Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 29 He Jincheng smiled and refused when he came to apologize

Chapter 29 He Jincheng smiled and refused when he came to apologize

When I opened the door, I saw Song Renxin and Officer Hao standing at the door with things in their hands.

"Doctor He, hello!"

When Director Hao saw He Jincheng, he immediately greeted him flatteringly.

Although Song Renxin on the side was a little unwilling, he could only squeeze out a smiling face and called Dr. He.

He Jincheng was overjoyed.

I was still thinking that the other party should come, so this is it.

"Hey, what are you two doing here? I didn't do business privately. If you don't believe me, go and see, I haven't moved the seal!"

He Jincheng said with a sneer.

There is no need to be polite to such a person.

The two were suddenly embarrassed.

A few days ago, he ran over aggressively to seal up his clinic, and now he ran over in a desperate manner to beg him to open it.

Could anything be more humiliating than this?
"Doctor He, don't say anything else. We were bastards before and caused you and your hospital a lot of trouble. We came here today to apologize sincerely. I hope Doctor He will forgive us for our recklessness. We promise we will never Will do it again next time!"

Director Hao was able to bend and stretch, straight to the point, and apologized quite sincerely.

Can you be insincere?The immediate superior personally intervened in the matter, and if he had any crooked thoughts, he would be courting death.

With He Jincheng's forgiveness now, maybe leader Chen can talk it over, and at least he can keep his job.

Song Renxin was furious in his heart. He only felt that the doctor from the dignified county hospital came to apologize to a village doctor in the countryside. How embarrassing it is.

But my uncle let it go, and without He Jincheng's forgiveness, there would be no room for him in the county hospital.

Even now, I have to beg for mercy.

"Doctor He, I was an asshole before, please forgive me."

To be able to say such words, in Song Renxin's view, is already his greatest sincerity.

"You two are joking, you are also enforcing the law impartially. It doesn't matter. As an ordinary person, I will definitely support your work. This medical clinic will continue to be sealed. Anyway, I am not in a hurry. It just so happens that there is still work in the field recently. Do it!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, he didn't seem to be angry at all.

Director Hao felt bitter. He Jincheng said it so politely, but it was not good.

He didn't want to reopen the clinic, because he was still angry, and there was no way to go back and explain it.

"Doctor He, your lord has a lot, so just let us go, we really didn't know that you knew Leader Chen, otherwise, if I had ten courages, I wouldn't dare to trouble you!"

Officer Hao begged bitterly, feeling even more remorseful in his heart.

Song Ren was shocked when he heard the news.

Good guy, no wonder Director Hao, the bastard, went to the hospital to beat him. It turns out that this He Jincheng even knew Leader Chen.

Why didn't he say it before, otherwise, how could he have trouble with He Jincheng.

"Dr. He, everyone is a doctor, and literati look down on each other. Some misunderstandings are inevitable! Let's see what compensation you need. We will definitely meet your requirements. Please hold your hand high and let us go this time." !"

Song Renxin's tone was obviously not as unconvinced as before.

He is not flexible, but bullying.

When I met someone with a stronger background than myself, I was immediately discouraged.

Because he knows very well how easy it is to deal with a person whose background is not as good as his own.

Just like He Jincheng, didn't he easily seal up the medical clinic by himself before?
"Seize it if you want to seal it up, and open it up if you want to open it. It's really a great face for you, but I, He Jincheng, don't want to be manipulated by others! It's getting late, I have to have dinner with my wife and children, you two, please go back!"

He Jincheng chuckled, and closed the door without talking nonsense to the two of them.

If they let them go so easily, no one would dare to step on him in the future.

He Jincheng thinks he is not a good person, especially for those who make trouble for him, he will redouble his revenge.

Director Hao and Song Renxin couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

This situation was expected in advance, and it would be strange if He Jincheng could really let the two of them go easily.

"Old Hao, what should we do now?"

Song Renxin was at a loss.

"What should we do? Keep waiting. If Dr. He doesn't forgive us, just keep waiting! Otherwise, you dare to go back?"

Officer Hao said bitterly.

He wanted to fight Song Renxin again, but even killing Song Renxin now would not help.

The most important thing is to get He Jincheng's forgiveness.


When Ye Qingmeng heard the commotion outside, she came out worried.

"Jincheng, what's the matter? I really want to hear that someone is coming, nothing will happen!"

Before the clinic was closed, Ye Qingmeng knew that He Jincheng must have provoked others.

After hearing He Jincheng's explanation, Ye Qingmeng was also very angry.

But she couldn't help it. After all, neither of them had any background, so they couldn't compete with them at all.

On the contrary, He Jincheng looked relaxed, and comforted Ye Qingmeng, saying that he was definitely fine.

Someone came to the door today, Ye Qingmeng thought it was the other party who came to the door again.

"It doesn't matter, come to apologize, please let me open!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Ah? Please open the business. What's the fuss about them? Didn't they just seal it up for us a few days ago?"

Ye Qingmeng said with some surprise.

This is really a rare thing.

"My trick is what the people want..."

He Jincheng smiled and told Ye Qingmeng what he had done.

After listening, Ye Qingmeng couldn't help laughing.

"I didn't expect you to have a bad stomach, but it's the right thing to do. Those two bastards should be punished!"

Ye Qingmeng said with a smile.

"Hey, my wife still understands me! Let them hang out for two days to see if they are sincerely repentant, let's talk about it then!"

He Jincheng hugged Ye Qingmeng and said with a smile.

"Don't be like this, the child is still here, play hooligans in broad daylight!"

Ye Qingmeng blushed slightly, and said shyly.

He Jincheng's eyes lit up, and he squinted and said, "Why, it can't be done during the day, but can it be done at night?"

Ye Qingmeng accepted He Jincheng before, but since rebirth, the two of them have never been too intimate, let alone slept together.

"Mom and brother are home today, you can sleep in the back room."

Ye Qingmeng's voice was like a mosquito, almost inaudible.

He Jincheng was overjoyed, and kissed Ye Qingmeng's ruddy cheek hard.

After He Jincheng's careful care during this period, Ye Qingmeng has recovered from the severe malnutrition before, and regained her youthful beauty.

Her figure is comparable to that of a supermodel, and even in a skirt with big flowers, she still looks exquisite and exquisite.

Her face was as fair as jade, and with that shy blush, it made people unable to take their eyes off her.

(End of this chapter)

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