tear off the notice.

"Don't tear it off, just put it on the door. In a few days, someone will tear it up for us!"

He Jincheng stopped him.

With his strength, Song Renxin would not be able to post notices even if he called ten more people.

This is the evidence he left on purpose, so of course it cannot be torn up.

"Doctor He, where did you come from? This is too bullying. Who on our side doesn't know that you have excellent medical skills!"

"Isn't it just looking for trouble? I really don't see how well we farmers are doing!"

"Damn it, I came late, otherwise, I would never let them go back standing up!"

Everyone said angrily.

These people are all young people from various villages that He Jincheng asked Ye Chunlin to call, and they all have seen a doctor at He Jincheng's side.

"Everyone, don't worry. This kind of person is not worthy of our anger. What I want to do is how to punish those bastards who use their power for personal gain! I don't know, are you willing to help me?"

He Jincheng waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and said with a smile.

"Of course I do. Doctor He, whatever you say, we will definitely seek justice for you!"

Everyone agreed.

During this period of time, everyone in He Jincheng saw a doctor, and the fees were very favorable, and even those who had no money were directly free.

Therefore, the villagers in the five or six nearby villages all spoke highly of He Jincheng.

It is said that He Jincheng's prodigal son will not change his money when he returns, and he has started to do good deeds.

Now someone suddenly seized He Jincheng's medical center, isn't that just making life difficult for everyone's health.

"Is such that……"

He Jincheng spoke out his thoughts.

It probably means to let the villagers go back and publicize the seizure of the Huanxin Medical Center to their relatives and friends. The more people who know, the better.

In this way, people in four or five villages may know about it at first, but in two days, people in more than a dozen or even twenty villages may know about it.

It would be even better if it could spread to the town and county.

Everyone didn't know why He Jincheng did this, and they all planned to petition together.

However, since He Jincheng made such an arrangement, everyone followed his plan.

"Thank you for your help. I don't have anything to give you here. Here, I, He Jincheng, promise that all your relatives and friends who come to see a doctor will get a [-]% discount as long as they provide proof!"

Although everyone is willing to help He Jincheng voluntarily, He Jincheng cannot let everyone help for free.

Now I can only make a promise to everyone by seeing a doctor.

"Haha, Doctor He, you are too polite. We are not willing to help with such a trivial matter. Are you still human?"

"Let's go, let's go back now, I still have relatives working in the city, let him help promote it!"

"This time, those who abuse their private power must be punished!"

All the villagers said one after another, and went back full of righteous indignation.

"Brother-in-law, can it really work?"

Ye Chunlin said with some incomprehension.

According to his thinking, the villagers should be gathered together, and then that officer Hao and Song Renxin should be blocked on the road, and a beating would be enough. There is no need for such trouble.

"If you beat someone up, you're letting go of your anger, but in the end, not only will they not be punished, but they can even apply for a job-related injury, and get subsidies or awards. Aren't we doing them a favor?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Ye Chunlin thought for a while, and it seemed that this was really the case, so he didn't say anything more.

Just like that, He Jincheng's clinic was closed.

Taking advantage of this time, I just renovate my own land.

I haven't taken care of my land for many years, and it looks like it has become a wasteland.

It took one day to plow the ground and weed, and the next day I bought some medicinal seedlings and planted them.

In this way, He Jincheng planted all three mu of land with Chinese herbal medicines during the three days of closure.

If this batch of medicinal materials can grow smoothly, they might be able to lead the villagers to plant medicinal herbs in the future, which can make more money than growing food.

But as time passed, soon a small rural medical clinic was embarrassed by the relevant departments of the county and suspended its business, resulting in the news that the farmers were sick and had nowhere to go. People know about it.

At the beginning, everyone wondered why the story of a small rural medical clinic was so widely spread.

Many people were very angry when they heard that He Jincheng, a doctor in the hospital, was very skilled in medicine and charged very low fees.

(End of this chapter)

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