Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 30 Happy Entering the Back Room, Song Hao and Two People Guard the Gate

Chapter 30 Happy Entering the Back Room, Song and Hao Guard the Gate
He Jincheng only felt a shock in his spirit, and his whole body became excited.

After so long, my wife finally let me into the house.

Immediately he lifted his foot and was about to walk outside.

"What are you going to do?"

Ye Qingmeng was startled, and asked a little puzzled.

Isn't he happy to let him in?
"I'm going to take a shower, my body stinks!"

He Jincheng said with a smirk, and then hurried out to take a bath.

Ye Qingmeng's pretty face turned red again.

This bastard, I just let him into the house to sleep, and didn't tell him what to do, why did he go to take a bath?

Sure enough, something bad is simmering in my stomach.

He Jincheng took a good bath and felt refreshed.

With a nervous and excited heart, he walked lightly to the door of the back room, and after hesitating for a moment, he even knocked on the door.

"You still knock on the door at your own house, what do you think?"

Ye Qingmeng glanced at He Jincheng with somewhat resentful eyes, and said helplessly.

"Hey, isn't this a bit unaccustomed..."

"Then you continue to sleep outside, I promise not to disturb you!"

Ye Qingmeng was a little angry.

This guy really doesn't know how to be funny, he's still coy at this point.

"That's okay, I'm ready!"

He Jincheng said immediately, slipped in sideways, and ran onto the bed.

"Dad, will you sleep with me and mom today?"

A childish voice sounded, causing He Jincheng's small volcano that was about to erupt immediately to become an extinct volcano.

How could I forget my little princess!
It's a little embarrassing now.

"Tingting, why haven't you slept yet? Do you miss Dad?"

He Jincheng teased Tingting with a smile.

"No, I don't want Dad, Tingting is too hot, so I can't sleep!"

Tingting said very sincerely.

He Jincheng was a little dumbfounded, he was acting affectionate all at once.

But thinking about Tingting's words, He Jincheng also nodded slightly.

This is about to enter the dog days, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter.

Even at night, it was almost impossible to stay in the house.

Tingting is so small, don't get too hot.

It seems that I have to find a way to buy an electric fan back.

"Tingting, good boy, can dad give you an electric fan in a few days?"

He Jincheng rubbed Tingting's little head and said.

"Dad, what is an electric fan, can I eat it?"

Tingting asked with her eyes wide open.

In her world, there are not so many concepts, and she thought that electric fans are delicious.

"It's not delicious, it's something that can send the wind into the house, and then Tingting won't be so hot, okay?"

"Great, Tingting needs an electric fan, Tingting doesn't need to be hot, sweat, or sleepless!"

Tingting jumped up happily when she heard that her father could send the wind into the house.

Ye Qingmeng looked at the father and daughter, and felt warm in his heart.

It's great that He Jincheng really changed his mind.

Tingting has been making noise for a long time, talking about the electric fan non-stop, until late at night, she was really sleepy, and fell asleep lying on the side.

He Jincheng was sleeping outside, gently hugging Ye Qingmeng's waist.

He clearly felt that Ye Qingmeng's body trembled slightly.

"Wife, haven't you slept yet?"

He Jincheng felt that another flame was slowly rising in his body.

"It's too hot, I can't sleep!"

Ye Qingmeng didn't turn her head back, nor did she resist, she just said in a low voice.

"How about we go out and take a shower to cool off?"

He Jincheng said with a smirk.

"Why do you think about these unscrupulous things all day long, I think you are still a dog who can't change what to eat!"

Ye Qingmeng said with some displeasure.

He Jincheng immediately became honest.

Well, to be able to climb into bed and sleep, and still be able to hug my wife, is already a big step forward.

The days are still long, take your time, you can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry.

The next day, He Jincheng woke up refreshed.

After breakfast is ready, I am going to take a walk in the field to see if the medicinal materials planted have germinated.

He chose to grow rhubarb.

In layman's terms, this medicine can be understood as a laxative.

However, when used above the species, it has the effect of purging heat and poison, breaking stagnant stagnation, and promoting blood stasis.

It has been recorded in many medical books, and rhubarb is full of praise.

For example, "The Classic" records that rhubarb can break the accumulation of lumps in the abdomen, keep food and drink, cleanse the intestines and stomach, promote the new, promote water and grain, adjust the food, and calm the five internal organs.

Among them, pushing the old to bring forth the new, and benefiting the water and the valley, these eight characters describe the most exquisite effect of rhubarb in a very delicate and vivid image.

In many cases, rhubarb has an excellent curative effect on some diseases that cannot be solved by western medicine.

However, the rhubarb planting also takes some time.

It is now mid-June, and at least it will have to wait until September and October before it can grow some.

Half-year-old rhubarb has relatively poor efficacy. It is best to use three-year-old rhubarb, and it will be produced in August and September for the best effect.

The reason why He Jincheng chose to plant rhubarb is because the climate in Lianhua Village is more suitable, and the second is because the rhubarb is easier to survive and planting is not so troublesome.

Opening the door, He Jincheng saw that Song Renxin and Officer Hao were still outside.

These two guys were dozing off sitting on a wooden pier not far away.

By the looks of it, he stayed here all night last night.

"My mother, you two are going to die, it's scary to be here in broad daylight!"

Aunt Liu was also preparing to go out with a hoe at the moment. She was really shocked when she saw two people sitting at the door, and couldn't help but curse.

Song Renxin and Officer Hao were woken up by Aunt Liu's scolding, and when they looked up, they saw He Jincheng coming out. Regardless of whether someone scolded them just now, they quickly stood up and walked towards He Jincheng with a flattering expression.


"Honey, you close the door at home, I'll go to the field to have a look!"

Before the two could speak, He Jincheng yelled into the yard.

Ye Qingmeng asked a little puzzled: "What's the matter, why are you holding the door against the door in broad daylight?"

Before He Jincheng went out, he would never do this.

"There are outsiders in the village, I'm afraid our house will lose something, you listen to me, close the door, don't come out, wait for me to come back at noon to cook!"

He Jincheng said loudly on purpose.

Song Renxin and Officer Hao blushed when they heard that, they wished they could find a crack in the ground and get in.

What is this, the two of us, how are we like thieves?

"Doctor He..."

Officer Hao bit the bullet and stepped forward, wanting to talk to He Jincheng again.

"Hey, it's really hot today, don't let my rhubarb die of drought, I need to water it!"

As if he didn't see the two of them, He Jincheng stretched and walked towards the field behind his house.

Officer Hao and Song Renxin looked at each other, and could only follow in mourning.

(End of this chapter)

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