Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 28 Public opinion turmoil, the county hospital fights

Chapter 28 Public opinion turmoil, the county hospital fights
The county newspaper got the news and made an unannounced visit.

Not only Lianhua Village, but also several villages such as Songjia Village and Qianwang Village were investigated.

To their surprise, they met charity entrepreneur Xiao Jingran in Qianwangcun.

At that time, Xiao Jingran was still recuperating in bed. When he heard that the other party was a reporter who came to interview about Huanxin Medical Center, Xiao Jingran, who never liked media reporters, asked for an interview for the first time.

During the interview, Xiao Jingran told the reporter the ins and outs of the whole incident.

After getting the first-hand news, the reporter edited it into a press release as quickly as possible, and published it on the front page of the county newspaper the next day.

On this day, Chen Fasheng came to the office for work normally.

He picked up the morning newspaper that the secretary had prepared on the table, and was ready to read the news and anecdotes of the past few days.

As a result, I saw the relevant reports of Guan Yu Huanxin Medical Center at first glance.

Chen Fasheng is very familiar with Huanxin Medical Clinic, this is the medical clinic he personally confessed to apply for a license!

As a result, it was only a few days before it was blocked.

Especially seeing that the charity entrepreneur Xiao Jingran was also involved in this matter, Chen Fasheng's anger exploded with a bang.

"Asshole, which bastard sealed up the Huanxin Medical Center and asked that person to come and see me immediately!"

Chen Fasheng was furious, and immediately called the secretary to investigate who handled the matter.

Not long after, Officer Hao walked into Chen Fasheng's office trembling.

"Leader, you are looking for me..."

"See for yourself what a good thing you've done!"

Chen Fasheng threw the newspaper on Officer Hao's face and said angrily.

Director Hao quickly opened the newspaper, and saw the news on the front page at first glance.

There are also photos on it, which are the photos of Xiao Jingran and Huanxin Medical Center.

"Leader, is there... is there any problem with this? I went to investigate on purpose. The medicinal materials in this medical center are not up to standard, so..."

"Unqualified? Then why did the philanthropist Xiao Jingran speak for the Huanxin Medical Center? Why did the petition department receive hundreds of petition letters about the Huanxin Medical Center?"

Seeing Officer Hao's attitude, Chen Fasheng became even angrier.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was the leader, he would have stood up and beat people up.

He Jincheng's medical skills, as well as some other leaders, have all been taught personally.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is a genius doctor.

"Ah? How could this happen? This clinic is just a small one in the countryside, so it's impossible to have such a big influence!"

Director Hao was really flustered now.

I thought that there would be nothing wrong with sealing up a small medical clinic.

But who would have thought that even the leader knew about it and was so angry.

"Small medical clinic? Can you seal up the small medical clinic at will? Eat the people's salary, worry about the people's worries, your heart as a farmer's public servant, has your heart been eaten by dogs!"

"Let me tell you the truth, the certificate of He Jincheng's Huanxin Medical Center was issued by me personally, do you still want to seal me up!"

Chen Fasheng almost picked up the ashtray on the table and threw it at Director Hao.

Hearing Chen Fasheng say that the license of Huanxin Medical Center was issued by him himself, Officer Hao's legs gave way and he collapsed to the ground.

Mom, it's over for today.

Sealed up the medical office issued by the leader himself, isn't this courting death?
No wonder Chen Fasheng was so angry.

If others know this, they will say that Chen Fasheng was slapped in the face by his subordinates.

No leader can stand it.

"Leader, I don't know about the leader. I was also confused at the time. The county hospital doctor Song Renxin instigated me to go. Otherwise, how could I have gone to such a remote place as Lianhua Village!"

Officer Hao quickly explained.

"I don't care what your reason is, go to Lianhua Village immediately and ask Doctor He for forgiveness. As long as Doctor He is still angry, you will never come back!"

Chen Fasheng said sharply.

Even without this public opinion turmoil, Chen Fasheng intended to befriend He Jincheng.

Even in his industry, how many people left early due to physical reasons.

If you can make a good relationship with a genius doctor, it will only benefit you and not harm you.

So, no matter what, he wanted to vent his anger on Jincheng.

After Director Hao left, Chen Fasheng thought about it, and then called a friend.

"Brother Mu, I heard that your son is not feeling well recently. The doctor has seen a lot, but it doesn't help. It just so happens that I have a genius doctor here who can recommend it..."


Director Hao walked out of Chen Fasheng's office in a daze.

Who would have imagined that he would cause disturbances all over the city just by sealing up a small medical clinic.

In the past, let alone a small medical clinic, even some large private companies had to give themselves some face.

In this era, the private economy has just started, and many policies have not been perfected.

As an industrial and commercial department, even if he is just a small officer, he is still very popular.

As a result, today he stumbled against a young farmer in the country.

After this incident, I am afraid that my future will be ruined.

"Song Renxin, I'm not finished with you!"

Officer Hao gritted his teeth, said harshly, and rode his bicycle straight to the county hospital.

He didn't dare to hate He Jincheng, he had such a good relationship with Leader Chen, if he still went to trouble him, he would really die without a place to die.

However, Song Renxin, a bastard, he definitely couldn't let go.

If I want to ask He Jincheng for forgiveness, then Song Renxin has to go with him, otherwise, I will fight him hard today.

Soon, Director Hao came to the county hospital.

Song Renxin was flirting with the little nurse in the office, but the door was kicked open by someone, and the two of them stood up in fright, keeping a distance.

"Hey, I thought who it was, Lao Hao, why didn't you call me when you came to see me!"

Seeing that the person who came was Officer Hao, Song Renxin breathed a sigh of relief, and said with some complaints.

"Song Renxin, you bastard, I have been ruined by you!"

Unexpectedly, Director Hao yelled at Song Renxin as soon as he came up, grabbed Song Renxin by the collar, raised his fist and swung at Song Renxin.

With a bang, Song Renxin was punched and fell to the ground, without knowing what happened.

But when he was beaten, how could he just do this in a daze, and immediately scolded and wrestled with Director Hao.

The pretty little nurse screamed and ran out, and soon brought two security guards and pulled them apart.

Fortunately, the two of them were lazy eaters on weekdays, and they lost their strength after two blows. Apart from a few red marks on their faces and torn clothes, they didn't suffer any serious injuries.

Vice-principal Cheng Shi heard that his nephew had been beaten, so he came to inquire about it in person, and brought Song Renxin and Director Hao to his office to inquire about the situation.

(End of this chapter)

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